Why do not bloom violets room care. Proper pot and unconditional protection: what to do to make a violet blossom. How to feed the violets to bloom?

  Due to the abundant and colorful flowering, violets took a leading position among indoor plant lovers. Violets bloom almost continuously. If senpolies are “offended” at something, and they are not blossoming in the way we would like, we must pay attention to the conditions of detention. Let's talk about how to ensure abundant flowering of violets and about the factors that directly affect it.

Plant for this time, and tall leaves as long as they are. The plant adapted to its small house in the Mediterranean, dramatically reducing evaporating leafy surfaces. Leaves are available only as small appendages. What comes out is deceptive is the transformed steps. It is clearly visible during flowering.

Then, in the middle of the “leaves” along the middle rib, tiny flowers follow, followed by red berries. The original wild horned violet comes from the Pyrenees and Northern Spain and grows between rocks and meadows. Pure species are hardly found in culture, but there are many horny-purple varieties that contain more or less alt-cornet-blood.

Secrets of abundant flowering violets

Observing all the subtleties in the cultivation of violets can be achieved abundant and prolonged flowering, improve its quality. So,

Blooming is affected by the presence of sufficient light. Good lighting stimulates flowering, synthesizes energy. Wrong light conditions can affect the flowering of violets.

After the first flowering is recommended to use half the cut. Plants quickly drift through the dense again and remain more durable. The most beautiful horn-purple stands are visible in Ireland and Scotland, which suggests that Viola Cornut prefers a cool, relatively wet and rather weakly acidic place.

The strength and durability of horned violets depend on the location. Evaluation of the growth characteristics of our varieties is related to the Illertissen climate and our rather calcareous soil conditions. Some species may behave differently elsewhere.

In plants from a lack of light, the petioles are drawn out and the leaves become small. Pots with violets should be at a distance of 30-45 cm from the light source. Grow and bloom better on the windowsill. If the window is small and shaded - the plant will develop poorly and bloom. Violets like bright light, but they do not tolerate overheating.

As with many other perennials, there are varieties of seeds and stems grown in horn vials. Horn violets are often richer than clogged ones, but usually they do not last long. The tendency of horny violets to self-seeding is very beneficial: they appear in various places after the disappearance or death of the mother plants and themselves stimulate the garden. Saplings sometimes vary greatly, which can lead to a rather beautiful color.

With these small treasures, pruning after flowering is essential, and casual separation is essential. Plants thank you with a vital new growth and longevity. They prefer semi-shady sunny spots and land in the spring, and they can be divided in the fall. Violets multiply in speed and division. For planting violet seeds are kept moist in the soil at a temperature of 15-20 degrees Celsius for at least two, not more than four weeks.

If there is no wide window sill and bright lighting, violets can be grown under artificial lighting. Plants should provide long light day for 10-12 hours per day. But, under cold white lamps, the flowering splendor will gradually decrease. Phytolamp should be above the violet at a distance of 25-30 cm.

They are then exposed to between four and six weeks at low temperatures up to a maximum of 10 degrees Celsius. Only in this low-temperature range flower buds are formed. Blue Violets -. Therefore, early spring is perfect. When it gets too hot, the seeds are formed without pollination in the buds, flowering will not work. Even the temperature of frost down to -4 ° Celsius does not harm violet, the plants are native to Central Europe and frost. Violets can also be planted with large plants.

In the first year violets shine

In the first year, violets bloom late, and sometimes completely, because they are biennial plants. As for the consumption of nutrients, they are very modest, as they are also small, do not need fertilizer. They are planted in permeable soil, which contains a sufficient amount of natural nutrients.

Depending on the state of Saintpaulia, it is necessary to regulate the distance from the phyto lamp to the rosette of leaves. If the center of the outlet was compacted, the foliage lost its green color, which means that the plant has a lot of light. If the leaf cuttings stretched out - the plant suffers from a lack of light.

