Lunar calendar grower for January. Lunar calendar grower for planting flowers

Upon reaching the goals, the lunar calendar comes to help us for planting flower seeds for seedlings in 2017. He will help plan crops in advance, thus distributing time and money.

If you put the seed in a humid environment (soak) in not favorable time, and we don’t get the desired effect. The starting point (awakening) should fall at the most favorable time, and how this will be done is already secondary.

Landing time

Planting flower seeds for seedlings in 2017 according to the lunar calendar begins no earlier than February and only if you have the opportunity to increase daylight hours with your shoots. If this is not possible, set aside crops until the day length increases.

We want our flower gardens, flowerbeds, and the whole manor to be in flowers with the arrival of the first warm days. However, this is only possible when planting already flowering seedlings. And in order to prepare it for flowering time is needed.

Sowing in February

The first seeds are sown for those flowers in which the period from the moment of emergence to flowering exceeds 90-100 days.

It is also necessary to give time for shoots. It can vary from 10 to 30 days. Therefore, in order to achieve flowering in late May, early June, a network of flowers for seedlings is needed in February.

Favorable days for planting flower seedlings in 2017 in February are: 3, 4, 8, 21, 22 and 28.

These days it is possible to sow the seeds of lavender, salvia, petunias, lobelia, balsam, gaillardia, begonias, pelargonium, verbena, primroses, gatsania, Shabo carnations. You can also sow viola to make it bloom this year.

March crops

The most productive month for planting flowers for seedlings is, of course, March. It is this month that the most basic crops are sown. The most favorable this month will be 3, 4, 13, 14, 20, 26, as well as March 30 and 31.

This month you can sow ageratum, aster, godetion, petunia, leftist, snapdragon, purslane, fragrant tobacco, celosia, zinnia, echinacea.

April crops

Flowers, seeds of which are sown in April can be grown without diving. In the southern regions, they are sown directly in open ground, but in the colder you need shelter.

This month you can sow sweet peas, iberis, marigolds, fragrant tobacco, aster, ageratum,

May crops

It is already possible to sow flower seeds in May right in the open ground. As the seeds grow, the threat of recurrent frosts will pass. Having chosen the correct interval between seeds during sowing, the need for picking and transplanting may not even arise.

The most appropriate days of May fall on 2, 3, 4, 5, 19, 20 and 23.

This month you can sow aster, then it will bloom by September 1, marigolds, ageratum, alissum, iberis, gulfs, sweet peas, lobularia, nasturtium. All these flowers will not bloom as early as in seedling cultivation, but they will save you from the need to mess with the seedlings.

June - July crops

The end of June and the beginning of July, this is the time when sowing seeds of biennial flowers are carried out on seedlings. Sown in the summer, by the fall they will have time to get stronger, transplanted to permanent place  in a flower bed, overwinter, and in spring next year  will delight their bloom.

These colors include: stock-rose (mallow), viola (pansy), forget-me-nots, daisies, Turkish carnation, bells.

Transplantation in open ground

Terms of planting seedlings of flowers in open ground fall at the end of May. If you make a transfer on May 19, 20, 23, as well as on May 27, 28, then your flower garden will not suffer from frost, and will absorb all the powers of the night light.

Having already prepared seedlings, knowing its quantity, you can easily decide on a planting scheme. Of course, it is advisable to transplant flowers according to the lunar calendar. However, spring time is very valuable and very expensive. For a short period of time, it is necessary to have time to tidy up the estate, sow and plant a vegetable garden, improve the garden, and the April-May holidays take time. Therefore, if the flowers are in the seedlings, and it is not great, then with its planting in the open ground, you can wait, preferring the more necessary cases.

However, if the seedlings outgrow, the base of the shoot becomes dense, and the leaves begin to age rapidly - it is impossible to delay, it is necessary to transplant.

It is also convenient to grow seedlings because with its help you can insure the whole flower garden. Having adhered to it, looking at flower plantings, which are already with perennial flowers and seedlings of annuals, it becomes clear where you can “attach” the seedlings of one or another plant.

Sowing flower seeds for seedlings, especially if you are doing this for the first time, it is necessary to label. At the time of sowing, we remember well the date and what exactly we sow. However, the containers may be the same, but the multitude of crops cannot be remembered, therefore labels are a prerequisite.

The world of flowers, this is a real fairy tale that cheers us up, excites incredible feelings. Flowers firmly entered our lives, occupying a certain niche in it, joy, beauty, tranquility and comfort. Maybe that's why the hostess - flower girls, lovers of luxurious flower beds, so in a hurry to begin the annual sacred action - planting seeds?

