Popular varieties of open cucumbers. The best varieties of cucumbers for cultivation in the open field. High-yielding self-pollinated varieties of cucumbers for open ground

Experienced gardeners choose the seeds of cucumbers for open ground, based on a number of specific criteria, many of which are often overlooked by beginning gardeners. And it is completely in vain, because by focusing on someone else's experience, you can avoid common mistakes in growing such a capricious tropical culture and provide yourself with a generous harvest of tasty, crunchy greens. We will try in this article to tell in detail about what should be considered when choosing cucumber seeds for open ground, we describe the most famous, proven varieties and hybrids, as well as present some recommendations that will be very useful in the upcoming garden season.

Cucumbers are grown for eating fresh or canned as pickles. They ripen quickly and are best suited for large gardens. However, they can be grown in small areas, if the plants in the cell or latticed. Although cucumbers are best used in loose sandy soil, they can be grown on any well-drained soil. Cucumbers need to be grown in the sun. Since their roots reach a depth of 36 to 48 inches, do not plant them where the roots of the trees will deprive them of water and nutrients.

Remove stones, large sticks and debris before preparing the soil. Leave small pieces of plant material, such as dead grass and small weeds, because they will help enrich the soil when turning. Lay the soil to a depth of 8-12 inches. It is about the depth reached by most shovels or vanes. Completely flip each spade of soil to cover all plant materials with soil.

Cucumber seeds for open field: what is important to consider?

Before purchasing planting material, experienced gardeners recommend focusing on the description of its main characteristics and on the results that are planned to be achieved. So, before buying seeds of cucumbers for open ground should be taken into account:

When preparing the soil, turn the soil to a depth of 8 to 12 inches and add fertilizer and organic matter. Work with soil in layers 4-6 inches tall and at least 36 inches apart. Shanks are especially important for heavy soils and poorly drained areas, because cucumbers must have good drainage.

The advantages of self-pollinated cucumbers

Cucumbers are grown for cutting or for pickling. Cucumbers, most suitable for cutting, have a length of 6 to 8 inches and 1 inch or more in diameter when they ripen. Cucumbers grown for pickling have a length of 3 to 4 inches and up to 1 inch in diameter at maturity. Any type can be used for etching if it is selected for a small size.

  • the ripening period of greens (early, middle and late);
  • the duration of fruiting;
  • the nature and intensity of the branching of plants (this is one of the important economic features, closely related to yield);
  • purpose of fruits: pickling, salad, universal;
  • the sizes of green men (long or short), their taste and commodity qualities;
  • need for pollination - bee-pollinated or parthenocarpic (self-pollinating);
  • resistance to a spectrum of common diseases, such as cucumber mosaic, peronosporosis, cladosporia, root rot, etc .;
  • resistance to frost, drought and other adverse weather conditions.

It is imperative that the purchased planting material  was focused on the climate of your area. Despite the fact that modern varieties and hybrids of cucumbers, intended for growing in open groundThey are relatively resistant to adverse environmental factors - because of their natural sensitivity, they react negatively to drafts and cold. It is for this reason that experienced gardeners who grow cucumbers in the open field always have a covering material on hand, with which you can protect the plants in case of an unexpected cooling.

Cucumbers require warm temperatures and cannot withstand frost. Do not plant cucumbers until all the danger of frost has passed and the soil begins to heat up. Cucumber is a grape crop requiring a lot of space. Vines can reach 6-8 feet or more. In large gardens, cucumbers can spread on the ground. Plant them in rows on the previously prepared ridges. Use a hoe or stick to make a small furrow about 1 inch deep down the center of each ridge.

Throw three or four seeds into groups every 12-14 inches in a row. By planting a few seeds, you will most likely get a rack. Remove excess plants soon after emergence. When planting cucumbers, throw three or four seeds into groups every 12-14 inches in a row.

