What to do in the full moon to change life. What not to do in the full moon. Very useful information

Full moon, as you know, has a rather dismal reputation, bringing different troubles. You, probably, noticed that people become more nervous, irritated under the influence of the full moon. Often, during this period, the current working environment is disturbed. If on ordinary days colleagues could quite calmly discuss rather controversial issues, now with the onset of the full moon even simple situations often result in serious conflicts.

Of course, this is not the most best timein order to carry out volitional decisions and put pressure on colleagues or subordinates with an unstable emotional and psychological state. Let the full moon end. For the signing of business contracts, the start of a new full moon business is also a short time.

Did you pay attention to the full moon events? Police officers, firefighters and ambulance services in one voice declare that they have the hottest time.

Studies show that the general emotional background rises and this in turn is the cause of violent reactions in many people. It is during the full moon period that the monthly peak of conflict, accidents, fights, suicide attempts and murders falls.

In other words, our emotions go out of control and overwhelm us, knocking out the usual measured life. How to survive this time with minimal losses? Try to observe yourself, your emotions and understand how seriously the full moon has on you. It is possible that you are one of the few who remain imperturbable regardless of the phases of the moon and the time of year.

But, if such calm is not your strong trait, then we suggest using our advice:

1. Try to control your emotions, knowing the approach of the full moon.

2. Do not let others drag you into arguments and conflicts.

3. Remember that alcohol and drugs are not helpful to you in this situation.

4. Do not clarify relationships with loved ones, even if it seems to you that this needs to be done urgently and immediately. Let the full moon end.

5. It is very useful to show tolerance and mercy towards those who have really serious problems. Perhaps your help can have a beneficial effect not only on those to whom it is directed, but also on yourself.

6. If you are in for an operation, then it is better to wait for the new moon, since there is a danger of increased bleeding under the influence of the full moon.

8. In the period of the full moon, the level of susceptibility and sensitivity of not only the nervous system, but also the whole body increases. There is the possibility of allergic manifestations.

9. The best time for fasting with the purpose of losing weight, because due to the increased ability to absorb, absorb our body, without getting nutrition, can burn more calories at this moment.

10. In the full moon, seeds germinate better and produce good harvest. This is also the best time to harvest grapes for winemaking. . Another positive moment of the full moon. At this time, the catch of mollusks and crabs always increases.

11. Leaders and leaders of all levels are advised not to make fateful decisions and not to issue ill-considered decrees so as not to provoke serious conflicts.

12. No need to tune in to the negative on the eve of the next full moon. It is not necessary that trouble will overwhelm you every time.

13. If everyone around you becomes, as it seems to you, completely unbearable in your irritation and nervousness, retire yourself, take some pacification, listen to pleasant music, watch a good movie (better comedy), stay in nature.

14. Think (only calmly) that in fact the full moon is not the greatest threat to this world. There are a lot of other, really serious problems, but we continue to live, love and hope for the best.

The full moon is a mystical day in terms of energy. At full moon, the moon stops growing, it goes to a decrease. Such a period of immobility is marked by sacred energies. Therefore, since ancient times, all peoples and cultures took the day of the full moon very seriously: on this day they always adhered to special rules of behavior and conducted Rituals in the full moon.

The moon is the patroness of women. Therefore, the full moon since ancient times was considered the day of the feminine energies. On this day, women have a unique opportunity to recharge themselves with the power of the moon for a whole month, to turn to her for advice, help. For this you need to carry out rituals in the full moon.

The full moon is the highest point of the power of the moon. Therefore, on this day, the Moon also awakens aggression, nervousness, apathy in people. Often, in the full moon, people get sick, feel bad, trouble happens. Therefore, before conducting the Rituals in the full moon, read the rules of "what you can and can not do on this day."

What not to do in the full moon?

