Flowers trees shrubs. Fruit trees and shrubs for the garden plot

The controversy surrounding the digging of the tree trunk of fruit trees has been, is and will continue for a very long time, probably, as long as the gardens exist. There are quite a few options for maintaining the tree trunk circle of the fruit tree, here there is a black steam (digging), and sowing, and mulching, and each of these activities has both advantages and disadvantages. Digging the soil in the stalk zone and mulching can be combined, including also irrigation and fertilizer application.

Palm trees are not accidentally won the leadership among the room giant. Beautiful, strict and elegant at the same time, they bring clean lines to the houses and a tropical mood for decades. And although the affiliation of plants to palm trees is determined at first glance, the palm family is far from uniform. And first of all - in their demands and capriciousness. Among the indoor palms there are both unpretentious and species, the cultivation of which is only possible for the elect.

Tomatoes in their own juice for the winter with bell peppers - delicious tomatoes  for winter. These blanks do not fall into the category of “everything is piled up in a jar, filled with marinade,” no — you will have to tinker. But, as they say, the devil is not so terrible as he is painted. First, the skin of ripe tomatoes is removed easily. Secondly, the blender turns tomatoes into mashed potatoes in a matter of seconds. Thirdly, it is better to spend 15 minutes to sterilize blanks than the same 15 minutes to go to the store.

The time has long passed when the daylilies in every city courtyard and garden looked the same. Today, a variety of delicious beauty can rip even with tulips. And new varieties appear almost every day. Extravagant or touching modern daylilies have made a leap forward and firmly entrenched in the lists of favorite perennials. And even the most fanciful and rare varieties still match his reputation for unpretentious culture.

Planting garlic before winter is a responsible event, then you need to choose the right one. planting material, correctly determine the timing of planting, know the details and rules, nuances and features. Let me begin with such nuances. Garlic has two different forms: one is referred to as non-strelka, the second is shooted. What is an arrow? The simplest is the flower stalk. Arrow forms only winter garlic, that is, the one that we sow in the autumn.

Zucchini lecho for the winter with peppers, tomatoes and onions is another way to preserve the harvest of vegetables and replenish stocks of delicious vegetable stew. Ragu is similar in taste to traditional lecho, pieces bell pepper  Replace gentle zucchini. When you open the jar, the smell spreads incredibly seductive. I advise you to use a container with a capacity from 500 to 800 g for the preparation of salads - it is convenient to sterilize and open canned food is not necessary to store.

Transplantation is necessary for everyone sooner or later. indoor plants. But in the case of room sized ones, it is not carried out as long as it is possible, since this is not an easy task. And rarely any adult plants need an annual transplant. In the years when the transplant is not performed, it is recommended to perform a mandatory procedure - partial replacement of the soil. Topsoil is replaced and for hygiene purposes, and to maintain the normal state of the substrate.

Cucumbers marinated for the winter, crunchy, in jars of garlic, onions and chili - another simple way to prepare savory vegetables for the winter. There are many recipes for pickles and marinades, even very many. In this recipe there is a zest, which is intended for lovers of spicy food: add a pinch of cayenne pepper to the marinade, and a green chilli pod to the vegetables. Such cucumbers, may the ladies forgive me, will please the strong half of humanity - an amazing cold snack.

The vast majority of gardeners, especially gardeners, after the end of the picking season, forget about their shrubs until next spring and, at best, feed them after the snow melts with a handful of nitroammophos or weed, removing rapidly growing wheat grass. This fate befalls black currant. Although outwardly culture seems to be a healthy and strong shrub, it also requires care and attention. And especially in the autumn, when there is a long winter ahead.

Hydrangeas - bushes are not only fashionable, but also irreplaceable. They are used in urban gardening, and in private gardens, paying tribute to the bright foliage, pastel colors of inflorescence caps and stable decoration. Most often, hydrangeas are planted in groups or singly, mixing with other bushes and trees. Meanwhile, perennials will be able to make this garden princess company, with which you can create colorful, stylish and expressive combinations.

Lentil cutlets with chanterelles - a delicious, original hot dish that can be served for dinner with a side dish of mashed potatoes and a thick white sauce. If you want to surprise guests and home, cook these tender burgers. You can replace chanterelles with champignons, because not every month you will meet forest gold in the forest or on the market. I cooked cutlets from Canadian green lentils, she cooks for about half an hour. Regular lentils need to soak in advance.