Popular varieties and hybrids of open cucumbers

Admiral F1 is a cold-resistant hybrid (bee-pollinating), valued for its good resistance to peronosporosis. Differs very high quality yields.

Bidretta F1 is a relatively unpretentious and quite hardy hybrid, providing excellent yields even when grown in adverse conditions.

Cover the seeds with about 1 inch of fine soil. Use the flat side of the hoe to feed the earth over the seeds, but do not pack it. In small gardens you can train cucumbers on a fence, trellis or cage, if a wire is available. Plant three or four seeds in hills 4-6 inches tall along the trellis or cage.

What seeds to choose

You can plant quickly ripening crops such as lettuce and radishes between cucumber hills to save space. They will be harvested before the cucumbers are too big. In a small garden, cucumbers can be trained along a wire attached to a wall. If a wire cage is used, plant three or four seeds in hills 4-6 inches high along the cage.

Aquarius - early variety  cucumbers for open ground, a distinctive feature of which are generous yields. Ripe Zelentsy are good both in fresh and in canned form.

Vyaznikovsky - early ripe variety  with prolonged fruiting. Its greenhouses are great for salting.

Herman F1 - early parthenocarpik, the fruits of which are great for canning.

Cucumbers require a lot of fertilizer. When the vines are about 10-12 inches long, apply about ½ cup of fertilizer for every 10 feet of the row or 1 tablespoon to the plant. Soak the plants well with food if there is no rain. Keep your cucumbers as weeds free as possible. Do not plow or shake the soil deeper than about 1 inch, because you can cut down on feed roots and slow down plant growth. Cucumbers produce two types of flowers: male and female. Male flowers open first and always go.

Female flowers form a cucumber and should not fall. Male flowers of cucumber open first and always fall out. Cucumber flowers form cucumbers. If female flowers begin to fall, touch the inside of each male and female flower with a soft brush or cotton swab. It will pollinate the flowers and help them grow into fruits.

F1 crane is an early productive hybrid whose greens are characterized by excellent taste and salting ability. Resistant to downy mildew.

Elegant - an unpretentious medium-variegated variety with good yield and high resistance to cladosporia. It tolerates the effects of adverse weather.

Many insecticides are available in garden centers for use by homeowners. Sulfur also has fungicidal properties and helps control many diseases. Before using the pesticide, read the label and always follow the warnings, warnings and instructions. Several diseases attack cucumbers. Most of these diseases appear as spots on the upper or lower side of the leaves or on the fruits. Check the plants daily and spray them with an approved fungicide if diseases occur.

Oil, sulfur and other fungicides are available for use. Always follow the directions on the labels. Clean cucumbers when they reach the desired size and are green. Do not wait until they turn yellow. Yellow cucumbers are already mature and will have a strong flavor.

The competitor is one of the oldest, proven varieties, characterized by increased resistance to powdery mildew and bacterial spotting. Early, great for pickling.

Nezhinsky is a medium-long, long-varietal cultivar demanding regular watering. According to experts, it is on open ground cucumber seeds  Varieties Nezhinsky should pay attention first of all, if you plan to grow Zelentsy for salting.

Download a printable version of this page. Cucumbers usually grow on long, overgrown vines. When planted in full, daytime sun and in humus-rich, well draining soil with a pH of around 0, these fast-growing vines can reach a length of 8 feet or more, depending on the variety. Cucumbers do not need to be set or reworked for growing in a vegetable garden, but those who grow on the ground may need more attention to ensure a healthy, rich harvest.

Strong grape plants can crawl along the soil to produce new cucumbers. Since leaves leave behind developing fruits when grapes are allowed to grow on the ground, many gardeners prefer this method. The foliage shade keeps the ripe fruit fresh and fresh during a hot day.

Kumanek F1 is an early maturing bee-pollinating hybrid, forming long lashes with beautiful emerald fruits. It is characterized by increased resistance to drought and most popular diseases. It gives high-quality yields in wet and cool weather.