  1. Starting important things, signing documents, getting a new job.
  2. Make major purchases
  3. Move, make repairs.
  4. It is not advisable to seek medical help on this day.
  5. You can not get a haircut, do cosmetic procedures.
  6. Make important decisions, especially those related to change. All decisions on this day will be wrong and deceptive.
  7. Go on a journey or continue it.
  8. Drink, smoke, eat a lot, overeat and
  9. Having sex (in the full moon, this leads to severe exhaustion and loss of strength, which then will have to be restored for a long time).

What can and should be done in the full moon?

1) Meditate;

2) To conduct rituals;

3) Tune in to calm, comprehend, balance your thoughts and actions.

It is very favorable to carry out the Rituals in the full moon.

Any ritual is a meaningful, meditative action. So, you not only balance yourself, which is very good on such a day, but also appeal to the power of nature, that is, you interact with the energies of the Universe.

It is especially effective to carry out the Full Moon Rituals.

The moon helps to quickly get rid of all unnecessary, and attract the desired. therefore, below I cite the Ritual for purification and the Ritual for the attraction of Love.

At full moon, the water reaches its maximum strength. Therefore, in antiquity at full moon bathed in water. It is very beneficial to carry out rituals in the full moon associated with water. Then you will get more strength and energy. Therefore, below are 3 such rituals.

Full Moon Rituals: Aura Cleansing Ritual

This is a very effective ritual that helps to clear your aura (energy field), your thoughts, your body from the negative. And he will charge you with lunar energy and strength.

Take a vessel and fill it with clean water. It is very favorable to pour water into a silver container. If you do not have one, then take a crystal vessel (at least any other), pour water and throw a silver coin to the bottom.

For the ritual to work in full force, the coin must be made of real silver. If you do not have such a coin, you can put a silver spoon or some kind of silver item into the jar.

Place a container of water in such a way that direct moonlight falls on it. The vessel with water should stand for several hours.

Then put a container of water in front of you and put your hands on it.

You need to imagine how the energy of the moon enters your palm and then goes through the body.

Then say the call to the moon:

“Silver light of the moon, giving strength and purity! Clean me up. ”

Then scoop water from the vessel and soak the 7 chakras on your body.

When put your hands in the water, feel how a powerful energy flow enters into you, and everything that has become obsolete, which you had to cleanse and get rid of, goes into the water ... And then say the following words:

« The moon, the mother of the night, the queen in the black sky, bless me and direct my thoughts to the good channel. ”

Then, touching the selected points on the body with your hand and feeling a surge of lunar force, turn to the Moon, call upon her, ask her for help:

"Mother Moon, strengthen my spirit, fill me with the power of creation, cleanse me from all that is unworthy of your children."

Speak this appeal to the moon with each touch of the energy points on the body. At the conclusion of the ritual, scoop up some water and say:

  "I am pure and perfect, like a baby at the beginning of my path. Thank you, Luna. Come with me, help keep my soul pure in the silver of your light."

Full moon rituals: ritual of feminine strength and beauty

This ritual will help women take the power of the moon, recharge their batteries and strengthen their inner and outeryu beauty! With constant performance, this ritual grants the woman wisdom, harmony with the feminine energies, subtle intuition and beauty.

At full moon, prepare a bathroom for yourself. The water in the bathroom should be partially cool.

Then take the crystal container and scoop water from the bathroom. Next, place this vessel with water so that direct moonlight falls on it. It is advisable to do it on the street. If you put the vessel on the balcony or window, then open the window: it is important that the moon directly charges the water.

Let the water stand for at least 15 minutes. It is possible more.

When water is charged with moonlight, pour it back into the bath.

Now add milk (about a cup), 3 drops of white wine and a little lemon juice to the bath (just squeeze a few drops from the lemon). Light a white candle. It is also very good to light an aroma stick made of sandalwood. If not, add sandalwood oil to the bath.

Immerse yourself in the bath. With pleasure and pleasure, feel how the energy of the Moon enters into you, fills you with feminine strength, wisdom.

Feel and enjoy the process.

After the ritual, it is advisable to go to bed.