The plant needs the correct mode of watering. The ground must be wet, but without oversupply. During the appearance of the buds it is impossible to prevent the earthen coma from drying out, otherwise they will wither. The earth dries faster during flowering, it is necessary to water more often.

Water consumption is also small, violets are initially productive and sustainable, they can withstand moisture and drought. For a beautiful appearance, but pay attention to balanced humidity. As for light, the local purple species prefer penumbra, and horny purple prefer full sun.

Violets can be attacked by burrows, the traces of which are clearly visible. The caterpillars feed on the root neck or bite it, so that the violets will die. Other diseases can be mold and gray mold. Natural plant protection products help here. Flowers have five segments and sit on a long stem. The largest is the lower middle petal, framed by two more leaves. They are mostly two-colored, above which are two slightly monochrome overlapping petals.

The plant can be transferred to wick irrigation, can be watered from above, pour water into the pan. Watering method "by eye" does not like all plants. The substrate should always be moist, you should not allow the soil to dry out.

In case of overmoistening, in combination with the cold content, rotting of the root system and the top of the plant may occur.

The Vialets, which can now be found on the balconies and gardens, were divorced. This has led to an unlimited variety of colors, which always return to the primary colors of violet, white, blue and yellow. This violet is also consumed by connoisseurs. It's just a relatively small flower, which, of course, is not in the foreground. That purple was a sacred flower in antiquity, at least, knows the least. And even if medicinal herbs and naturopathy are a flower, they think even less.

You can also make a wonderful and, above all, effective herbal tea from this plant. Blue dye, cyanine, is responsible for the violet-light color of violets. However, other ingredients are responsible for the health effects. Famous names are flavonoids, bitter agents, glycosides, mucus, salicylic acid or also saponins.


Achieve lush and abundant flowering of violets can be in a room with moist air. With dry air, the buds begin to dry, or slowly open. The air around the plant must be constantly moistened.


From long flowering violets are depleted, and to please the buds again no longer able. Plants need a constant temperature, good lighting and constant feeding with various mineral and organic fertilizers.

This combination allows connoisseurs of natural healing to immediately assume that violet tea is a great way to treat respiratory infections. And therefore they are absolutely right. Purple tea is not only antibacterial, but also mucous-dissolving, anti-edematous and sweat-resistant. Thus, in the case of cold and cough, purple tea can help.

Fatigue, nervousness, and anxiety are completely different health problems, but can also be treated with violet tea. Epilepsy and various skin diseases can be treated with it. There are over 500 different types of violets, most of which grow in the temperate climate of our land. Especially in North America, but also in the Andes and Japan, most of them are native. As a medicinal plant, violet violets are used, mainly calendula and paraffin particles.

Violets can be fed once a month, and with each watering. Concentration of fertilizers in each case is different. For constant watering, the concentration of fertilizers should be reduced by 5-6 times than for irrigation 1 time per month.

If the plant is transferred to wick irrigation, it is necessary to make a nutrient solution.

Phosphorus contributes to the strengthening of the roots, and if the plant has a well-developed root system, then the plant will bloom profusely. During the growth period of the rosette, violet requires organic fertilizers, and during the flowering period, potash fertilizers.

Violets prefer shaded meadows as locations. But you also feel comfortable at the edge of the forest. Just like hedges and fences. The teenager spreads from year to year, so stocks are growing rapidly, and purple is becoming a real packer.

For tea, both flowering herbs and violet roots are used. Thus, the whole plant can be used. This ensures the highest possible efficiency. Finally, valuable ingredients are not evenly distributed throughout the plant. Some of them are found only in the roots, while others are found in the greatest concentrations in the flowers or in the leaves.


Violets prefer a light earth. Only in such a land they grow well and delight in long flowering. The ground must be breathable. To provide the roots with easy access to nutrients, it is necessary to add perlite and vermiculite to the soil. Baking powder added to the soil, both individually and together.