The real F1 owner is a high-yielding parthenocarpic resistant to common diseases. Zelentsy have excellent taste and commodity qualities.

Cucumbers, as a rule, are established close to the ground and near the base of a shrub cucumber plant, which makes it possible to harvest quickly and easily. Bush cucumbers usually do not require seeding or training. Growing cucumbers on the ground, but not the grid requires more space and complicates cleaning. The fruit is also more susceptible to soil contamination, and dirt may need to be ground during harvesting. Production may also be limited. According to the University of North Carolina, trellised vines, as a rule, produce two to three times more cucumbers.

Altar F1 - early-hybrid, resistant to a wide range of dangerous diseases. Also has increased resistance to viruses.

Siberian courtyard F1 - medium ranked superranium, parthenocarpic, pleasing with a long harvest. Forms strong Zelentsy with excellent taste properties, which are great for canning and salting.

Providing cucumber vines to fall apart on the ground creates some weeding problems. Because vines tend to cover a wide area, it can be difficult to remove unwanted competing plants from a cucumber bed. Irrigated cucumber plants, dried on the ground, usually lead to wetting of the leaves, which can be a problem if you prefer evening watering. Because the vine cannot completely dry before dark, a cool, moist environment can cause illness.

How to grow cucumbers is often a personal decision. The visual impact of the cucumber stains with its overgrown vines can evoke memories of old-time gardens, while the clean appearance of latticed vegetables may appeal to gardeners in urban areas. But although the trellis produces more fruit and saves space, it also requires the erection of a fence or trellis and the training of vines to climb the fence, requiring a large investment of time and money.

In addition to the above-mentioned modern gardeners are in demand and such varieties (hybrids), such as:

  • - Farmer F1;
  • - Sister Alyonushka F1;
  • - Brother Ivanushka F1;
  • - Parker (all bee-pollinated), and
  • - Libelle F1;
  • - Bianca;
  • - Marinda;
  • - Claudia F1;
  • - Mazai F1;
  • - Matilda (self pollinating).

When and where to sow seeds of cucumbers in the open field?

Places where cucumbers will grow should be well protected from drafts and cold wind. It is optimal if the plants are planted near the lightest, warmest wall of the house, a fence or among tall plants - for example, in the thickets of Jerusalem artichoke, sunflowers, legumes. Attention should be paid to the fact that pumpkin crops (squash, squash, cucumber) were not grown at this place in the previous garden season - this will reduce the risk of infestation of young plants with common diseases and pests.

Being a subtropical plant, it is best suited for warm temperatures and full sunlight. Depending on the variety, the collection time usually occurs from 50 to 70 days after planting, and the plants begin to die soon after the cessation of production. The lifespan of a cucumber plant depends on several factors, which include its diversity, the shape of its growth, and its environment. From germination to fruit, two important milestones are the time it takes for the plant to germinate and the time when it starts producing comfortable cucumbers.

In practice, experienced gardeners often grow cucumbers on the so-called. “Warm beds”, thanks to which the yields of Zelentsy increase significantly. Arrange such beds from:

  • - greens of mowed grass (wormwood, nettle, etc.);
  • - wood shavings and sawdust;
  • - needles;
  • - fallen leaves of poplar, birch, linden;
  • - paper waste.

It is not allowed to use potato, pumpkin, cucumber and squash tops for arranging warm beds - this vegetable garbage is burned with the end of the summer season.

With some common varieties that produce fruits on long vines, plants can live until the first frost if they are ignored, and cucumbers will grow too large to be useful, often yellowing or orange and growing to the size of a small squash. If the vineyards are well chosen, production will cease after the last cucumber is harvested and the plant withers and dies. Bush-cucumber plants grow more compactly, do not send out long vines and do not produce their fruit immediately, usually within 40-50 days.

Preparation of necessary plant materials for warm bedsAs a rule, they are carried out in the autumn, but it is not forbidden to produce it in the spring.