In the current season, alas, there is no record apple harvest: a rainy and rather cool summer prevented it, which looked like a mixture of autumn and spring. But still, there is a harvest, it is tangible, and if we don’t want the apples harvested to spoil in a couple of weeks, they must be properly preserved. It is said that with proper storage an apple can lie for several years, retaining its varietal qualities and properties, but why should we wait so long to taste it ?!

One of the most original types of room ferns blehnum is considered to be one of the most capricious. Its thermophilicity and humidity requirements have turned this relict plant into a true legend. Blehnum or derbyanka in the room - the fern is not for everyone, but it is amazingly beautiful. Quite large sizes and vaii leaves that remotely resemble palm-trees will easily eclipse any other ornamental-deciduous plant in your interior.

Zucchini fritters with cheese and garlic - a tasty dish worthy of a Sunday breakfast, especially during the harvest season. Fritters are a useful thing, they cannot be prepared for the future, but it is possible to completely eliminate part of the harvest. A family of three people takes one medium-sized vegetable weighing up to 1 kilogram minus cleaning. From this amount you get an impressive mouth-watering slice of pancakes, which famously leaves with sour cream for watching the Sunday morning program.

Mixed rabatki and narrow flower beds along the long paths and walls in fashion today. And although it is the most colorful, but it is not the only design option for colorful vegetable frames of various functional purposes. Sometimes it is not advisable to break even the smallest rabatka about half a meter wide, the design requires greater rigor and "subtlety" of the plant line. The narrow and neat curb from one plant is the most obvious, but the only way.

Shrubs for the garden, decorative, photo

Shrubs for the garden are divided into three groups. Beautiful flowering - will serve as a magnificent decoration at the time of their flowering, decorative and deciduous - will please with unusual colors of foliage until late autumn, and evergreens - will come to the fore in the time of withering other plantations.

Ornamental flowering shrubs

Beautiful flowering ornamental shrubs for the garden, are characterized by beauty during the flowering period and an amazing aroma. We chose the most unpretentious of them, and suitable for cultivation in central Russia and in the suburbs.

Lilac (lat. Syringa)

Perhaps the most common plant of gardens and front gardens, is also actively used in urban gardening. Frost-resistant unpretentious shrub up to 4 meters. In modern breeding there are compact varieties that are ideal for growing in small garden areas and decorating the local area: India, Agnes Smith, Eleanor.

When planting it is better to choose an open sunny place. To the composition of the soil lilac is not demanding, but does not like wetlands. Care is to remove the shoots and cut faded inflorescences. It blooms in May and June.

Spiraea (lat.Spiraea)

Popular shrub with many varietal variations. From one spiraea it is quite possible to make a flower bed, varying low-growing varieties with large ones. A photo of a blooming garden of spirea shows how a fairly large plot can be decorated with plants of one species.

Unpretentious shrub, frost-resistant, practically not subject to diseases. It grows in full sun and in partial shade. Care is a periodic formative pruning.

Chubushnik, or garden jasmine (Latin Philadelphus)

Shrub up to 3 meters high, with small carved leaves on thin branches. In addition to green, there are also golden and variegated varieties of Chubushnik. Flowering time depends on the variety, from the beginning of June to the end of summer. The flowers have a pleasant strong aroma, for which the bush and got its second name "garden jasmine." The main condition for abundant flowering is a sunny landing site.

Caring for the chubushnika is not difficult, it consists in sanitary pruning and simple dressing: it is enough to feed the plant with slurry 1-2 times (1:10), and after flowering pour it with ash water (1 cup of ash per 10 liters of water).

Decorative leafy shrubs for the garden

This group includes shrubs that do not lose their decorative qualities throughout the summer period due to their beautiful foliage.

Barberry (lat. Berberis)

Picking up bushes for the garden, pay attention to the barberry with foliage of green, red, yellow flowers. There are also variegated forms. Plant height varies depending on the variety: from 40 cm - barberry Bogatel (Latin Bagatelle), up to 3 m - ordinary barberry (Latin Berberis vulgaris).

Suitable for hedges, tolerates a haircut, not picky about the soil and watering. Prefers sunny places, but tolerates partial shade. Frost-resistant

Derain white (lat. Cornus alba)

Elegant shrub with reddish branches, studded with leaves of yellow and green flowers with a beautiful, framing border. It grows fast and fills empty spaces.