The tops of the plant, including flowers, are harvested from March to May, but the roots are year round. As soon as all parts of the plant are well dried, they are crushed and boiled with hot water in the form of violet tea, preferably without sugar. Different parts of the violet can be mixed. Tea with clean leaves, however, has a slightly laxative effect, so it is best suited for constipation. Violet is also well processed in tea blends.

The flowers are beautiful, but the plant is barely noticeable. However, if you look at the ingredients and their effects, purple becomes a real giant. African violet flowers can be red, pink, blue, purple or white. The beauty of the African violet and the fact that it can bloom at any time of the year, makes this indoor plant very valued. Let's see how to take care of it and about some important details.


All of these factors affect the root system. The pH level should be 6.8. It is necessary to maintain the same temperature, monitor the level of acidity and correctly select the size of the pot, then the roots of the plant will always be healthy.

Plants feel good at temperatures from 18 ° C to 24 ° C. At lower night temperatures, the roots die off. At high - the plant reluctantly blooms.

African Violet Care Tips

Its leaves are oval, fleshy and velvety. These, which arise from the very center of the plant in bouquets 4 or 5, can be red, pink, blue, purple or white. Although most often African violet blooms in summer, it can have several flowers a year. Flowers will be small and will grow, and their tones will be varied. To bloom, they need at least 12 hours of light.

African Violet Care: Location and Irrigation

The best place to find African violets inside the house is that which is illuminated, but where the rays of the sun do not reach directly. He does not tolerate wetting the leaves or its flowers, while the best way to water it is to place it on a plate or fountain with water and leave it for 20 minutes. Then you need to throw water. Since the leaves and flowers are velvety, in no case should not use rinse aid or water to clean them. We can remove the dust with a soft brush twice a month.

  • If we have him in the garden, it will be convenient to plant him in the shade.
  • In winter, it needs to be irrigated very little and more often in summer.
  • Your soil should be wet, not wet.
During the summer and spring, African Violet should be fertilized every two weeks, and this is also the time when they need to be transplanted, if necessary.

When the PH balance is disturbed, the plant cannot fully absorb nutrients, it is necessary to check the acidity of the soil and eliminate this problem.

A large pot size for a small outlet is not acceptable. From the wrong picked pot suffer the roots of the plant. The violet root system has only 1/3 of the size of the plant itself. If the violet socket is 30 cm, then the most suitable pot for it is 10 cm in diameter.

If the foliage is thick and the roots come out of the pot, it is better to transplant it to a slightly larger one. If we do not do this, it may not bloom. African violet can be multiplied by seeds or on pot-dried cuttings with a mixture of sand and peat. Cuttings can also be placed in water, and when they form the first roots, transfer them to the pot. The leaves of the African violet tell us what this plant can face from the African continent.

This is one of the types preferred for the interior, because if you are provided with basic care, it constantly blooms. You must keep the pot moist, but not too much to prevent root rot, which will prevent the plant from getting the nitrogen it needs. Water it with water at room temperature; When it is watered with cold water, the leaves bend, and recovery takes time. The plant must be dry; Do not wet the leaves or flowers. Keep in mind also the humidity of the environment so that it does not develop fungi.

In a big pot, the roots do not assimilate all the space, therefore, at the slightest overmoistening of the soil, they simply rot.


Violets may not bloom due to the defeat of the outlet by pests and microorganisms.

Inside, in the flowers, you can find thrips. They are very small, but if the plant is disturbed, they will begin to move through it and can be seen.

Keep your African Violet in the original pot. If placed in a larger container, the plant will be weaker, and this space will increase the growth of the leaves, but not the flowers that will only bloom. One of the many benefits of this plant is that it does not grow excessively, so it does not require transplantation.

This view should be located in an area where it receives sieved light, and not directly or in any corner of a bright room. Often you usually place potted plants near the sunniest of windows, and not everyone costs too many hours of direct light. In the case of African violet, the excess will cause it to dry and stop blooming.

The plant dries out and exhausts if it is struck by a mealybug, as it feeds on the juice of violet.

If the plant is damaged by a cyclamen mite, the center of the socket is compacted, the flowers become smaller and deformed.

