September 22 what lunar day

3 lunar day

3 lunar day - inappropriate period for any undertakings. To think over and build new plans, you should not solve important issues. It is recommended to engage in work affairs as usual - on this day any passivity and laziness is contraindicated. Communication with the head is better to limit. Day is not suitable for doing household chores. This is a bad time for cash transactions. It is not recommended to sort things out with relatives and close people. It is undesirable to make new acquaintances.

Waxing Moon (Phase 1)

The first phase of the moon is the ideal time to build plans for the coming month and launch new projects. Energy is enough for vigorous activity, but periods of fatigue and unmotivated depression are possible. This is a good time to invest money. A suitable period for establishing business, friendship and love relationships, communicating with relatives, and starting repairs in the apartment. It is useful to devote time to your favorite business.

Moon in Libra

The Moon in Libra is the right time for small current affairs. It is not recommended to conduct large-scale activities and solve serious issues. The moon in this zodiac sign provides energy for collective work. This is the perfect time to talk with the boss. Favorable time for housework. Inappropriate period for financial transactions. Good days  for relationships, any communication. Therefore, it is advisable to devote them to establish business and personal relationships. This is a good time to travel.


Friday is not best time  for new beginnings. This is an auspicious day for working in a team, communicating with superiors, changing the type of activity. Do not bother yourself during this period of household chores. It is recommended to take time for yourself and loved ones.

The lunar calendar for September 22, 2017 informs about lunar days, the phase of the moon, the position of the moon in relation to the zodiac constellations on this day. It indicates the time of sunrise and sunset of the moon, the degree of its visibility. It contains the lunar horoscope on September 22, subject to the influence lunar day, the phases of the moon, the position of the moon in the sign of the zodiac and the day of the week.

The lunar horoscope - the calendar for today gives the definition of favorable or adverse days depending on what is the lunar day, what is the position of the moon in a certain zodiac constellation and what is the phase of the moon. Astrological forecast for today for each sign of the zodiac will help to predict unforeseen events and to avoid trouble

Moon in Libra

Characteristic zodiac sign Libra

Today’s moon horoscope recommends taking time to rest, especially if hard work is behind. It is recommended not to start what you have in mind, it is better to finish the old things. This period lunar calendar  will be favorable for cooperation, it will not be easy to make this or that decision. A person can analyze a situation for a long time, but never reach a single conclusion. If you face very difficult tasks, it is advisable to move them.

Lunar day today

3rd lunar day

Today has the character of assertiveness. You can feel unusual anger and aggression. There is a predisposition to conflict, even with the closest friends.

All efforts should be made to suppress these feelings. Otherwise they may lead to irreparable consequences. Good help in sports.

Dreams that appeared on this night have no secret meaning in themselves.. They are not foreshadowing Do not come true in real life.

This indicator is approximate . The exact value of the beginning and end of the lunar day, for regions in different time zones, differ significantly. What today is a lunar day for each city in your time zone, you need to find out online in the section. To do this, just need to choose city ​​name and fill in time, date, month and year.

Growing Moon - phase of the moon on this day

The coming phase of the moon today is the Growing Moon. The period has a powerful energy charge, extending its influence for the implementation of the plans. Big business doesn't take too much physical power. This happens because the Moon itself is just starting to grow. An excellent time to implement the creative ideas that arose the day before. Cosmos helps in the successful accomplishment of undertakings. Things are going smoothly and problem-free, not at all demanding special energy costs from you.

Plans deferred from last month should be given attention in lunar day Today. This alignment has to be active not only in business, but also in personal relationships. Long-term relationships are likely to step on a new stage of their development. If, however, there was no strong pair before that, then chances are high for making more than one interesting acquaintance. The state of health also depends on what today's lunar day is quite significant. All your internal organs are preparing for long-term work, accumulating strength. This can be felt as a light inhibition of the body.

Moon Horoscope Friday

Friday is the day of the week, which is influenced by Venus, personifying mystery, serenity, mystery. Lunar horoscope for today promises good luck to the female half.
  Friday, from time immemorial, was considered a feminine day. It is undesirable for young girls to load themselves with affairs and to be subjected to a heavy load; you can take time to care for yourself, take stock of the whole week, freeing yourself from unnecessary cases.
   On this day, you can prepare plans for the upcoming week, but you should not implement all the ideas in one day.