Experienced housewives will certainly take into account Moon calendar  for planting flower seeds for seedlings in 2017 and take advantage of all of its recommendations. Young plants, planted painlessly in the soil, will delight everyone with early flowering, thanking them for their concern for them. Particularly recommended small-seeded flowers and those that have a long term germination. This ensures a positive result: they bloom much earlier.

  We live in a world that exists, given the movement of the Moon and the Sun. The lunar calendar will help even inexperienced hostesses to choose the best time for planting seedlings, following the recommendations of astrologers.

  Flower seeds offer us many outlets, shops, kiosks. They can also be purchased in the markets, and from the hands of private traders. Professional growers know where and what seeds to buy to get good germination and lush flowering.
A few tips for young, inexperienced lovers of flowers who plan to see on their site a variety and fragrant specimens:

  • first, decide for yourself what types and varieties of flowers you want to acquire;
  • study the literature that tells you all the methods of care for the selected species;
  • buy seeds only in stores that have a certificate for products;
  • check the integrity of the bag and the expiration date of the seed.

How to prepare the land and containers for planting seeds

Planting soil, you must prepare more from the autumn warm pores. A prerequisite for the quality of the soil is its screening and roasting. This procedure should be carried out in parts. As your conditions allow for this work. Capacities for seeding seeds can be prepared different, given the volume of your plantings: from small plastic cups, flower pots, other small options, to large containers. Prepared material set aside in a secluded place, it will be ready for spring work. Just do not forget after new Year's holidays  put it all in the heat.

Now you only wish you success. Start landing, guided by our calendar.

Landing in January

  This month, it is recommended to plant flower seeds that have a long germination period.
  The very first to plant a carnation shabo and tuberous begonia, they will bloom in June - July. Seeds that need to undergo stratification (treatment with minus temperature) are also sown and taken out in the cold. These are the seeds of the priolomnik, primroses, irises, akvilegii, princes, clematis, rutovnik, bath, gentian, zheffersonii, arizema.

Favorable days:

  • January 14, engaged in perennials, they need stratification. Capacity covered with snow in the garden or placed in the cold for a month, while constantly moistening the soil;
  • January 22 is a great time for annuals.

What flowers to sow in January (video)

Landing in February

  This is the term when it is still possible to sow long sprouting specimens: Levkoy, Turkish carnation, Kermek, Passiflora, Coleus, Pelargonium, Salvia, Lobelia, Daisy, Fragrant Tobacco, etc. At the end of the month, sow marigolds, gazania and nemesia. Sow flowers for hanging pots: petunia and vervain.

Favorable days:

  • 6 - plant annuals;
  • 9 - take care of the seeds with a long vegetation of germination, it is: lobelia, brachycomy, vervain, left;
  • February 18 - time to plant and other blooming;
  • February 22 is another suitable day for sowing seeds.

What flowers to sow in February (video)

Landing in March

  Wise people have long noticed that the March sun is shining, but not warm.

Therefore, we will continue to sow those flowers whose planting time is favorable in March.

In the first half of the month, you can do pelargonium, coleus, kufey. It is also possible to plant seeds of lobularia, mattiola, bluebells, carnations, annual phlox and others.
  After the middle we plant seeds of annuals: asters, Drummond's phlox, Penstemons, celosia, alissum, helihrizum, ageratum, venidium, arctotis.

Favorable days:

  • 12-14, 22, 23 March. Plant flowers these days, they will delight your eyes with wonderful flowering.

What flowers to sow in March (video)

Landing in April

  You can sow: perennial delphinium, vatochnik, booklet, graceful zinnia, daisy, tritom berry, Suvorov limonium, ipomeyu, calendula, annual dahlia, scabiosa, marigold, basilica, gatsanyu and others, identical in sowing time, specimens. It is possible to sow: Astra annual, Vendium.

Terms of sowing seeds and planting seedlings in 2017.

Our ancestors believed that the moon had a huge impact on all plants on earth, so they tried to sow and plant seedlings on certain days. For example, they believed that root crops could be planted in the ground only on a waning moon. And crops like cucumbers, tomatoes, bell peppers, eggplants and zucchini are best planted in the period when it grows.

The most interesting thing is that scientists also claim that this celestial body is capable of influencing plants, therefore, they also advise gardeners and gardeners to plant and plant seedlings on favorable days.

Lunar calendar of sowing seeds and planting seedlings of tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, cabbage, flowers for 2017: table

Planting table on the lunar calendar

Lunar calendar gardener and grower for 2017

For many gardeners, the struggle for the next harvest begins in January. After all, if they plan to plant tomatoes or peppers in a greenhouse in late February, then they need to grow seedlings as early as possible, and this should be done taking into account the phases of the moon. It is believed that sowing plants in the ground during the new moon and full moon is strictly prohibited.