The most common disease of violets is powdery mildew. Leaflets and peduncles look as if sprinkled with flour. Such a disease develops in plants when the air in the room is too humid and the airing of the room is weak. The plant must be treated 3 times with toxic chemicals, with an interval of 7 days. Before processing it is necessary to tear off all the affected leaves and remove flower stalks.

Violets must be carefully observed and measures must be taken at the first signs of a lesion.


You should know that abundant flowering of violets laid at the genetic level. Plant varieties differ in flowering, size and shape of rosettes, leaf color. If the plant is destined to release 3 flower stalks, then no matter how hard you try, you will not be able to achieve lush flowering. It is necessary to buy proven unpretentious varieties with abundant flowering.

For good and abundant flowering violets need to provide optimal conditions, provide them with regular care and just love! They will respond to you in return, and will delight you with lush flowers.

  SECRETS OF CULTIVATION OF FIALOK Flowers delight the eye and, of course, warm the soul. When violets are blooming, this is a real treat. To achieve this, it is necessary not only to make an effort to create optimally comfortable living conditions, but also to know some secrets of growing violets at home.
To grow your first flower is enough one leaf. To do this, it is necessary to moisten the cotton fleece with warm water and place it in a small container, for example a stack. The leaf, cut from a large plant, is placed vertically in this cotton wool, which should always be wet until the roots appear. This process usually lasts two to three weeks. Then you need to prepare a plastic pot and the soil, designed specifically for Saintpaulia. At the bottom of the tank, the drainage must be laid down, followed by pouring earth and watering it abundantly. In a small hole is placed a sheet.
  Now it is necessary to determine the location of the flower. Eastern or northern windows are best for this, as the lighting should be bright enough and long, but without direct sunlight. Temperature is no less important; it should range from 18 to 24 degrees Celsius above zero. Take care of violets from drafts. It is necessary to water the plant with warm water. In the summer - every two days, and in the rest of the year once a week. Overflow is highly undesirable and can lead to root rot. Every two weeks it is useful to feed the plant with complex fertilizers.
  Another secret in the cultivation of violets is this: in order for the violets to grow better, they should be transplanted once a year. It is advisable to do this in spring or autumn. It is necessary to observe depth when transplanting. Highly planted plants are extremely unstable and bloom poorly, and those buried may rot. A plant with buds should not be replanted, as this will significantly slow down flowering.
  Rotting - a problem very characteristic of violets. Once the symptoms of rot are noticed, you need to carefully remove the plant from the pot and check the roots and stem. If the roots are brown and easily cut off when touched, they must be removed. If the stalk has rotted, it is necessary to tear off all the rotted leaves. Let dry slightly and plant again. To avoid such unpleasant consequences, you need to strictly follow the rules of watering.
  Other problems may arise: yellow spots on the leaves indicate direct sunlight, and mold on the leaves occurs as a result of spraying the flower.
  If you know and apply the above-listed secrets of growing violets, then within a year you will be able to get a strong adult bush, which will delight with its abundant flowering. In addition, it will provide you with sufficient planting material for reproduction.

It so happens that when we are tempted by the sellers' stories and pictures with a stormy and bright violet bloom, we buy the coveted pot, carefully carry it home and begin to wait for the violet to bloom, but this does not happen. The velvety green leaves are still pleasing to the eye, but the plant stubbornly refuses to bloom, no matter how hard we try. So why the violet does not bloom at home, what does it lack and what could be done so that this capricious beauty deigned to throw out the buds and please us with delicate petals? This is what I want to talk about in order to finally find out the reason and how to deal with it.

Competent and careful care of indoor violets: why plants are not very blooming

Many home growers, having paid attention to such a wonderful flower as a violet, decide that only they lack it in the mini-garden on the windowsill. But after the purchase it turns out that the capricious beauty does not want to please the eye with beautiful flowers and all efforts are in vain. Then there is the almost intractable question of what to do if the violets do not bloom, and whether it is possible to spur them on with something, push it towards flowering. In fact, there may be several reasons for this, and there is no mysticism in this, they are all completely objective, of a material nature, and they all practically lie in the plane of care. It is difficult to answer why indoor violets are not in bloom, but it is possible, therefore, let's understand together.