The next night is important for those who are interested. personal life  more than work.
Sleep from Thursday to Friday prophetic.  The fact is that during this period there is an aggravation of intuition, which demonstrates the results through dreams.
  All the plots that you will be able to remember in the morning, will find a place in real life. The value of the emotional background of Friday night demonstrates future good or bad events.
  If you dreamed of something pleasant, then in life you should expect good luck.
  B also assumes the probability of dreaming, depending on what lunar day the dream occurred.

Astrological forecast for September 22

Big changes are waiting for you today. However, before embarking on something serious horoscope advises to ask the opinion of relatives.

As the horoscope suggests, this day you must devote to finding new connections. Not only helpful, but also friendly. Sooner or later, but you will need them.

The horoscope believes that sometimes it is better just to keep quiet than to give out “useful” ideas one after another. Today, luck will be with you next. Unless you scare her.

Today, all events will be on your hands only. The main thing to quickly and clearly respond to them. Try to find the right approach and then you will win.

Before using new features, exhaust those that you already have. Otherwise you will lose both.

Today, according to the horoscope, you will be able to do what is considered incredible in everyday life. Any sand castle of yours will last for as long as it is made of stone. Do not miss your chance to become a little more successful.

Today, your role will be the "soul of the company." If the people around you become annoying and annoying, then just take cover in some quiet place.

The symbol is a cornucopia.

On this day, the appetite awakens, so the diet has a beneficial effect. It is recommended in the morning to make a pro-chalan (washing the gastrointestinal tract according to the yogi system). The process of cleansing helps bath and great physical exertion. You can also use dry fasting or mono-diet (eat only one product all day). Good results are obtained by croup, boiled without salt and oil. On this day, the intuition will not deceive you - you can very accurately determine by your sensations which food is good for you and which is bad for you. What you want is useful. That which is not pleasant is harmful. This applies not only to products, but also to people. On this day, you will be very keen to feel with whom you need to communicate, and with whom you should not. Do not let it show on this day of greed, but on the contrary, be generous. Give someone a gift, distribute unnecessary things to you - everything will pay off and return in full. You can give money in debt. Avoid conflicts and violent outbursts of emotion. There is still no need to start serious new business, keep thinking about your plans, build up strength for their implementation. It’s good to start the exercise cycle on this day or start to learn new knowledge.

Divination:  Only for a month.

Dreams:  Dreams on this lunar day, as a rule, are not serious, they do not need to be believed. If in a dream you cannot overcome some kind of obstacle, then in reality you can easily overcome it.

Health:  Medically, attention should be paid to the mouth, teeth, upper palate.

Conception:  This lunar day is successful especially for the conception of a girl and the continuation of the race Carries abundance and fulfillment of desires, success and patronage.

Birth:  Those born on this lunar day will grow safely.

Have a strong physical component. They do not need any special diet. Rarely complete. Have a worldly mind. Tied to relatives and property. In the "good" side, it develops into loyalty and thrift. In the "bad" can develop into greed and conquest.

Moon Phase: New Moon.

A new moon is a difficult period, which is especially hard tolerated by people with increased emotional and nervous irritability. Often, the "victims" of the new moon are women and children - those who most subtly feel any changes around them. Children are acting up more often than usual, ladies are nervous over trifles, in general, the atmosphere is tense and restless, family quarrels are possible. Along with this, there is a general breakdown, the new moon affects the speed of thinking and the speed of reactions, which should especially be taken into account for those who are driving, or whose field of activity requires a good reaction and ability to make decisions on the go.

New moon - not the best time for fresh beginnings. It is necessary to refrain from entering into important transactions, making responsible decisions, rapprochement with new people, long trips... Very often, a losing streak begins with a new moon, so if you are faced with some serious choice, it is better to postpone it for several days.

