What is the moon in september by day

What is the phase of the moon, lunar day, visibility, sunrise and sunset of the moon, the moon in zodiac, the growing or decreasing moon you can look at this page. And also the characteristic lunar day, favorable period  and recommendations for September 14, 2017. The phases of the moon for the entire month are presented in the lunar calendar for September 2017. As well as a lunar day 09/14/2017 or on any other date.

Latitude: 55.75, Longitude: 37.62 Time zone: Europe / Moscow (UTC + 03: 00) Calculation of the moon phase on 01/09/2017 (12:00) To calculate the phase of the moon for your city, register or login.

Characteristics of the moon on September 14, 2017

On the date 14.09.2017   at 12:00   The moon is in phase "Waning moon". it 24 lunar day  in the lunar calendar. Moon in zodiac sign Cancer. Light percentage  The moon is 38%. Sunrise  Moon at 23:45, and sunset  at 15:36.

Chronology of lunar days

  • 24 lunar day from 22:49 09/13/2017 to 23:45 09/14/2017
  • 25 lunar day from 23:45 09/14/2017 and until the next day

The influence of the moon September 14, 2017

Moon in zodiac sign Cancer (±)

Moon in the sign Crayfish. Time of unhurried stability. Ideal for well-established activities of enterprises engaged in monotonous production. Just as good things are going, associated with antiques and jurisprudence. The trial you initiated at this time should end most profitably for you.

Care should be taken to lending and lending money. There is a chance that it will take a very long time to wait for their return. Since emotional sensitivity is increased at this time, it should be more tactful and attentive to close people, this will only benefit you.

Auto-training, meditation practices and the development of extrasensory sensitivity are useful for the development of spiritual forces. To avoid unpleasant consequences, careful handling of metal objects and fire is required.

24 lunar days (±)

September 14, 2017 at 12:00 - 24 lunar day. Neutral and relatively passive day. Try to build relationships with other people without brute force, not conflict. It is best not to start anything new, but to continue the work already begun. The day is good for conception, treatment and prevention of health.

Waning Moon (+)

The moon is in phase Waning moon. The fourth lunar phase is the last phase of the lunar month. The period of the fourth quarter, which ends the new moon. Slowness, gentleness, a certain lethargy are characteristic of this period. This time is rather passive.

Forces and energy at this time is rapidly declining. In consequence of this in the fourth moon phase  recommended to finish the case, as well as manage the current. Fresh thoughts and ideas should be postponed to the beginning of the next lunar month. The optimal time to take stock.

In the fourth lunar phase, the total activity decreases. During this period, it is advisable to reduce physical and mental stress. It is recommended to avoid conflicts, both in business and personal relationships. A typical increase in the likelihood of quarrels and partings.

People in this period are extremely sensitive, impressionable, and to a large extent prone to insults. This state is reflected in the business. Therefore, in the business sphere, it is desirable to suspend significant meetings until the next phase of the lunar month.

Effect of the day of the week (+)

Day of the week - thursdayThis day is under the auspices of Jupiter, the king of all gods. On Thursday the intuition becomes aggravated, it allows to distinguish allies from enemies. The energy of this day gives glory, honor, success in society. On Thursday, everything works out; you just need to believe in yourself, that everything will work out. But if there is no such confidence, it is better to postpone the matter until later.

On this day, contacts with the authorities succeed, negotiations are successful. And the fact that things will develop successfully, will tell your heart. It will also help solve your amorous affairs.

The phase of the moon and the lunar day for today

Lunar Navigation

Other lunar calendars on September 14, 2017

  • Lunar haircut calendar for September 14, 2017 you can see on page

The lunar horoscope - the calendar for today gives the definition of favorable or adverse days  depending on what is the lunar day, what is the position of the moon in a certain zodiac constellation and what is the phase of the moon. Astrological forecast for today for each sign of the zodiac will help to predict unforeseen events and to avoid trouble.

