What are the early cucumbers to plant. Suitable varieties of cucumbers. Planting cucumbers in the greenhouse for the earliest harvest

Cucumber is considered a unique vegetable crop belonging to the pumpkin family, the fruits of which can be eaten even in its unripe form. Since already in the middle of the summer season, most of the area in the plots is vacated after harvesting, the gardeners have a question: “Is it possible to plant cucumbers in July 2016?”. Of course, I would like to get good harvest, and for this it is worth knowing which varieties of cucumbers are best suited for planting, and which days are most favorable.

What vegetables can be grown in pots

Potted vegetables can be grown on the balcony. Good vegetables for growing in pots: cucumbers, zucchini, small tomatoes, various types of salads, arugula, onion, beans, beef, pepper, onion, parsley. For this set of vegetables, it is worth adding lightly growing herbs, such as regular basil, which is very fragrant and is an excellent addition to tomato dishes. Strawberries and strawberries are also becoming increasingly popular, and they also feel great when grown in containers. Special attention is paid to strawberries, which can be hung from the balcony.

First of all, in order to plant cucumbers in mid-July, it is necessary to choose the most early ripening cucumber varieties. This is necessary so that they have time to give a harvest before the onset of cold weather. This vegetable crop is quite capricious in this respect, and loves warm, sunny weather.

In order for the crop to be high, varieties will be needed that have a growing season of up to 50-55 days. The main thing is to choose the right variety and meet all the conditions for the rapid ripening of fruits. It is best to use an early ripe variety for growing cucumbers in summer.

How to grow vegetables in pots

The principle of planting vegetables in pots is similar to the principle of growing other pot plants. At the bottom of the pots, we have to put a griddle, lime, or clay to make a good drain, so that vegetables should not overflow any excess water. Also, make holes in the bottom of the pot so that excess water can flow freely. The braids that we fill with vegetable pots must be fertile and rich in nutrients, with a pH close to indifferent. In sales, we can get ready land for growing vegetables.

As practice shows, planting cucumbers on summer days can be carried out as open ground, and in greenhouses. Second way better fit  for growing crops in cold climates, as this can harm the cultivation process.

During the cultivation of vegetables in the summer, it is best to resort to ready seedlings. To do this, they should be grown in separate landing tanks so that they are ready at the time of landing in the ground.

As soon as we have a ready-made pot with a pod, you can join in planting vegetables. Keep in mind not to plant too many vegetables in one pot. Vegetables, such as space, and do not like competition, so let's be guided by the principle that less vegetables in one pot gives more and better quality fruits. For example, in the case of zucchini, it is enough to plant one large pot, which guarantees large vegetables, the same can be done with the garden.

Pot size is important for growing vegetables. The pot can not be too small. For example, in the case of salads or onions, we can plant several plants for one longitudinal balcony. Let's take a look at the requirements for vegetables for intervals in traditional tillage.

In 2016, it would be better to start growing seeds on April 11, 22, and 23. In May the most favorable days  - 9, 11 and 22 number. In June, favorable days are 5, 11, 12. This time determines moon calendarwhich is usually used by all experienced gardeners. Favorable dates change every year, so in 2016 it is necessary to land not in the same way as last season.

Growing seedlings for faster harvest

An interesting way to plant vegetables in pots is to plant the seedlings directly in a plastic bag from the ground. Especially such salads grow well in such conditions. Cut the holes in the bag with scissors and insert them into them. Let's just remember that the holes are not too tight. The bottom of the bag can be applied in several places to allow excess water to flow. A plastic bag, heated, additionally heats the roots, which will accelerate the growth of vegetables.

How to care for vegetables in pots

For plant diseases and pests, we must regularly look and immediately remove plants or whole plants with signs of disease so that the infection does not spread to the remaining vegetables. We have a hand on the balcony, so even a daily viewing of such a crop is not a problem. We can do this immediately after a disease or pest is detected. If weeds begin to grow weeds, remove them immediately.

Most hybrid seed varieties are planted vertically. If possible, it is best to grow in greenhouses.

If cooling days are predicted on summer days, then it is better to cover the young seedlings with plastic wrap or other non-woven material to keep some of the heat in the ground, preventing the root system from cooling.