But the new moon has its advantages. At this time it is best to indulge in meditation and reflection, to generate ideas for their subsequent implementation, to engage in creative activities ... In short, start living "in unison" with moon phases, use this time to work with yourself and on yourself.

Also on the new moon, the symptoms of chronic diseases manifest themselves to a lesser extent, which brings temporary relief, but at the same time makes it difficult to diagnose in the early stages.

The effect is unfavorable. The biopotential is reduced, therefore the probability of exacerbation of chronic diseases is high, overloads and risky measures are dangerous. The tendency to self-indulgence, wrong actions or illusions can lead to losses in business and in creativity and the next lunar month.

It is a good time for both professional activities and love relationships. You will be able to take up any business with new forces. If any meetings fail, then it should be so. Try to spend more time with your loved ones.

Now you will take personal matters. Do not rush to share information, and even more joyful news, with people who may envy you. It is not excluded that a spoonful of tar will be added to a barrel of honey - someone is foolishly, and someone by malicious intent.

On this day, all you will get. It is possible that at work colleagues will help in the realization of plans, but you, in turn, try not to let them down. No disappointments are also expected in love, even pleasant news and surprises are possible.

At work, you can achieve good success. Tune in a positive way, and do not allow any risk in your life. Now favorable time  for business contacts. In a relationship with a loved one, you need to show more care, love and understanding in order to avoid quarrels and reproaches. Now is not the best time to be principled.

See also:

Try to avoid rash steps. Informal communication will be very pleasant. You will hear a lot of compliments and kind words addressed to you. Perhaps, a person you have long forgotten with whom you are interested in communicating will remind you of yourself. it favorable period  for romantic dates.

This day is not for active actions, but only for preparation for them. Do not give decisive answers now, but take a short break in order to determine your goals, needs and opportunities. All promises should be treated with caution.

Refrain from discussing or condemning anyone else, since the words spoken can boomerang back to you. During this period, you will have a very high energy potential and will be able to withstand any calamity. But count on the help of higher powers only in good deeds.

The day can give new interesting perspectives, especially in the professional field. True, for this you need to show not only the desire, but also the grip. If you start to hesitate to make a decision or simply relax, then you will miss valuable time. High probability that an old friend or friend will play an important role in your fate.

Set yourself real tasks do not raise the bar to unattainable heights. The only result you will achieve in this state of affairs is a spoiled mood. Do not try to fool someone. Not only will you beat your nerves to yourself, but it will also bounce on all the people in your path.

Day flies by. If you do not have a soul for any business, leave them for a few days. Now is a good time to rest and gain strength. Try to move away from the showdown.

Most of the day will go smoothly, without serious trouble and great success. Focus on the problems that you can solve, and just do not pay attention to everything else. This time is great for the completion of old affairs, and for starting new ones. In the afternoon, try not to interfere in the affairs of others.

This period is suitable for change, so you can safely redo everything that does not suit you. The only exception is a love relationship. There is nothing to change here, since in this area everything should be folded in a good way.

© Horoscope today 09/22/2017 year compiled by astrologer Marina Alexandrova specifically for the site.

The data of the lunar calendar, sunrise, sunset and moon on September 22, 2017 are given for Moscow and the Moscow region.

Today is the second lunar day, in itself very favorable for new beginnings. The symbolism of this lunar day lies in the arrival of new life, purity, prosperity, increasing energy and life potential for the realization of all your ideas. The second lunar day will exacerbate your intuition and a sense of your own environment. On this day of the lunar calendar is best to make decisions about various aspects of your life: communication or breaking relationships with people, diet, hobby and so on. Create an environment in which no one will disturb you, stay alone with yourself, take a comfortable posture and think about the object or person you want to define an attitude to. Imagine an object in the smallest details, feel, “hear” it, play a dialogue with it, if necessary - your inner feeling will be the desired answer. The same method will help you determine whether a particular food is good for you or not. If your soul gives a positive answer, you will immediately feel it, if you feel unpleasant sensations or you cannot decide - this is a reason to think. The cornucopia is a symbol of the second lunar day. Symbol of good luck, prosperity and strength. Help those in need, take care, give gifts and divine blessing will return everything to you in multiples.

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