This can lead to the fact that the seeds simply do not germinate or the grown seedlings will not be very good quality. Also worth remembering that you can not sow the culture in the period when the moon enters the constellation of Aquarius. In this case, there is a possibility that the plants will be very sick. Therefore, before planning the sowing of seeds, be sure to indicate whether this day is unfavorable.

In 2017, eclipses will take place on the following days:

  • 11 February
  • February 26
  • August 7
  • August 21

Lunar calendar of sowing seeds and planting seedlings for January 2017: favorable days

Calendar of sowing seeds and planting seedlings for January 2017

In January, absolutely all gardeners and gardeners start preparing for sowing seeds into the soil. To do this, they disinfect the tanks where they will be planted, as well as warm up and moisturize the soil. All these processes should be given special attention, because if you lower the shift into poorly prepared soil, you can hardly get good harvest.

But remember, the first two days of January are unsuitable for laying seeds into the soil. Since the moon will be in the constellation Aquarius on the 1 and 2 numbers, it will have a negative impact on all crops and in the future it will certainly affect the harvest. But from January 4, the moon will begin to move into the constellation of Aries, and you can quite comfortably start sowing seeds.

Lunar calendar of sowing seeds and planting seedlings for February 2017: favorable days

Lunar calendar of sowing seeds and planting seedlings for February 2017

In February, gardeners continue to prepare for the future harvest. Unlike the previous month, this should pay particular attention to seeds. Since the seedlings grown in this month you have to plant not in the greenhouse, but directly in the ground, then it must be prepared for all the stresses that it will be. In order for it to stand enduring temperature jumps, the change of future plants are first quenched and then decontaminated.

After these two processes, they must be dried and only after that it will be possible to sow them into the ground. In principle, almost the whole of February you can sow the seeds for seedlings, the exception will be the end of the month when the moon re-enters the constellation of Aquarius. Therefore, if you want to avoid any problems, then simply do not plan on planting crops for the period from February 23 to 26.

  years: favorable days

Lunar calendar of sowing seeds and planting seedlings for March 2017

March is hot at times for all gardeners. This month it will be necessary to sow the seeds of late crops, as well as pick out all those that have already grown. In the first half of March, it is best to engage in just sowing. Since from 1 to the 14th the moon will grow all the time, all the plants that you put in the soil during this period in the future will give a very good harvest.

In the second half of March, it is best to start planting garden flowers. Moreover, the seedlings can be grown for both annual and perennial crops. Concerning not auspicious daysthen in March they will be four. These days, it is not recommended to engage in planting, planting in greenhouses, or diving. These days are March 8, 9, 23, 24.

Lunar calendar of sowing seeds and planting seedlings for April 2017: favorable days

Lunar calendar of sowing seeds and planting seedlings for March 2017

April is an ideal time for planting vegetable crops in the ground, as well as for sowing seeds for seedlings. It’s true that you only need to sow this month early varieties  gestation period, which is not more than 70 days. Of course, you can try to grow late cultures, but there is a possibility that their fruits simply will not have time to ripen. In March, the moon will be in Aquarius only on the 20th, but this does not mean that you will not be able to do gardening only during this period.

This month the days when the moon enters the constellation of Lviv will also be considered unfavorable, so if possible, try not to plan any works also on the 5th and 6th. And, of course, do not forget about the full moon, it will come on April 11th. These days you can only deal with digging up the soil, fertilizing it and disinfecting it. All other work transfer to a more favorable time.

Lunar calendar of sowing seeds and planting seedlings for May 2017: favorable days

In May, the planting of healthy seedlings in the ground to a permanent place begins. This is done in stages, so that in the future the crop will ripen at different times. As a rule, the landing of all plants is carried out on a growing moon. This period will last from May 1 to 11. True experienced gardeners in addition to the phases of the moon must also take into account the weather conditions. Therefore, if they see that the soil is warming a little, then they try to cover all cultures with film overnight.

The only unfavorable day of May will be the 16th. On this day, the moon will enter the constellation of Aquarius, and thus will make all the plants planted on this day, fruitless. Therefore, it will be better if on May 16 you will be engaged in, for example, feeding of already planted crops or just weeding the beds.

Lunar calendar of sowing seeds and planting seedlings for June 2017: favorable days

Lunar calendar of sowing seeds and planting seedlings for June

In June, it is still possible to continue planting seedlings in open ground and sowing early soil vegetable crops. Due to the fact that during this period there are no frosts on the ground, you no longer need to cover the plants with film. Your main task will be timely watering and soil tillage. June is considered the most optimal period for planting garden flowers in the ground. If you looked after them correctly, then by this time they had developed quite a good one. root system, which will allow them to quickly settle down on a new place.