Moon in Leo

Under the sign of Leo, the lunar calendar promises success in matters that require energy. If you organize cultural event or corporate party, it will bring success! The moon in Leo is a favorable time for rallying the team, forging business contacts. The lunar horoscope for today promises a strong craving for rest and entertainment. On this day, entertainment will make a profit. Some people have a tendency to excitement and adventurism, it is these features inherent in the representatives of the sign "Leo".

If in front of you are waiting for financial affairs associated with high costs, it is recommended to carefully consider them and postpone until better times. It is not advisable to draw up contracts related to real estate.

Lunar day today

26th lunar day

Today one should isolate oneself from any important matters and activities. Life energy is very vulnerable and it is important to save it.

You can devote yourself to spiritual practices and starvation. This will help to gain a more sober outlook on life.

Sleep has no emotional load.. If you see something bad, then you can completely relax. Negative events will not find a place in real life.

This indicator is approximate . The exact value of the beginning and end of the lunar day, for regions in different time zones, differ significantly. What today is a lunar day for each city in your time zone, you need to find out online in the section. To do this, just need to choose city ​​name and fill in time, date, month and year.

The waning moon - the phase of the moon on this day

The coming phase of the moon today is the waning moon. The period is characterized by slowness and passivity. One should not expect him to be quick and quick decision-making. This is the latest phase, which leads to a sharp reduction in activity.

During this period, one should sum up the results of previously started cases or keep them leisurely to continue. You should not start the implementation of new ideas, it is better to postpone such matters for a more appropriate time.

As for health, lunar day  Today have to reduce any type of training. This also applies to the mental state. Dull your emotions and avoid verbal exchanges with people as much as possible. Conflicts can lead to intractable consequences.

It should be remembered that the emotional background directly depends on what today is a lunar day. The current period disposes you to take all the problems and joys too close to your heart. Try to pay attention to this and control your feelings.

Moon horoscope Saturday

Saturday is influenced by Saturn. The planet has a strong potential, it carries the energy of new knowledge, is in charge of work and learning. Saturday will be suitable for those who have outstanding cases from the previous week.
  Lunar horoscope today foreshadows the emergence of forces to solve complex problems. In the first half, you can "unravel the knots tied", in the second you can do the things that you put off for the coming week.
  Writing reports and business plans will be fruitful. Business meetings can be held on this day, it is not recommended to postpone them on Sunday.

Sleep from Friday to Saturday  can also find a use in reality. The abundance of happy events and pleasant impressions donated by Morpheus, speaks of receiving a lot of positive emotions in the coming days. Often, visions on this night characterize the events of the near future, not only for the dreamer himself, but also for his close friends or family members.
  The moon also assumes the likelihood of dreaming, depending on which lunar day you had a dream.

Astrological forecast for September 16

You so want everything at once! Understandable desire, but today, have patience and get ready for the fact that you have to work hard, show restraint. Take your time otherwise make serious mistakes.

You have planned too much to date. It will not be possible to cope with them, and the results of your efforts will be deplorable. To avoid this useless trawl, tune in to the gradual resolution of problems. Step by step, without panicking, you will approach the cherished goal.

Today, you can be drawn into an adventure or scandalous showdowns. Do not rush to agree to participate in questionable events, run by people you are not familiar with. If you want to relax, visit trusted friends, or sit at home.

Representatives of this sign today will feel that they have passed some important stage in their fate. It's time to sum up, draw conclusions, think about the future. And do not be afraid of the unknown, the unknown, what awaits tomorrow. Just believe in luck and count on your own strength.

The irony and skepticism today is just bursting with you. One would like to show off wit and ridicule some unworthy person. But look narrowly - very few people are touched and amused by your jokes and eloquence. Do not you go too far, and just crotch and gossiping?

You are tired and have experienced a difficult period. Find an opportunity for a time out in business today. Spend the day enjoying nature, solitude or the company of loved ones.

An extraordinary day. You can hit a big score, for example, by winning the lottery, or in the casino. But if you are far from such adventures, it is better to stop in time and don’t waste money. Measure seven times before signing an important contract or investing a large amount of money somewhere.

Do not sit alone today. Gather guests. They amuse, entertain you. But if the company is too noisy and the duties of a hospitable host, then invite only the closest girlfriend (friend), with whom you can just gossip.