Annual pruning of shoots helps to maintain the desired shape. Derain can grow in partial shade, to the composition of the soil is not demanding, tolerates stagnant moisture and drought. The ideal plant for a "lazy" garden. It blossoms with white corymbose inflorescences, in place of which berries are formed by autumn.

Caloniferous bladder (lat. Physocarpus opulifolius)

Beautiful shrubwhose varieties are divided into red-leaf and yellow-leaf. It grows quickly, for the season the increase can be 30-40 cm in height and width. It tolerates a haircut.

The bright color of the foliage may darken due to lack of sun, so for planting it is better to choose an open sunny place. The composition of the soil is not demanding, but does not make lime in its composition. Frost-resistant It may be affected by powdery mildew under thickened planting and lack of pruning.

Evergreen Shrubs

Shrubs, not shed their leaves for the winter, help to fill the space and preserve the decorativeness of the garden when the rest of the plants are resting. The most common of these are juniper, thuja, honeysuckle.

Juniper (Latin Juniperus)

Graceful coniferous plant, decorative at all times of the year. Depending on the variety, it can be in the form of a neat candle or a tattered bush, there are also horizontal and ground cover forms. The needles are green or bluish, short and sharp.

Juniper can be trimmed, and creeping forms can be planted at the foot of tall trees. It prefers sunny places or partial shade. When planting, it is advisable to immediately prepare an earthy mixture of peat, leaf earth, sand and loam. Next, junipers can not be fertilized, but reduce care to the trim for the winter of high species and shelter from burning out the needles in early spring.

Thuja (lat.Thuja)

Thuja is a shrub of the cypress family. The needles do not consist of needles, like those of other coniferous plants, but of scales closely adjacent to each other. In central Russia, the western thuja is most common because it tolerates frost well.

Prefers partial shade, poorly transfers drafts and needs constant watering. In winter, to preserve the shape and branches of the shrub, it is recommended to wear a fabric cover (cover).

Honeysuckle shiny (lat. Lonicera nitida)

Shrub up to 2 meters tall with small leathery oval-shaped leaves.

It prefers a light shading, it does not require the composition of the earth: it grows well on loamy and sandy soils. It is frost-resistant, well is suitable for a green hedge.


Many shrubs do not need painstaking care, grow and decorate the site without human intervention. By combining species and varieties, you can lay a garden "for the lazy" - a place where it is pleasant to come to rest and admire the plantings, and not to work.

The list of shrubs is replenished, with yoshta, dogwood and perennial fruiting vines.

But if more recently gardeners middle band  and more northern areas were forced to be content with a very modest list of fruit crops, but today the situation is radically changing.

Nurseries for a long time and successfully offer fruit trees and shrubs for Moscow region, not previously available in the Non-Black Earth Region. The boundaries of the spread of southern cultures seriously moved to the north, not only because of climate change, but also due to the directional work of breeders.

It is precisely this lure that inexperienced gardeners come across who want, by all means, to get a “paradise garden” in a limited area. You can understand them! But it is not enough to purchase seedlings, it is important to plant them competently and grow them, taking into account all the demands of plants and the characteristics of the territory.

Rules for the placement of fruit trees and shrubs in the garden

Young saplings planted in the garden year after year grow. After a few years, when it is time for fruiting, the crowns grow by 1.5–2 meters. And mature trees take up even more space.

It is not enough to choose the most winter-hardy, high-yielding varieties, it is necessary to accurately plan the future orchard.

It is better to do this on a sheet of paper, based on measurements of the distances from the landing zone to the nearest buildings, roads, fences of neighboring possessions. When planting fruit trees and shrubs in the garden plot, one must take into account not only the aesthetic preferences of the owner, but also the mandatory norms. They regulate the distance from large plants to residential and farm buildings, transport routes, communications, and passing between the land survey lines.

For example, from an apple tree or pear to a residential building or a garage should be at least 3.5–4 meters. This distance is due to the safety of the structure and the need for constant care for a large garden crop. For shrubs, the distance is smaller and is one and a half meters, which makes it possible:

  • carry out maintenance of walls, windows and other structures and communications without hindrance;
  • do not be afraid of excessive moisture with close contact with vegetation;
  • take care of fruit and berry crops, harvest, trim and transplant them.

