Which bow is best preserved in winter variety. The best varieties of onions for storage. Golden Semko F1

Before you buy onions for planting, decide what crop you need. Domestic and imported varieties combine and successfully combine various characteristics. The shape of the bulbs, their color, taste and product characteristics can be different.

Foreign varieties of onions and hybrids

Onion sets Sturon  attributed to mid-season varieties. Originally from Holland.

Want to get alerts when pests direct your path?

In addition to providing some air circulation, the shelves or containers that you use to store onions should be easily inspected because good bow  may become unsuccessful unexpectedly. When a stored onion is bad, you will smell it long before you see it. If you have seen any pests or beneficial insects in your garden for several days, let them know.

Pearl onions have many colors and varieties; Great for boiling and pickling. More modest than European varieties, Thai shallots are great for spices. Spicy yellow onions for storage, or plain, are the working horses of the kitchen. Grilled or marinated tennis, fresh torpedo bow, which has a concentrated sweetness. Spicy tear forms are slightly spicy and excellent for sauces.

  • shape: round;
  • color: yellow brown;
  • to taste: spicy

Highly productive variety, bulbs are large, single-nested. Resistant to disease, well stored, has an excellent presentation.

The world's most famous onion variety is Stuttgart Riesen. The ripening period is medium early. Homeland - Germany.

Children's red creole onions are so named because of their amazing spice. Maya Sweets - fresh, juicy soft onions, available in the States in autumn and winter. Supersweet sweet hybrid - the perfect dried onion for caramelization. A large red onion bun lasts longer than most dry onions, and has a muffled spice.

Cleaning and preparation of onions for storage

French gray shallots want cooks for their creamy texture and exquisite taste. A small, spicy turbo onion is a new variety of storage with lots of heat. Late season sausage is surprisingly juicy and large for storing onions. White grinex - cousin Vidalia, a popular sweet onion from the south. Red zeppelin intensely onion for reds, a popular storage hybrid. Red Bergersiers were bred on a sandwich onion. Often the gathered young, silvery skin of Paris is white, crunchy, soft and great for pickling. shallot has more spices and heat than Asian varieties.

  • by color: golden yellow on the outside and white on the inside;
  • to taste: spicy

Differs in high productivity. Bulbs dense, medium size. It matures well and is stored. It is frost-resistant, therefore it is good to sow before winter. Requires additional measures to protect against peronosporoza (downy mildew) and cervical rot.

Great for sauces. Crystal white wax is a soft, ordinary pearl that retains its shape during preparation. The apartment of Italy is a relic of Italian zipollin, ideal for roasting agrodoll, in sweet and sour glaze. The giant red hamburger is a sort of variety that is sweet, juicy and large, like a bun. It is useful to know what characteristics to consider when choosing them for your garden.

The advantages of growing onion seedlings

Grouping onions to taste is one way to select onions. There are basically two options: strong flavoring and softer. Soft varieties are sometimes called "European" onions. Rays also vary in quality preservation. For onions, which you can keep long after the growing season, strong aromatic, yellow - your the best choice. They are very popular in this country, and they are beautifully kept.

Yield and most suitable for storage variety dutch selection - Red baron.

  • in form: flat-round;
  • color: dark red;
  • to taste: semi-sharp

The bulbs have a dense consistency, the weight of each is from 50 to 100 grams, but the yield, with proper careIt reaches 3 kg per square meter. Very popular in cooking, ideal for salads. Contains a large amount of vitamin C.

Soft Bermuda, Portuguese and Spanish onions did not last long. They do not develop a really strong outer skin that is necessary for long-term storage. In fact, some white Bermuda bows will be stored for only a few weeks. However, they are certainly worthy of their sweet, mellow taste.

Onions - the best fruit varieties

It can also help sort the varieties depending on how much daylight they need to form the bulb. The short-term types described in the wells of the seed catalog when there is about 12 hours of light per day. Onions with long bulbs only when they get 15 or 16 hours of daylight. In general, long day varieties are recommended for northern areas, and short day varieties are intended for use in the south.

Another hybrid from the Netherlands - F1 Universit. One-year onion variety, characterized by medium maturity.

  • shape: perfectly round;
  • by color: golden brown;
  • to taste: semi-sharp

The average weight of the bulbs is 150-180 grams, but with proper care, the mass of the bulbs can reach 500 and even 800 grams. Well stored, resistant to diseases and mechanical damage. Recommended for early sowing.

Here is a good rule of thumb: the stronger the skin and the flavor of onions, the longer it lasts. For example, you can first use white onions for pickling and boiling, then large, soft, sliced ​​in summer and, finally, yellow for cooking throughout the year.