Subject to all rules of cultivation of cucumbers good harvest  can be obtained when growing them in the usual beds.

The average time for sowing seeds of cucumbers for open ground (for seedlings):

Smaller cucumbers, such as pickling, ripen faster, in some cases already 40 days and the plants reach peak production earlier than plants that produce longer cucumbers. Cucumbers are classified as single-stage, because they produce both male and female flowers on the same plant. The first to appear are men who fall shortly after flowering. Then a second growth of male and female flowers appears, and pollen is transferred from men to female flowers by bees or other insects.

At the moment, the plants grow by about 50 days, and after fertilization, the production of fruits begins. Tiny cucumbers in the centers of the female flowers, which are actually undeveloped embryos, begin to expand and continue to grow until they reach full size for their individual species. As soon as the plant stops growing, all its energy is diverted to the production of cucumbers, and it is important to avoid crushing the vines during harvesting so that they continue to produce.

  • - under the film - April 20-25;
  • - without film - May 20-25.

The average time for planting seedlings:

  • - under the film - May 15-20;
  • - without film - June 7-10.

To get a good, abundant crop, regardless of the vagaries of the weather, it is advisable to plant not one, but several (5-7) varieties or culture hybrids.

For sowing is usually taken large, full-fledged seeds, which are determined using various methods. One of them provides for the calibration of seeds in a 3% - or 5% salt solution, in which they are immersed for about 20 minutes. During this procedure, small, hollow and unviable seeds will float to the surface, and high-quality planting material will settle on the bottom of the tank.

Cucumbers with weak branching lateral shoots

As soon as female flowers are fertilized, cucumbers grow quickly. In many cases, they need to be collected often, sometimes daily, so they do not grow too much and become bitter and unsuitable. As the vine grows, the growth rate of cucumber increases, and the average plant produces approximately 12 to 16 cucumbers. the last cucumbers are harvested, which is approximately 70 days from the actual planting date, the leaves of the plant turn yellow and wilted, and should be lifted immediately. Plants not affected by disease or insects may be composted, while damaged plants must be removed to avoid this suffering.

If you are an avid gardener, then you probably know the spring excitement in anticipation of the next harvest and autumn disappointment when something failed. If the cause of failure is not in the mistakes of agrotechnology, the seeds should be replaced with the best varieties of cucumbers for open ground.

Nowadays, the varietal variety of cucumbers is so large that it allows you to make just the perfect choice, corresponding to even the most difficult conditions of your site and limited possibilities of care. But to get to the point is impossible without careful preliminary preparation. Store shelves are full of packages with the names of famous high-yielding varieties  and novelties, the vast majority of which are hybrids. So, what to choose?

The variety is distinguished by a stable ability to pass on its own characteristics and properties. That is, high-quality cucumbers make it possible to independently harvest the seeds and grow the plants they like for many years. With hybrids, everything is different. A plant with those wonderful characteristics that are indicated on the package can be grown once. Seeds harvested from grown fruits will, when further cultivated, produce plants with completely different qualities. They can be low-yielding, barren or outstanding, which is unlikely. The result is difficult to predict. Seeds of F1 hybrids do not preserve the properties of the parent plant.

The designation F1 (abbreviated from Italian. Filli - children) indicates that we have before us a hybrid formed by artificially pollinating two different varieties. The seeds obtained in this way, in the first generation, produce plants that are characterized by extraordinary vitality, accelerated growth and high yield.

The ability of hybrids to significantly exceed the original varieties (often not the most outstanding) in all respects is called heterosis, which in Greek means change. F1 hybrids have an increased immunity to diseases and pests, they successfully bear fruit in the most adverse conditions, and the fruits from the lower hands to the crown itself are of identical size.

The only opportunity to grow the F1 hybrid you like is the annual purchase of seeds, the price of which is much higher than the seeds of high-quality cucumbers.