In addition to the mandatory restrictions dictated by common sense and safety, there are other rules that should be considered when planning a fruit garden.

It is extremely important to adhere to the distances between the seedlings in the rows, as well as take into account the limiting period of cultivation of a particular crop in one place.

Useful and harmful neighborhood of fruit trees and shrubs in the garden plot

Of considerable importance for the future of planting is the knowledge of the needs of individual plant species and their features:

  1. Some cultures prefer to grow in the sun, others easily adapt to the shade.
  2. For part of the fruit trees and shrubs in the garden area, an open, windy place will be suitable, while another will have to find shelter.
  3. The demands of plants for fertility and watering vary.

It is unlikely that in a limited area of ​​the plot it will turn out to please all the requests of green pets. Inevitably, in a small dacha garden, some shrubs are under the canopy of growing trees. So that this neighborhood does not affect the yield, the meta for planting shade-loving fruit trees and shrubs in the garden is determined in advance.

These crops include black currant, honeysuckle, undersized, berry bushesFor example, cranberries, blueberries and lingonberries. If the shady corner of the garden is well ventilated, viburnum will live well here. In the partial shade grow blackberries and raspberries.

Gardeners have long noticed that even in comfortable conditions garden plants sometimes they refuse to bear fruit at full strength, look depressed and grow poorly. It turns out that the reason for this behavior is an incorrectly chosen neighborhood. As in nature, in orchard  trees, shrubs and grassy cultures form close communities. The above options for a successful and dangerous neighborhood of fruit trees and shrubs in the table will help create the best conditions for each species and get the most out of it.

It is possible to arrange the planting so that closely related plants are nearby. Such a solution would be extremely useful, for example, for cherries and petioles, many of which are self-productive, and they need a pollinator to get a crop. A similar pattern is observed when growing sea buckthorn. True, there is necessarily one male bush for several female plants.

In addition, for sea buckthorn, readily propagated by root layering, blackberries and raspberries, it is better to find a place away from the rest of the garden plantations, otherwise powerful shoots of these crops in a year will master half of the garden.

Fruit trees and berry bushes - video

Laying out a new garden is an extremely important matter. Here it is necessary to take into account many factors, ranging from the preferred varieties of fruit trees and ending with comfortable accommodation on the site.

Some trees and shrubs create a bad company for each other, so this should also be considered when choosing the right options. Key recommendations and tips experienced gardeners  given in our article.

The first thing you need to pay attention to is the available space for the formation of the garden. Every tree and shrub needs some free space. If it is also planned to grow vegetables and other crops on the site, it is desirable to first delineate the location of future beds or greenhouses.

Trees are best planted after shrubs, for which the falling shadow does not create many problems. The minimum distance between the trees is 4.5 - 5 meters. For shrubs, this value will be in the region of 1.5 - 2 meters. From nearby buildings and structures it is also necessary to withstand at least 3-4 meters in order to root system  did not damage the foundation.

Among shade-tolerant crops, the following types are noted:

  • Apple tree.
  • Barberry.
  • Viburnum.
  • Dogwood.
  • Hazel
  • Elderberry black.
  • Raspberries.
  • Blackberry.
  • Honeysuckle.
  • Gooseberry.
  • Currant.
  • Rosehip

It is also not necessary to experiment with heat-loving cultures in the conditions of the middle zone or Siberia. The harvest on such plants simply will not have time to ripen and therefore such cultivation will not bring a positive result. In a cooler climate, you must choose early varietiesas well as specially adapted local varieties.

Planting incompatible crops in close proximity to each other would also be a bad decision. How to determine such options? The following information will help.

In the video - fruitful berry trees  and shrubs:

What plants can be planted next

The compatibility of plants is an important factor on which possible failures in breeding depend. There is a kind of classification, according to which some types of trees can not get along in close proximity to each other. The most undesired neighbor turned out to be a walnut, which does not match any tree or shrub in companions.

Its dense crown closes the sunlight, and a powerful root system prevents the production of the necessary substances. In addition, the leaves contain a large amount of tannins, therefore, make the soil around unsuitable for growing other plants. Minimum distance from walnut  for other plantations - 18 meters, so you should think twice before planting it on your site. A few similar examples are given below.