The following onion varieties are not the only ones you should choose from. It may take several seasons to find the types that are best for your soil and climate. It may be helpful to speak with experienced local growers or contact your local district extension agent for more information on the types of onions that grow best in your area. Of course, your own garden is your "laboratory." Do not be afraid to experiment and enjoy the different varieties.

Troy  - early ripe onions.

  • in form: flat-round and rounded;
  • in color: from light to dark golden;
  • taste: moderately spicy

For one summer onion varieties are grown from seeds Albion.

  • color: white;
  • to taste: semi-sharp

Planting any onions will at least give you something tasty. Due to its versatility, easy growing and good time shelf life, onions is a valuable food and is one of the most popular vegetables in the world. In addition to its spicy taste, it also has a healing effect and is often used as a home remedy for cough.

Place the seedlings in the garden

Onions are very easy to pull out of seeds. Already in March, sowing can take place under glass in a greenhouse or in a cold frame. The distance from onions to onions ranges from 5 to 10 cm, depending on the variety. Look for well-drained soil for all types of onions. Humus sandy soil or loess are also suitable.

Mid-season variety, bulbs of medium and large size, but keeping quality is not good. Ideal for fresh consumption, for salads, dressings, drying.

Dutch hybrid ripening quite early - Centurion.

  • shape: wide ovoid;
  • by color: brown;
  • to taste: spicy

It is important that the soil has a good capacity for storing water without forming waterlogging. Bow loves very sunny. So that you get a rich harvest, the soil must be kept loose and without weeds. You do not need to fertilize in the normal case. Good composting in the fall — as preparation for spring — is enough. If you do not have compost at your disposal, you can also include a handful of chips in the soil. In a mixed culture with carrots, radishes or radishes, onion gets better.

In addition, diseases and parasites remain on the sidelines. They are harvested when another bow is planted. So you have fresh onions all year round. Remove the onions as soon as the foliage begins to turn yellow and die. Store onions for seven days in an airy and dry place. If the foliage of the plants gives it, you can also tie a bow with decorative braids.

Very high yield varieties - up to 8 kg per square meter. It matures perfectly and is stored for a long time. Bulbs of medium size.

The largest round bulbs in the Dutch variety Hercules.

  • shape: round;
  • color: light yellow;
  • to taste: spicy

Vegetable or onion  Red onion White bow  Silver onions Leek or onion. Choose a bow that is dry to the outside and firm to the touch, the peel should look like paper, almost loose, and should be oval or round and regular, keep the bow in the grid in which you have it. to ensure optimal air circulation. When stored in a cool, dry place and in the dark, onions should be stored for one month.

Thicken onions or spring onions to eat fresh. Look for smooth, durable white bulbs and bright green stems. Clean them immediately and cool them in a plastic bag for a week at most. To peel onions, Spanish onions or red onions, first make several cuts from one end to the other. To peel the onions without tears, keep them under running water while removing. skin or ask them to quickly disperse, then let them drain, and then remove the peel. You can also boil or steam the whole onion, if it comes to the cooking method, and clean it after cooking.

There are few dry scales, only 3-4. Powerfully developed root system allows you to endure drought without loss. Well kept.

Among the promising new varieties of onions it should be noted Setton. This is a medium late onion variety with excellent maturation.

  • in a form: leveled, roundish, the neck is thin;
  • by color: golden yellow;
  • to taste: spicy

To clear the cutting bow, simply remove the outermost layer by sliding it down as soon as you trim the ends. It is best to chop the onions by hand, because culinary robots usually mash them. Cut the onion in half and put the sliced ​​part down, hold the end of the root and make a series of parallel cuts. Turn it 90 degrees to make several cross-cuts and get a finely chopped onion.

To get thin onion rings of equal thickness, peel and cut a thin piece halfway between the root and the side of the stem along one side. cut so that it lies flat, and then hold the root and slice. Beef onions are excellent raw, minced, salad or side dish on cooked dishes, especially in Oriental or Asian dishes. They also make a delicious side dish for vegetable soups and eggs, cheeses or fish dishes - these thin onions should never be digested.

The bulbs are of medium size, ripen well, stored for a long time. Variety resistant to germination and yellowness. It is famous for its high content of vitamin C and dry matter.

If the task is to grow green onion feathers, then, as well as possible, the variety will be suitable for this purpose. Bamberger. But the bulbs are loved and in great demand.

Spanish onions and red onions can be used in the same way, in salads, sandwiches and fries. Cooking onions are very versatile. They are used in Chinese frying or boiled dishes. They can be baked, stewed, boiled or fried. You can cook a classic onion soup. They cook well when their meat is moderately tender. Slow cooking over low heat seems to produce a sweet taste.