Therefore, select the favorable days of the month and begin to transplant grown seedlings in the garden. The optimal period for this will be the first and last decade of the month, just as at that time the moon will grow. Therefore, if you want your plants to give a good harvest, then plant them in the soil from 1 to 7 and from 20 to 30.

Lunar calendar of sowing seeds and planting seedlings on July 2017: favorable days

Lunar calendar of sowing seeds and planting seedlings in July

In July, the most diligent gardeners are already beginning to harvest the first crop of vegetables. As a rule, by this time tomatoes, cucumbers and cabbage are already fruitful. But still this month you can sow some seeds into the ground. In case you live in the region with mild climate, then you can calmly grow the seedlings for another crop. True, in the fall you will have to take care of the plastic coating, but still your work will be rewarded with homemade vegetables until the first frost.

Sowing and planting plants, too, must be strictly on the lunar calendar. Unfavorable days  this month will be considered the 9th and 23rd number. At this time, the moon will be in transition, and therefore will not be able to have a beneficial effect on vegetable and horticultural crops.

Lunar calendar of sowing seeds and planting seedlings for August 2017: favorable days

Lunar calendar of sowing seeds and planting seedlings for August 2017

Although August in the calendar of gardeners and gardeners is considered the month of harvesting and planting flowers and berry crops, people who have greenhouses can still continue to sow seeds for seedlings. Of course, growing plants in the autumn period is quite a laborious task, but still, if you do everything right, then on the New Year's table you will have home cucumbers, tomatoes and peppers. As for flowers, during this period it is impossible to plant roses and peonies.

All other garden crops with proper care can please you with their appearance until the first frost. In August, there will be two favorable periods for planting and planting. The first will begin on the 1st of the day and end on 6. Then the moon will go down all the time. But starting from August 22, it will begin to grow again and until the last day of the month you will be able to plant vegetables and horticultural crops.

Lunar calendar of sowing seeds and planting seedlings for September 2017: favorable days

Lunar calendar of sowing seeds and planting seedlings in September

In principle, September is practically no different from its predecessor in August. You can continue to continue planting seedlings of some plants, but you need to sow them in the smallest quantity possible. Since there is very little time left before the start of frosts on the ground, it is likely that you will have to plant a garden on the windowsill from the grown seedlings. Also September is considered the most optimal time  for planting in the ground biennial and perennial garden plants.

According to experienced gardeners, flowers planted this month, as a rule, have time to root well before frost, and this gives them the opportunity to survive the cold winter without any problems. As for the favorable days of September, there will be plenty of them this month. The moon will grow from September 21 to 31, which means that this decade of the month will be the most favorable for planting and transplanting plants.

Lunar calendar of sowing seeds and planting seedlings for October 2017: favorable days

Lunar calendar of sowing seeds and planting seedlings in October

In principle, October is the month when there are no more plants to sow and plant any plants on the garden. Since this month the earth is already coming, they will not be able to ascend normally anyway. But still, if you plan to make a winter garden on the balcony or on the windowsill, then try to grow seeds for seedlings in plastic cups or in a special container. Immediately after sowing, containers with future seedlings are best placed in such a way that the moonlight falls on them.

This will contribute to the growth of vegetable crops and, most importantly, to be healthy. And to make it so, be sure to follow the rules of landing on the lunar calendar. The most favorable period  for this will be the last decade of the month. It is from the 20th that the moon will begin to grow, thereby creating favorable conditions for sowing and transplanting vegetable crops.

Lunar calendar of sowing seeds and planting seedlings for November 2017: favorable days

Lunar calendar of sowing seeds and planting seedlings for November

November is the last month of the year, when you can do podzimny planting of vegetables and horticultural crops in the garden. If you have time to put the seeds in the soil before the onset of severe frosts, then literally at the end of March you will already have quite a large seedling. But what is even more pleasant, it will also be less painful.

But in order for the seeds to survive the winter safely, you will need to create special protection for them. To do this, you will have to cover the entire bed with polyethylene, and then sprinkle it with dry leaves or grass. Auspicious days  for this there will be a period when the moon will grow. It will do it from November 1 to 3, and from November 23 to 30.

Lunar calendar of sowing seeds and planting seedlings for December 2017: favorable days

Lunar calendar of sowing seeds and planting seedlings for December

December is not suitable for planting and planting seeds as grown seedlings simply will not be planted. Therefore, it will be better if this month you will be engaged in disinfecting containers in which you subsequently sow vegetable crops or hardening seeds. If you live in a favorable climate, then you can try to grow seedlings of some garden flowers.

It can be planted in the ground at the beginning of March and literally in a month you can enjoy the beautiful flowering garden. If you want your flowers to grow healthy, then sow the seedlings from which they will be grown, during the growth of the moon. It will grow from December 23 to December 31.

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