Full moon rituals: love attraction ritual

This ritual will help to attract a loved one into your life. This is a ritual exclusively for women.

As I already wrote, very favorable rituals in the full moon associated with water. In this ritual involved the power of water, visualization and concentration of your intentions. Therefore, if you spend it consciously, with a pure heart, it gives a good result.

Buy soap bubbles. You can make them yourself. And before you go outside (to the balcony), you need to charge soap bubbles (water) to your desire.

Stay at home or on the street so that when you read affirmations, the light of the moon falls on the liquid for soap bubbles. You can even pour it into some convenient vessel, read the affirmations, then pour it back into a container for soap bubbles.

So, think in advance about the lover you are dreaming about. Then take a soap bubble in your hand and read it out loud several times with expression and force:

Happy, mutual love easily comes into my life. I enjoy the feeling of Love with my partner. Our Love is beautiful, pure, filled with Divine light.

If you want to get married, then read affirmations for marriage.

Then take the soap bubbles and go outside and blow bubbles! Do it joyfully! It is very important to experience love and joy in this ritual.

When you blow bubbles, get up so that the light of the Moon falls on you!

As soon as you manage to make a big and beautiful soap bubble that does not burst, but starts to fly, then mentally place yourself and your lover in this bubble. Imagine how you smile, hold hands, kiss. When the bubble is out of your sight, just thank the moon for mutual love.

In the full phase of the moon, many people experience tremendous emotional stress, an irresistible attraction to the opposite sex and a thirst for activity. Such a strong impact of the earth satellite on the human nervous system gives rise to a number of acute situations, therefore, we next consider what cannot be done in the full moon.

How a full moon affects a person

With the light of the full Moon on Earth, a series of unusual phenomena related to human behavior occurs. The number of crimes, quarrels and fights sharply increases, people more often come into conflict and get into traffic accidents. The number of suicides is increasing, and the ambulance rushes to the sick, caught off guard by a nervous breakdown or a sudden exacerbation of chronic diseases. It is in this phase of the earth satellite that strong love bonds are destroyed overnight and new ones arise, brilliant works of art are created and great things are done.

These phenomena are directly related to changes in the physical and emotional states of a person under the influence of the full moon, namely:

  • increased anxiety, anxiety and fear;
  • causeless melancholy, sadness and despair;
  • excessive irritability, uncontrolled bouts of rage and anger;
  • strengthening s * xual attraction to the opposite sex, exacerbation of all feelings and emotional lift.

The state of the nervous system is the main, but not the only sign of how a full moon affects a person. This phase of the Earth satellite slows down metabolic processes in the human body, worsens the state of the cardiovascular system and causes an exacerbation of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Given the strong influence of the lunar phases on the emotional stability of a person, during the full moon it is necessary to carefully monitor their behavior and abandon certain actions and activities.

What should be abandoned in the full moon

In order to minimize the influence of a celestial satellite and save oneself from the undesirable effects of emotional outbursts, some rules should be followed.

You should not solve important issues related to work and career. All requests for a new position or salary increase will remain unanswered or cause anger management.

You should not make decisions on important issues or start serious projects, it is better to postpone it for a couple of days.

However, it is time for representatives of creative professions to create masterpieces, sharpened feelings to the limit, will prompt you exactly what to do. In the full moon, unprecedented inspiration will help find the right solution and successfully complete the creative process.

Give up on purchases and investments during this period, as the risk of buying an unnecessary item or making the wrong choice is high. Do not assign surgery to this lunar phase, any intervention may be accompanied by severe bleeding and a long period of rehabilitation.

Even those who are not affected by the full moon should not drink alcohol or psyche medications at this time. This can lead to poisoning and nervous breakdowns.

The time of the full moon is a mystical and treacherous period, be sure to monitor your condition and fix possible deviations from the norm. Based on these observations, you will be able to understand what is possible and what cannot be done in the full moon.