Xavier Mathias and Le Caher du Potadger Biot tell us. Combining several diseases or pests and simple growing needs, shallots are undoubtedly one of the easiest vegetables to achieve success. The vast majority of amateur gardeners do not deceive themselves and, as a rule, successfully develop them, they have become so mundane in our gardens that we almost forget that behind these gray or copper tunics there is a long history and sometimes complex botanical reality.

  • in a form: extended;
  • color: dark golden;
  • to taste: sweet

Widely used in cooking in fresh form, in salads, soups, suitable for canning. Well kept.

Dutch hybrid Radar  used for drowning. Variety refers to the middle-late.

Start over. These are mainly onions, leeks, shallots, garlic, onions and onions. These are bulbs of a concentric tunic, devoid of uncertainty for the most internal light bulbs. Their characteristic is that as soon as they reach maturity, after they recognize the high temperatures, they will return to their vegetative life as soon as they converge again. The buds then produce either flower stalks when they are onions, or give a bunch of new bulbs for shallots. This does not mean that they never give seeds.

Add to this first difference, related to their mode of reproduction by the emission of bulbs more than the seeds, that shallots contain more buds at the base of the bulbs than onions. The exception that confirms the rule, otherwise it would not be funny, “shallots” is distinguished by its thick roots, its extremely solid tunic and its foliage with a falling port. Modern modern research methods allowed to link these shallots with species found in Central Asia. From the beginning to our table.

  • in form: flat-round;
  • color: yellow;
  • to taste: spicy

The scales are quite strong, the bulbs have an average weight of 300 grams. Variety resistant to bolting.

Another relatively new variety  Dutch breeders - Snowball. The name itself speaks of the color of the bow, which is preserved during storage.

After a long journey from Central Asia, their region of origin, to Europe through Egypt, shallots spread widely throughout the Mediterranean basin, since antiquity. A handbook for an accurate picture of the popularity of vegetables or seasoning, shallots are cited in the famous house of the head of De Willis, usually attributed to Charlemagne. Their yields are lower in weight than those of onions, but this defect is compensated by production, largely favored by their reproduction by the bulbs.

Therefore, one should expect long sowing of seed holders with phytosanitary risks, which it includes, as is the case with onions. Shallots also allow to avoid thin seedlings in the nursery, requiring transplants, risky operation, requiring special attention and care. Thus, even if shallots often become victims of botrytis in the process of conservation, because of their multiplication mode, the common problems of viral diseases, they are undoubtedly much easier to produce than onions.

  • in form: rounded;
  • color: white;
  • to taste: semi-sharp

Possesses high productivity and is perfectly stored. The variety does not shoot, is not afraid of adverse weather conditions and diseases.

Product of Japanese breeders, variety Senshui yellowIt is intended for sub-winter landing.

  • in form: flat;
  • by color: straw yellow;
  • to taste: spicy

It lies perfectly until the middle of winter, it is not afraid of downy mildew and is resistant to bolting.

A high-quality, high-yield product in a short time allows you to get a wintery variety with a poetic name. Shakespeare.

  • in form: rounded;
  • by color: brown;
  • to taste: semi-sharp

Bulbs juicy, with a high content of minerals and vitamin C. Dense outer scales allow you to keep the harvest for a long time. Do not shoot.

The Dutch presented the world with an excellent grade of onion seed called Red carmen.

  • in form: flat-round;
  • color: red with a purple tinge;
  • to taste: semi-sharp

Under the strong scales lies juicy flesh with great taste. Excellent maturing and stored.

Domestic varieties of onions

With early spring sowing, a variety of onions is grown Danilovsky 301. Variety refers to mid-season.

  • in a form: flat or flat-round;
  • by color: purple;
  • to taste: semi-sharp

Used for fresh food (lettuce variety), the pulp has a purple color. Well kept.

Belgorod region has enriched onion varieties with one more - Strigunovsky local.

  • in form: rounded;
  • color: light yellow;
  • taste: spicy.

The flesh is white, the bulbs are of medium size. The variety is early ripening, characterized by excellent keeping quality.

Spassky local improved onion variety is suitable for growing bulbs and pasture greens. Srednegnezdny - 2-5 bulbs. It is characterized by medium ripening.

  • in form: flat-round;
  • color: yellow brown;
  • to taste: spicy

It has good keeping quality.

One of the new varieties of domestic breeding - Golden Semko.

  • in form: rounded;
  • by color: golden yellow;
  • to taste: spicy

Bulbs dense, weight - 80-90 grams. High yield and disease resistance. Stability is average.

Mid season high-yielding variety Alvinacharacterized by a high content of sugars, selenium, quercetin.