From the morning it will be tempting to spend a certain amount. You should not struggle with this desire, allow yourself a little more than usual, even a little bit. But remember to stop on time!

Not satisfied with the current state of affairs, and you want to make adjustments to their plans? Do not rush, and do not rush into the pool with his head, trying by all means to radically change the situation. Suffer, soon something new will certainly come into your life. But it is still unknown whether it will please you.

Horoscope warns that today you expect surprises and disappointments. It would seem that you are almost there, but someone has shamelessly appropriated your merits and achievements. In no case do not give up, and chase away the impostor!

Sleep from Tuesday to Wednesday (2017-10-18)

Sleep from Tuesday to Wednesday is full of activity and an abundance of various subjects. Find the only correct semantic thread in this chaos is almost impossible.

11 lunar day

11 lunar day - an unfavorable period for new projects and solving important issues. It is suitable for the end of the already started cases. Today, the results of the work done since the beginning of the lunar month appear. On this day, it is allowed to change the occupation. It is better not to carry out cash operations. it favorable time  for uncomplicated household chores. Neutral period for communication. On this day, it is recommended to go on business trips, long trips.

Waxing Moon (Phase 2)

The second phase of the moon is a favorable period for the commencement of new affairs, the resolution of complex issues, the conduct of business negotiations and the conclusion of transactions. It is desirable to implement the plans before the transition of the moon to the third phase. This is a good time for meeting people, moving to a new level of relations with a loved one, and communicating with family. In communication, you need to control your emotions.

Moon in capricorn

The moon in Capricorn is a favorable time for new beginnings and the continuation of current tasks with a high level of responsibility. These days it is good to put in order the working affairs and to plan the activity for the nearest period. It is undesirable to communicate with the authorities and move to a new place of work. Not recommended to do household chores. it optimal time  for shopping, planning income and expenses. Not the best time for dating, new acquaintances, chat with friends. Inappropriate period for travel.


Friday is not best time  for new beginnings. This is an auspicious day for working in a team, communicating with superiors, changing the type of activity. Do not bother yourself during this period of household chores. It is recommended to take time for yourself and loved ones.

The lunar calendar for September 1, 2017 informs about lunar days, the phase of the moon, the position of the moon relative to the zodiac constellations on that day. It indicates the time of sunrise and sunset of the moon, the degree of its visibility. It contains the lunar horoscope on September 1, taking into account the influence of the lunar day, the phase of the moon, the position of the moon in the sign of the zodiac and the day of the week.

Lunar horoscope - the calendar for today gives the definition of favorable or unfavorable days depending on what is the lunar day, what is the position of the moon in a certain zodiac constellation and what is the phase of the moon. Astrological forecast for today for each sign of the zodiac will help to predict unforeseen events and to avoid trouble

Moon in Virgo

Characteristic of Virgo zodiac sign

This period lunar calendar  favorable for hard work. Financial affairs may not bring the desired success. On this day, you can carry out any operations that will be associated with real estate. Lunar horoscope for today promises successful purchases, success will bring activities related to mediation. Moon in Virgo sign foreshadows luck in learning.

Lunar day today

29th lunar day

Crisis of vital energy. There is a risk of developing depression and apathy. It is important to isolate yourself from any evil thoughts that can tarnish your mood. It must be remembered that people are masters of their emotions and maximally set themselves up in a positive direction.

Communication with one person whom you trust the most will affect well.

The dream seen this night has no meaning. Most likely, you do not even remember him in the morning. It is not necessary to attach great importance to pictures, even if you remember that some important events occurred in the dream. Most likely, this is just a reflection of your experiences.

This indicator is approximate . The exact value of the beginning and end of the lunar day, for regions in different time zones, differ significantly. What today is a lunar day for each city in your time zone, you need to find out online in the section. To do this, just need to choose city ​​name and fill in time, date, month and year.

The waning moon - the phase of the moon on this day

The coming phase of the moon today is the waning moon. The period is characterized by slowness and passivity. One should not expect him to be quick and quick decision-making. This is the latest phase, which leads to a sharp reduction in activity.