Full Moon and New Moon in 2017

The most ambiguous phase of the moon is the full moon. At this time, someone actively goes crazy, screams, falls into hysterics and tries to unconsciously destroy everything that was created with great difficulty. And someone is experiencing a surge of strength, a surge of inspiration and optimism.

Someone complains of insomnia, and someone is happy from the fact that you do not want to sleep, that you can create, without being distracted from high for low-lying needs. True, sometimes the refrigerator for them becomes another source of energy, and often by the end of the night it turns out to be empty ... In any case, the Full Moon strengthens the emotional background, susceptibility and pathologies, the difference is in how someone treats this. A full moon affects both people and animals, and even plants. Moreover, in the full moon, the sign in which it is found strengthens all its good and bad sides, all states, especially the border ones, are aggravated. Here's how to take advantage of this lunar phase, and how not to become a hostage of its negative impact, we'll talk today.

A full moon is a time of global accomplishments, so if something is up, then only for a long, very long term. If you do not have global plans, then limit yourself to everyday work that is not associated with strong internal stress.
If you have been planning world domination for a long time, then it is better to start capturing the universe (albeit your own, personal) precisely in the full moon - the chances of winning increase many times over. During this lunar period, your outstanding abilities are perceived hypertrophied, and you have the opportunity to carry along a crowd of adepts who, being at the peak of emotional excitability, will follow you to the end of the world to build an empire there. If you are going to advertise yourself or a new product, then it is worth launching a commercial in full moon too - this will give the best result, again, because of the susceptibility of the target audience.

In the full moon, it is best to schedule briefings, conferences, presentations, especially if you are going to talk about something new: innovations, discoveries, represent a new model of a car, phone, computer or new candidate anywhere.
In the full moon, there is a close contact between the user and his computer, whatever the user does. But the highest result is obtained if you create something - a website, flash animation, a masterpiece in Photoshop, texts for filling the portal, or even just write poetry.

In general, everything related to creativity, with a full moon, goes off with a bang. If you are writing a book, it suddenly acquires a new meaning, if you write a picture, your inner vision opens in you, and you suddenly see clearly where to put the stroke, so that the picture comes to life, to play. We can say that moonlight is woven into any work of art, into any creative act, giving its mystery and wisdom.

If you are an avid fisherman, then go fishing at full moon - under the influence of the moon, the fish, as it were, flood the fish ashore, and it readily bites even on an empty hook. But it is better to feed.

In the full moon it is good to garden and garden, as well as floristics - plant, but not replant, cut, but not cut, make bouquets, but do not plant plants. That is, something cardinal you can do without fear, and the intermediate stages are better left to other phases of the moon. Also in the full moon it is good to collect medicinal, medicinal herbs, and inflorescences - juices in this period rise up, reach the highest concentration, therefore the use of such herbs will be most effective. But it is better not to touch the roots of the type of ginseng and mandrake during the full moon - there is little power in them, you will only ruin the plant in vain.

On this mysterious night, when the full disk of the Moon cheekily peeps through your window, it's good to have sex - emotional and sexual arousal reaches its peak, all feelings are aggravated, orgasm is bright and stormy. Yes, and provoke his chosen one to the declaration of love easier it is in the full moon. By the way, children are born at full moon more readily and faster than in other phases, and receive outstanding abilities from the moon, including extrasensory ones.

At full moon, divination and spirits are well passed - the line between the real and unreal worlds is getting thinner, the otherworldly information penetrates better into our world. Only an extremely prudent approach to the preparation of rituals, placing particular emphasis on protection from the spirits, otherwise they may not want to return back to our world. Many ceremonies are held exactly in the full moon - the ceremony of purification, the ceremony of attracting love, the ceremony of attracting money. The most common way to lure a coin is to stretch a silver coin to the sky towards the sky in such a way that the light from the full moon falls on it.

But to lend in the full moon is not recommended, as well as to collect on bills of exchange - this can ruin relations with debtors and creditors. But if you feel that someone your help, including material, is necessary as air - help, and better - free of charge. You will certainly be counted.