We do this carefully so as not to damage the roots of the vegetables. July is a very warm month with hot weather. In the Polish climate it rains, with stormy and violent storms. At the same time, the length of the day is gradually reduced, and this contributes to the cultivation of many vegetables, such as Chinese cabbage and parsley.

Just shortening the day makes you follow the planting dates. Then the July planting of vegetables goes to the ground, and the yield is high. Some vegetables can be sown in July, for example, endive. Others, such as beans or beets, are sown only in the first week of July or, like Chinese cabbage, in the latter.

It is very important to provide for early ripe varieties  high-quality watering with warm water. It is far from always in the second half of summer it rains, and drought can only increase. Therefore, it may require frequent watering so that the soil does not dry out and the seedlings do not stop growing.

Regardless of what sort of cucumber you will grow, be sure to make root and foliar dressing. You can use rotted manure, chicken droppings, peat, charcoal.

What vegetables are sown on land in July

Usually sowing vegetables on the ground is less troublesome than preparing seedlings. Notes. For later sowing, select later varieties such as the Red Sphere or Round Dark Red. All July notes: endive can also be sown in pots or on a planting ground, and then, when it grows, exaggerate on the ground. It's very fast.

First week of July Notes: Only bean sprouts are cooked this time. The seed does not ripen until autumn. Chinese cabbage Notes: Chinese cabbage is sensitive to transplanting. So it's easier to sow it right on the ground. All July Notes: When the first days of July are dry and hot, sprinkle the fennel seeds. Then he will rise faster, and he will have more tender leaves.

On the basis of these components, a solution is prepared for watering the plants in order to improve the properties of the soil and to increase the rate of crop ripening. It is advisable to apply organic fertilizers as early as possible, since their action is softer, and the seedlings will not grow intensively.

Fennel - all July Notes: Fennel can be sown in July on the ground or in boxes. All July notes: it is growing rapidly, it does not require and is beautifully inferior. Therefore, it can be collected even in late autumn. Turnip - last week of July Notes: it is best to sow vegetables in July, only choose varieties of late turnips.

Cress - all July Notes: On the territory of cress it grows a little longer than on the windowsill of the house. It is grown more aromatic. It must be watered intensively. Radish - all July notes: for July, sowing vegetables should choose late varieties of radish.

If you plant breeding types of cucumber, it is best to pre-apply top dressing in the soil, as well as additional trace elements: phosphorus, manganese, potassium, nitrogen.

Video "Experiment with cucumbers - landing in July"

What sort of cucumbers to plant in August in the greenhouse?

Lettuce - the first week of July. Notes: with all the salad has the least requirements. Last week of July. Remarks: July sowing of spinach is unreliable if there is heat. Spinach is a vegetable that loves to cool. It is best to grow when the temperature does not exceed 15 degrees Celsius. In July, the Matador variety can be sown.

In July, the days are short enough for spinach only in the last days of this month. When the days are too long, the spinach knocks out the inflorescences. Trees and trees have a high demand for water during this period, and temperatures are usually higher this month. Therefore, let's not forget about their watering. Branches that bend under the weight of the fruit should be protected from burglary by supporting wooden poles or licking thicker branches. We check the growth angle of shoots on young trees - if they grow too vertically up, carefully bend down to the level, for example, bending with string.

Sow cucumbers in July: all the pros and cons

What are the advantages of planting cucumbers in the summer season? We can identify the following factors:

  • seeds of almost all varieties sprout very quickly;
  • before the onset of frost, you can get another good harvest of vegetables;
  • the early ripe grade can be stored longer;
  • optimal temperature is maintained for the plant;
  • active use of the vacated land from other cultures, which allows you to manage the land more rationally.

It should also be noted a number of negative factors that may not give proper yield, if you plant cucumbers on summer days:

Beginning in June, the depletion of late apple varieties should end this month. Remove the pins by tearing them with your fingers or using scissors for trimming. After the strawberries are collected, the beds should be neat. We cut the leaves and win them with the litter, which has been lined with interiors; weed, weed and fertilizer plants and weave the soil. Let's be careful not to damage the middle part of the plant, from which new leaves grow. At the end of July, after collecting the raspberries, we cut the old, stinging shoots, but left the shoots this year, which we attach to the supports so that during strong winds they do not break.