During this period, one should sum up the results of previously started cases or keep them leisurely to continue. You should not start the implementation of new ideas, it is better to postpone such matters for a more appropriate time.

As for health, the lunar day today has to reduce any type of training. This also applies to the mental state. Dull your emotions and avoid verbal exchanges with people as much as possible. Conflicts can lead to intractable consequences.

It should be remembered that the emotional background directly depends on what today is a lunar day. The current period disposes you to take all the problems and joys too close to your heart. Try to pay attention to this and control your feelings.

Moon Horoscope Tuesday

Tuesday will be rich and lucky. This day patronizes Mars, which has colossal energy. If you are an active, purposeful person, on Tuesday you are lucky. Lunar horoscope today promises successful fruitful activity.
  It will be difficult for some people to concentrate, to solve a problem you have to choose the right option. To come to a decision, consider everything to the smallest detail.
  Tuesday is suitable for sports and work on household plot: the energy you spend will quickly recover. If you are engaged in intellectual work, it is recommended to make a small discharge.

Dreamed sleep from monday to tuesday  expresses the creativity of the dreamer. As a rule, he is bright and emotional. Here it is worth paying attention to the omens, which the dream wanted to convey. If the night has caused you a lot of pleasant impressions, then today you can safely begin to implement new ideas, actively get to work. If you woke up with an unpleasant residue on your soul, then it is undesirable to take on new undertakings. To see victory in a dream that night is considered a prophetic omen. The implementation of such scenes occurs over the next ten days. If more time has passed, then you should not wait for the embodiment.
  The moon also assumes the likelihood of dreaming, depending on which lunar day you had a dream.

Astrological forecast for September 19

Find a way to gently stop the attempts of those who are interested in your plans and are asking too many questions. Let your behavior and ideas remain secret from such “caring” citizens.

Today, we want so much to accomplish the feat, to do something unusual, not even completely legal. Stars suggest that you can take a risk, but do not forget that everything must first be carefully calculated, thought out. Then it will cause the greatest effect and will not cause you physical or material damage.

You will feel overwhelmed by persecution and suspicion. This happens, but do not forget that the prejudice against people can offend or humiliate them. So, try not to dismantle your fears and concerns.

There are no barriers for you today, and you can easily cope with any problem. There are no obstacles in your way? Look for better and find at least one obstacle, which will begin to storm with joy and enthusiasm.

Before dinner, you will gather with the spirit and strength, and then roll up your sleeves and cheerfully embark on a job. And she will entice you so much that she will not be able to stop until the very late evening. That is what enthusiasm and inspiration mean!

This is a happy day, for those who have long set a goal, but understand that it is not achievable without compromise. So today you get what you want without casualties, losses and other unpleasant conditions. Moreover, you will have the full right to be proud of your achievements.

Today, it will affect you either the weather, or the accumulated fatigue and tension. In a word, you break the firewood, and only then realize that you made a lot of mistakes and mistakes. To avoid them, try not to take on important matters.

Your motto for today is “Measure seven times, cut once”. Try to show restraint, caution, otherwise you will not be able to complete an important project for you, to make an exact decision.

If today you will be called unbeliever by Thomas, do not be offended, but rather remember that this hero of the New Testament wanted to see everything with his own eyes. So you need to do now and you, do not take anyone’s word for it, do not make hasty conclusions only on the basis of the opinions of others.

You will find yourself in the epicenter of a variety of events. Will you be their active participant? It all depends on your desire. If you want, you will get one of the "main roles", if not, you will remain a "spectator".

Do not strain, do not be zealous, because nothing good will come of today. Although your stormy, but useless activity from the outside looks funny and funny. Do not be offended if someone is amused by your business look.

It is a pity that you have one head and only two arms and legs each, because you have planned such a mass of things for which you will need at least three times as many limbs. However, calling for the help of relatives, you will cope with all the tasks.

Sleep from Tuesday to Wednesday (2017-10-18)

Sleep from Tuesday to Wednesday is full of activity and an abundance of various subjects. Find the only correct semantic thread in this chaos is almost impossible.

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