Selection of parental pairs for a hybrid is very hard work, which takes many years. Therefore, breeders keep secret the original varieties, maintaining the uniqueness of the resulting hybrid and protecting themselves from copying. Pollination of parental forms is done almost by hand, which, of course, affects the cost of seeds. The F1 group has several hundred names and is constantly updated with new ones.

Consider the most popular and fruitful hybrid varieties:

Domestic and foreign breeding farms are constantly working to develop new hybrid forms, trying to anticipate the growing demands of customers. This year we are offered these new products:

The first generation F1 hybrids with minimal care give consistently high yields, are immune to diseases, withstand difficult climatic conditions, forgive agricultural engineering flaws, have excellent taste and pickling characteristics. It is not surprising that the choice of modern gardeners stops on them. You can only disappoint hybrids if you have purchased a fake instead of original seeds. Therefore, you need to buy seeds in specialized stores, packaged in branded sachets of well-known manufacturers with a proven reputation.

Video "The Best Grades"

Varieties of varieties

In the description of varieties are often present unfamiliar words and incomprehensible characteristics. In order not to be mistaken with the choice, you need to figure out what benefits are capable of bringing certain features.

In terms of ripening fruits, varieties and hybrids of cucumbers for open ground are divided into three groups:

  • early ripening varieties ripen at 32-40 days after emergence;
  • mid-season varieties bear fruit after 40-50 days;
  • late varieties reach maturity in more than 50 days.

Early varieties of cucumbers are impressive for a short period of fruit formation, but are more susceptible to disease. Because of the poorly developed root system, they bear fruit together, but for a short time. Among the early many varieties of salad destination, unsuitable for pickling. Middle and late varieties are distinguished by high immunity to various infections and high yields.

Early varieties of cucumbers:

Mid-season varieties:

  • Gunnar F1 - Dutch, parthenocarpic, hybrid variety, tall, indeterminate type. Tasting taste score - 4.9 points out of 5 possible;
  • Stork - bee-pollinating variety, strong-growing (length of the main shoot is 170-220 cm). From sowing seeds to fruiting, 49-52 days pass. Fruits with large tubercles and solid black pubescence weigh from 70 to 105 g. Good fresh, for salting and preservation.

Late varieties:

According to the method of pollination varieties can be:

Bee pollinated varieties differ enviable germination and resistance to adverse environmental factors. They are not inferior, and sometimes overtake self-pollinated varieties in yield. However, if we take into account the fact that the population of these beneficial insects is decreasing, pollination by bees lengthens the period of ovary formation and during the flowering weather is not always good, then the advantages of self-pollinated varieties, as they say, are obvious. The disadvantage of self-pollinated varieties can be called bad ovary formation in hot, dry weather. For self-pollination they need at least a drop of dew.

Parthenocarpic forms were originally thought for growing in greenhouses, but today they are successfully grown in open ground. These varieties are genetically provided with a double set of chromosomes and form fruits due to proliferation of the cells of the fruit and the pericarp. Fruits of such varieties do not turn yellow, as they do not require ripening of seeds, they retain attractive green color, density and freshness for a long time.

According to the method of formation of lashes, cucumbers are divided into determinant and indeterminant. In a determinant plant, the growth of a central shoot is limited to the formation of an upper floral brush, after which fruiting occurs on numerous side shoots. Indeterminants are characterized by unrestricted growth of the main stem and a small number of weak lateral shoots.

According to the intended use of cucumbers are divided into salad, pickling and universal.

Salad varieties:

  • Forward F1 - parthenocarpic, disease-resistant, late-ripening variety. Forward variety cucumbers - smooth, long, with excellent sweet and delicate taste;
  • White Angel F1 - parthenocarpic middle grade, ovaries grow in bunches. Ripe fruits have a pale green color. Used fresh.

Salted varieties of tasty cucumbers for open ground.

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