  • features of weather conditions in a specific area (earlier cold snap, frequent rains, strong winds);
  • an early ripe variety is not available for planting;
  • the land after the cultivation of other crops is highly depleted, and the restoration will take a long time.

All July with vegetables should systematically creep and mix the soil in the interior. If there is a drought, watering is necessary. From the tomato plant, we remove all unnecessary side shoots growing from the corners of the leaves. At the end of the month, tomatoes must move to limit their growth. After harvesting early vegetables, one can expect the germination of medium early tomatoes. In mid-July, onions are grown with balloons, we dig it when the chopper breaks completely, and it dries. We collect garlic, which we planted last fall.

The garlic cracked with forks before the chopper was completely dry, because then the onion on a tear falls into separate teeth. You can enjoy dill, watercress and rocket in July. What kind of vegetables can be planted close to each other. What does their neighborhood tolerate and who do not tolerate each other? A well-chosen plant area is beneficial for increasing yields and maintaining biological balance. It also affects morbidity and pests. It was shown, for example, that planting basil cucumbers significantly slowed down the growth of fluffy mold.

What varieties of cucumbers are best planted in a polycarbonate greenhouse, so that they meet all the requirements, namely:

  • high yield;
  • high taste qualities;
  • transportability;
  • disease resistance.

Selecting varieties of vegetable growers, both professionals and amateurs came to a common opinion, and prefer parthenocarpic hybrids. In the greenhouse there is no possibility for pollination, therefore, hybrids and varieties of cucumbers for the greenhouse are self-pollinated, this is exactly what will provide us with a consistently high yield.

In the case of vegetables, various useful systems have been used for many years - based on long-term observations. Popular vegetable species, such as beets, are excellent for onion rings, dwarf beans, soybeans, leeks, cabbage, kohlrabi, tomatoes, fennel, peas, lettuce, radishes, celery, cucumbers. Pumpkin loves the neighborhood of beans, corn, nasturtium. Beans grow well next to corn, pumpkins, cucumbers, celery, potatoes, mint and toothpaste. Peas can be sown almost next to all species except onions.

Avoid planting tomatoes near cucumbers and potatoes. Tomatoes recommend growing basil. Early potatoes should be well planted next to cabbage, spinach, corn, beans and beans. Spinach responds well to radish. When choosing a coordinated species, the following conditions must be met: - neighboring plants should not interfere with the growth of the aerial part and roots; - neighboring growing plants should stimulate their development; - appropriate neighborhood should cause resistance to the sick or causing pests, - use the order of cleaning.

In addition, the latest breeding development seeks to ensure that from one interstice the vegetable grower could remove 3 - 4, and some varieties up to 6, Zelentsov. Thus, growing one cucumber lash, the yield from it is taken several times higher than normal, not beam cucumbers.

Considering the varieties and hybrids, first of all, you also need to understand that by building a greenhouse, we were aiming at getting an early culture, so you need to choose early varieties  Firstly.

Varieties of cucumbers for growing in greenhouses: photos and descriptions

The following planting has been practiced in areas or in rural gardens for a long time: alternately in the row of one celery, one feed or row of celery, a number of pores. Several rows of potatoes - a few beans, a few rows of potatoes, a few cabbages or corn.

Selection of seeds for greenhouse cultivation

Koper is best grown when it is planted in different places - one crop of plants. It always grows better than in a homogeneous culture on a single rock, weeding can be a little embarrassing, especially small plants. You should avoid growing plants of the same species or one family. It is advisable to combine vegetable crops  with spicy or ornamental plants: marigold, calendula, nasturtium, spurge.

Early maturing

From such hybrids, you will begin to receive the harvest as early as 35-45 days after full germination. If you like pickles, then choose "Brave F 1". Among shortly fetuses, one may prefer: “Athena F 1”, “Gunnar F 1”, “Connie F 1”, “Indoor F 1”. The fruits of these Zelentsov smooth, cylindrical, up to 10 cm in length.