In the full moon it is good to carry out diagnostics - during this period the problems hidden in other moon phases. If for some reason you cannot be diagnosed and are being treated for everything in a row, pass the diagnostics again, in accordance with the phases of the moon.
In the full moon, despite the fact that many people do not even want to eat, and, excuse me, to eat, it is recommended to conduct a one-day cleansing fasting or fasting day on vegetable and fruit juices. True, if you get food from a source of inspiration (and it happens), then you should refrain from fasting, because you can miss the chance to create something outstanding.

Much in the full moon you can afford, but there is one that is better to refrain from.

On a full moon, it’s not worthwhile to sort things out, to turn to your superior people for help, to meet with enemies and detractors - the risk of provoking a global conflict is too great. If you can keep yourself in hand, then a person who is more dependent on the moon may not deny himself the pleasure and arrange your dressing.

It is not recommended to ask for a promotion or an increase salary - if your request does not have very good reasons, you can be lowered and deprived of a well-deserved award. Leave a solution to important business issues, especially controversial, to the rising moon.

Even in antiquity, people noticed that they were under the unlimited power of the night star. It affects the performance, well-being, mood. Its energy flow reaches a maximum on days 15-16 of the lunar month, when the Earth, its satellite and the Sun line up on the same, imaginary line. For millennia, evolved ideas about the behavior of the full moon: what can be done and what can not.

What can and should be done in the full moon: the "green" list

If a career start, the beginning of a new project, the opening of your own business falls on a full moon, which can be timed intentionally, success is achieved. During this period of strength and energy - over the edge. Do not miss the opportunity: boldly pledge commitments, negotiate and unite with partners.

When the lunar disk is fully visible in the sky, the creative vein, banal events are clearly manifested, things appear in an unusual perspective. Overwhelm feelings and emotions, the subconscious is activated, perception sharpens. There is a surge of sexual arousal. Silver light gives an unforgettable night of love. By the way, children conceived or born on this day are endowed with talents and a rare gift of foresight.

The round moon in the sky is a good reason for conducting magical rites and conspiracies. Is it possible to guess at the full moon? Of course, because the future is predicted by the souls of ancestors. And at this time they easily overcome the border between worlds, earthly and otherworldly. Therefore, seances, communication with spirits are successful.

It is useful to take care of health in the full moon. What can be done? For example, pass an additional examination. The doctor will see previously hidden problems, clarify the diagnosis and be able to prescribe effective treatment. It would be nice to starve: rid the body of toxins, toxins, excess fluid. Drink clean non-carbonated water, fruit and vegetable juices, herbal teas with a pronounced diuretic effect.

Perform good deeds, give free-of-charge financial assistance during the full moon. Good and money will return a hundredfold. Be reconciled, build relationships with those who are offended. Take advantage of temporary openness, sincerity, sociability of others. Organize a raid on nature: the biting is excellent on this day. In addition, multiply healing properties  medicinal plants.

What not to do in the full moon: stop list

To remind myself to my superiors: to apply for a salary increase, promotion. Chances are of running into irritation, get under the hot hand. And the deserved award is not long to lose.

To lend and demand its return. To engage in shopping: there is a risk to purchase unnecessary or low-quality goods. But successful large purchases: real estate, land, car, furniture.

Is it possible to carry out general cleaning in the apartment during the full moon? Only in case of emergency. Otherwise, send in a temper to the dump things that have not been used for a long time. And then regret it.

In the full moon can not be cut and dye your hair. An exception is the cardinal change of hair. Cosmetic procedures are not recommended. Chemical peels, body wraps, and a nourishing mask can provoke an allergic reaction and cause skin inflammation. Manicure and pedicure is also better to transfer to a day or two.

Surgery, even the smallest, such as tooth extraction, is fraught with bleeding at full moon. The wounds and abrasions received on this day do not heal for a long time.

You should refrain from taking strong tonic drinks (alcohol, tea, coffee), active training in the gym, so as not to suffer from insomnia and not overload your heart.

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