  • in form: flat;
  • by color: purple;
  • to taste: slightly hot

Bulb weight ranges from 70 to 150 grams. Juicy flesh, excellent taste, good keeping quality.

Shetana- medium-early variety, giving consistently good yield.

  • in a form: rounded, leveled;
  • color: yellow;
  • to taste: semi-sharp

It is highly resistant to diseases, stored for up to six months.

Domestic answer Carmen Red - variety Carmen MC.

  • in form: flat-round;
  • by color: purple;
  • to taste: slightly hot

Forms a nest of 2-3 bulbs, can be stored for a long time.

There is no summer resident who would grow onions in the garden. This culture has a wide variety of varieties and it is very difficult for a novice gardener to understand. Let's try in the article to consider the best varieties of onion seedlings.
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Selection of onion stitch

What characteristics should be considered when choosing?

  • Taste quality varieties: spicy, semi spicy or sweet salad.
  • Resistance to moisture, the magnitude of the duration of the day, the temperatures of your region.
  • The size and shape of onions.

The advantages of growing onion seedlings

  1. The possibility of obtaining a homogeneous and early harvest.
  2. This culture has more powerful root systemthat provides harvest in arid summer.
  3. Harvest depends little on the growth of weeds.
  4. Plants easily tolerate loosening.

Description of varieties of onion seedlings

From the right choice  varieties depend on the future harvest. Therefore, knowledge of the best varieties of onion seed will help you competently approach the choice of culture.

  yellow onion

Yellow varieties

Sturon  among breeders is considered the best. It has an early ripening, pleasant semi sharp taste. The variety is single-nest, reaches a mass of 90-150 g. It sprouts well, has a stable crop, is well preserved and is resistant to many diseases. Keeps up earlier than other species for 8-12 days. Recommended for cultivation in northern latitudes.

Arzamasky grade  tested by time. It matures in 3.5 months, perfectly stored. The bulbs grow from 40 to 85 g.

Sevok Buran refers to the late varieties and is mainly grown for two years. His bulbs are dense, even and large, sharp in taste, beautifully stored. The harvest is fairly stable.

Stuttgart Riesen  - one of the earliest varieties, well-established in our country. Onions have a sharp taste, grow to medium and even large size from 50 to 150 g. Some specimens reach 250-300 g. The variety has crop stability and excellent keeping quality (up to 6 months). When growing requires weeding, loosening and watering. The disadvantage is low resistance to cervical rot and powdery mildew.

Grade Centurion  launched on the basis of Stuttgarter Riesen. The characteristics of the variety have been improved: keeping quality has been brought up to 8 months, the shape of the bulbs is elongated, their weight is 110-150 g (maximum up to 180 g), the yield is stable and high, germination under favorable conditions reaches 100%, the taste is sharp and spicy, resistant to marksmanship. Increased resistance of the variety to a large number of diseases.

Hercules  - A hybrid variety of medium ripening, spicy taste. It gives the largest broadly elliptical bulbs of about 150-160 g. The variety has a high yield, is well stored, resistant to pink and bottom rot, onion fusarium.

Siberian one-year  Sevok matures in 2.5 months. Flat or round yellow bulbs can reach 200 g. If you sow the seeds, it will take about 100 days to ripen. This variety is well kept and resistant to bolting.

Exibichen  Medium late species, productive, resistant to cold, can grow sweetish juicy. Differs in stable productivity in many climatic zones, and resistance to diseases.

Red or purple varieties

Red baron early bow  has a rounded onion weighing 25-150 g of a pleasant semi sharp taste. It is well stored, has a high stable yield. Due to its pleasant taste, it is successfully used in the preparation of salads. When growing requires loosening, weeding and regular watering. Can be propagated by seed, seedlings.

Black Prince  has a mid-season ripening, flatish rounded bulbs can reach a mass of up to 100 g. The yield is up to 50 kg / ha. Purpose universal, color purple hue.

Carmen MC  new early variety  red-purple color, mild taste. Flat-rounded bulbs grow to 100-120 g. Usually grown in two years, 2-3 bulbs grow in the nest. Good lezhkost. The bulbs are rich in vitamin C. The species propagates by seed, seedlings and sevke.

Moldavian view medium ripeness and ripens in 3.5 months. Violet bulbs are large, individual copies reach 200 g.

These varieties also include: Retro, Campillo, Yukont, Mars, Hermes.

  white bow

White varieties

Stardust  refers to the mid-term ripening with a pleasant semi spicy taste. The bulbs are even, large in size, weighing 30-50 g, well stored. You can propagate Sevk and seeds. The yield of the variety reaches 3-4.5 kg / m2.

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