Did you know that from the moment they started to produce cucumbers are harvested daily, tomatoes and peppers are 3-4 days old and eggplants are 6-7 days old? When your garden began to grow, it is advisable to keep track of four, so that you know the right time to pick vegetables. Here are some tips from experts, but also from experienced gardeners.

It is collected in a staggered manner when the fruit reaches maturity. There are earlier varieties that produce fruit about 3 months after planting and fruit varieties 4-4, 5 months after planting. Tomatoes are harvested several times during baking. When the fruit reaches maturity and acquires an intense red color, it can be collected. Green or partially ripe fruits can be harvested if they are too heavy and can fall and fall. They are then placed on a shelf in direct sunlight, and after a few days they will receive an intense red color and will be as tasty as those that are gathered in maturity.

Polycarbonate greenhouse cucumber varieties with medium fruits with fruits up to 15 cm in length can be obtained from: “Khazbulat F 1”, “Cedric F 1”, “Spino F 1”, “Primadonna F 1”.

You can especially dwell on the hybrid "Arctic F 1". Cucumber with a very high regeneration property, it makes it possible to use it in the second turn. The hybrid perfectly transfers insufficient illumination, early and late cultivation for it. The “Arctic” is a very stable cucumber to a powdery race, fusarium and tobacco mosaic virus. Hybrid seeds are quite expensive, but those who have already tested a cucumber in their greenhouse, continue to grow it annually and recommend it to others.

If you prefer the early long fruit cucumbers, then among the parthenocarpic, you can choose "April F 1", "Zozulya F 1" they have already proven themselves of the last century and remain the favorites of both professionals and amateurs. Hybrid "Diva F 1" also loved vegetable growers. These cucumbers can grow up to 25 cm.

But "Korolyok F 1", "Sultan F 1", "Saracin F 1", "Borisych F 1" will show up to 15 cm. These cucumbers are universal, they will be in demand at any time and will be preferred by true culinary gourmets.


When choosing cucumbers for the greenhouse from polycarbonate, the best mid-grade varieties, those that will start fruiting on the 45-50 day, you can consider the following:

  • Long fetal "Chinese miracle F 1". This cucumber is an amateur. Sowing several grains, you can surprise your loved ones with the oddity of shapes and sizes, and for children it is just a joy;
  • The fruits are of medium length in hybrids: “Tournament F 1”, “Rostovchanin F 1”, “Derya F 1”, “Stinger”, “Libellet F 1”, “Salty Ears”. Particularly from this category, it is necessary to note the hybrid “Lyutoyar F 1”, a cucumber very resistant to cucumber diseases. Due to what it shows an unprecedented yield;
  • Hybrids with short fruits up to 10 cm: "Karaoke F 1", "Pollan F 1", "Soplitsa F 1", "Marinda F 1", "Annika F 1", "Puccini F 1", "Smak F 1" , "Russian Emerald F 1". The surplus of such fruits will easily fit into any container for pickling, and in winter they will become an ornament of both everyday and festive table.

Especially it is necessary to note a cucumber for the Super Baby F 1 salad. The fruit is beautiful, smooth, without pimples and prickles. Tonkoshkurst and exquisite aroma affects even experienced growers. The hybrid is selected in Turkey and came to taste in many countries around the world. Several homogeneous, leveled and beautiful fruits hang from one internode. The distances between the nodes are very short, so looking at the cucumber lash, it seems completely covered with uniform cucumbers. The cucumber is suitable only for salads, but having tasted it you get such a pleasure from smell and taste that there is simply no strength to refuse further cultivation of the hybrid;

  • Among the pictorial hybrids are: "Walk Russia F 1", "Marinda F 1", "Merry Company F 1", "Son of the Regiment F 1", "Hit of the season F 1". These cucumbers are perfect for preservation and marinating.

Especially delicious varieties

Growing cucumbers in the greenhouse for their consumption or product sales on the market, taste is probably the first item in the choice of hybrids and varieties. Consuming fresh cucumbers, we strive to feel the taste of not just a grungy green mass, but absorb the flavors of summer and enjoy them for the year ahead. The following hybrids can help us in this: “Athena F 1”, “Gunnar F 1”, “Cedric F 1”, “Spono F 1”, “Connie F 1”, “Arctic F 1”.

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