On the video - fruit trees and shrubs for the garden:

What crops it is undesirable to plant next:

  • Apricot badly gets on with cherry, a peach and sweet cherry.
  • Next to cherry plum can not be planted pear, apple and cherry.
  • Cherries do not like close neighborhood with pear and apricot,
  • If you decide to plant hawthorn, you should not have it near the cherry.
  • Pear very capriciously reacts to cherry plum, barberry, cherry, raspberry, plum and sweet cherry.
  • Peach tree can not plan near cherries, pears, apples and cherries.
  • Plum also does not like the neighborhood with a cherry, pear and cherry.
  • Apple tree does not react very well to the proximity of apricot, barberry, cherry and raspberry.
  • Raspberries, in turn, also do not tolerate pear and apple trees nearby.

Usually, most shrubs and trees get along well with each other, if the required distance is consistently true. From this rule there are exceptions, which are given earlier. However, to ensure a comfortable growth of garden crops near, you can use another classification, which determines the most suitable plants to each other.

On the video - varieties of fruit trees and shrubs:

What crops can be grown side by side:

  • Cherry grows willingly near the apple tree.
  • Barberry and plum - great neighbors.
  • Pear and apple trees get along together perfectly.
  • Plum also "delighted" close proximity to the apple tree.
  • The following crops will have an ideal union with an apple tree: quinces, pears, plums and most coniferous species.

In addition, two of the same type of tree different varieties  blend well together, so monosads are so popular. For sea buckthorn, it is desirable to plant several plants at once - pollinators, as well as for some other crops: currants, raspberries and cornels.

To create the perfect garden is not necessary to call the landscape designer. Observing simple rules for a comfortable location of garden crops, and focusing on the preferences of plants for light, you can easily plan the site yourself. For clarity, it is desirable to use a paper seating plan, on which you first need to mention all the buildings and the general nuances of the area. Simple techniques and basic information about the possible location of popular cultures is given in our article.

Trees of various species are fertile materials for decoration of garden and park areas. They serve as a magnificent natural frame, dominant of the whole plant composition. They are planted singly and in groups in the central part and along the borders of the garden or lawn. Trees are used as a universal background for low decorative garden elements. In the shade of the trees creates its own microclimate. Even if the tree grows singly, the temperature under the crown will be lower than in open areas. As a rule, owners of country residences begin landscaping with tree planting for this very reason.

Popular tree species for landscape design

The use of the most visible objects of wildlife in the arrangement of the territory is subject to special rules and laws:

Special place on garden plots  given fruit deciduous trees. At first glance, their priority quality is utility. But designers profitable use periods of flowering, fruit ripening, focus on the original trimmed crown. Properly “presented” fruit trees are organic in any landscape design. Especially when it comes to herbal composition in a picturesque Japanese or country style.

The presence of fruit trees on the site suggests the organization of a special system of irrigation and fertilization of the soil. In order not to complicate the task, usually for such plants allocate a separate section. In such conditions, and harvest is more convenient.

Trees - living sculptures

Sculptures from trees or bushes - topiary (topiary) - were created in ancient Greece and Egypt. Today this type of landscape art is experiencing a new round of extraordinary popularity. Skillfully cutting off the crowns of trees, the designers create from them sculptures of animals (often mythical), people that form recognizable or abstract three-dimensional figures. If earlier such decorations were mainly an attribute of a regular style, today, topiary is used even for decorating small areas and flowerbeds.

Fertile "material" for living sculptures - fir, linden, spruce, thuja, maple. In order to be able to start creating compositions, it is necessary that the plants reach a certain height and volume. And this is at least 2-3 years after landing. But for the sake of a unique spectacle, it’s worth the wait.

How to choose trees for landscape compositions

The main criterion for the purchase of seedlings for the site is their compliance with the overall design problem. This means that not only the attractiveness of the plant is important, but also other indicators:

It is worth noting that, than decorative plantThe weaker it is. For practical reasons, experts advise using different trees for landscape design. In this case, the chances of keeping the plants healthy increase. Usually a certain type of tree suffers from diseases or the invasion of harmful insects. If there are several representatives of the “risk group” in the garden, the scale of the trouble expands considerably. In order for tree treatment services not to become a regular procedure in your garden, it is advised to think in advance about the correct selection of plants. In addition to gardening, we also provide consulting services. Call!

Planting krupnomerov fruit trees

In order for a new garden plot to become what any owner wants to see, you need to wait at least several years, or even decades. This is

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