The Latin scientific name of the violet is Saintpaulia (Saintpaulia) or the Uznabor violet and it came to us from far East Africa, where its homeland is located. This is exactly what determines when room violets bloom, and with proper care this can occur more than ten months a year. If you have no bright flowers on a bush, then most likely there is a hot summer outside the windows. Violet loves peace, light, as well as uniform temperature regimes, without sudden changes and jumps.

If time passes, and the question of why violets do not bloom at home still remains relevant, then you should not blame those who sold you a supposedly “defective” plant, as many do. First of all, you need to look for the cause in yourself, because everything is exactly the same as in human relations, if everything is mutual, then violet will want to blossom. Flowering saintpaulia depends on many factors, it is quite capricious. The plant may not like the ground or the light, the lack or excess of fertilizer, and indeed your attitude to it, but this is naturally a joke.

Therefore, in order to find out the cause, it is necessary to thoroughly understand why violets do not bloom and what to do in order to push it towards this, and only then draw any conclusions. Maybe they simply have a rest period, after which they will get down to business with new forces, but if it lasted more than a couple of months, this is a serious cause for concern. Let us understand what may be the reasons for such a reluctance of Saintpaulus to make the world brighter and more beautiful, and how to care for violets so that they bloom for ten months a year, at least.

The grass is green, the sun shines: when violets are blooming

One of the most common criteria that must be considered when growing saintpaulias is a factor in the luminosity of a plant, which is extremely important to them. In fact, if you do not correctly arrange the pots with violets in relation to the sunlight, then you will never see abundant flowering, this is a fact. In addition, violets are accustomed to the fact that daylight hours should last at least twelve hours, and we should provide them with a similar daily routine, and this can be done with ordinary fluorescent lamps installed on the windowsill.

It is not difficult to understand that your pets do not have enough daylight, all this is determined at the visual level. The leaves of the plant, which suffers from a lack of sun, it is desperately drawn to the light, which makes them become thin and elongated. In order for violets to bloom at home, they need a lot of solar energy; these African guests prefer sunny sides and well-lit windowsills.

Soil and feeding: comfort always brings fruit

Those with violets already knew for sure that the ordinary land from the garden for transplanting the saintpaulia is absolutely no good. That is, it is not necessary to expect that you will get a healthy plant simply by planting it in a pot of soil, for this you need to do it, or you can purchase a special soil, good thing, its cost is low. In order for a violet to bloom profusely, its roots must be free, and our dense, sticky, like oil, black soil, although overly nutritious, but still binds it, does not allow it to develop normally. As a result, you will not see any flowers.

In addition, in the crumbly soil, which is necessary for this capricious beauty, it may simply lack the nutrients, which is why she is starving. To ensure flowering, you need to regularly feed the plants, using exclusively special formulations. Typically, these funds are saturated with nitrogen. The main thing here is not to overdo it, otherwise all the forces of the poor violet will go to the formation of leaves, and before the flowers it will not come. When there is an excessive amount of potassium in the soil, then the leaves may, yellowing, fall off. If something like this happens, you need to immediately transplant the flower so that it does not die. How to feed the violets to bloom almost all year round, we will tell below.

Regular watering and excessive moisture: the tricky features of violets, how to take care to bloom

Do not forget that the botanical violet, after all, is an African plant, and everything else is also tropical. That is, he needs to provide a microclimate, as in his own side, humid and hot, but not excessively. Usually, the average humidity of any city apartment does not exceed 25-30%, which may not be enough for a plant, as it needs all fifty. If violet uncomfortable, it may well not bloom at all.

An important factor is also watering, which, of course, goes with moisture in one bundle. In no case is it possible for the violet to dry up the soil in the pot, otherwise the plant will not only bloom, but will even order to live a long time. But excessive watering will not bring anything good for sure; the flower roots can simply rot, and then you have to mess around for a long time to save it. You also need to ensure that the water was not calcareous and not too hard, this is important. It is also not necessary to pour cold water into a pot, it will not lead to anything good, it rains in Africa warm, remember this.

Proper pot and unconditional protection: what to do to make a violet blossom

It is very important to plant violets only in suitable pots, otherwise the plants will feel uncomfortable. They do not like excessive spaces, because a small pot will be quite enough for its not very extensive root system. Also does not like violet artificial materials, because it is better to take for her pot of ceramic or unbaked clay.

The reason for the reluctance of the flower to throw out the buds can also be the presence of any, as yet unexplained, diseases or pests. The affected plant is occupied by survival, and there is no time for it to bloom, it needs to be understood. Carefully and carefully examine the entire plant for any stains, discoloration, rotting, dried leaves, bloom on the leaves and other things. At the slightest suspicion, the plant will have to be isolated and quickly treated, until it has infected others, and this is also quite realistic.

However, this is not all that can cause the reluctance of violets to bloom, as there is a whole bunch of smaller waste that also has a complex effect on the plant. For example, even though the plant blooms most of the year, he, like it or not, also needs rest. Maybe your violet just decided to relax and is it worth giving her such a chance? Does not like the plant drafts, from which it is necessary to protect and protect in every possible way. It does not hurt also to find out in advance, even before the purchase, when the violet begins to bloom, what kind of soil suits her, what fertilizers to use and in what period she needs rest and dryness. Most often, consultants in flower shops have similar information and willingly share it.

We take emergency measures: how to make violet blossom at home

Since the main reasons for refusing to bloom are already clear, it remains to find out what to do in order for the violet to bloom. In fact, it is precisely in the causes that the solution should be sought, or rather the answers to all your questions. Having provided a violet comfortable living conditions, you thereby also provide yourself beauty and joy for the long months in advance. There are some simple tips and useful recommendations on how to grow violets, how to care for them to bloom, and the video at the end of the article will help to clarify all the details and nuances of this process.

Pots with violets should be put on a well-lit window sill, and preferably not more than three dozen centimeters from the glass. It is best to choose windows facing the East, but this is a minor issue. It is not necessary and "fry" Saintpaulia in the sun, they need no more than 20-25 degrees, as well as diffused light. In the midst of the heat, it is better to put a sheet of parchment paper between the violet and glass.

  • Well, when the windows are branches growing outside trees. They can provide the necessary diffuse lighting for the whole day and you do not have to worry.
  • In case of insufficient lighting, fluorescent lamps installed on the windowsill will help. The main thing here is to observe the regularity of switching on and off, as violets love order and quickly get used to the special mode of the day.
  • You need to water the violet with well-settled water, but here it is important not to overdo it, but also not to allow the plant to suffer from drought.
  • Weekly you need to feed plants with high-quality fertilizer, but when there are numerous stepchildren, you need to immediately remove them. The plant should bloom, and not waste time on reproduction and growth.
  • Humidity in the room where violets grow, as already mentioned, should be somewhat elevated, that is, more than in a regular city apartment. The easiest way is to purchase a standard air humidifier, but it is quite expensive. You can solve the problem by hanging wet towels on batteries, if we are talking about the winter period, this will definitely help.

Do not forget also that violets need a special soil, on which their abundant and vigorous, long-term flowering largely depends. Plants need to be transplanted no less than twice a year so that the soil in the pot always remains loose and soft. It is better to acquire special soil formulations for violets, and then simply mix them with perlite and vermiculite, it would not hurt to add a little clean, charcoal. It is also worth regularly inspecting the plants for the appearance of diseases, or worse, pests. Such things are best identified in advance so that all your plants do not become infected and die. If everything is done correctly and on time, then the violet will bloom more than ten months a year, and this is exactly what we achieved.

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