Popular varieties of cucumbers for open. The best varieties of cucumbers for open ground and greenhouses. Suitable seed varieties

Planting cucumbers in open ground is a rather complicated procedure. This is explained by the fact that every gardener needs not only to grow cucumbers, but also give a decent harvest. That is why it is necessary to choose the appropriate varieties of this crop, which are the most fruitful. Such varieties include: delicacy, Madame gherkin, alligator, regimental son, pickling, etc.

If the humidity is too high in the greenhouse, sufficiently ventilate the plant! Sumptuous nutrients are necessary for lush fruit cucumbers. Respond well to cucumber ground fertilizer with a kiosk or compost. In the course of culture, at least two conventions, for example, with horn flour and horn chips, and also with patent potassium. But be careful: cucumbers are sensitive to chlorine and salt.

What do I need to take care during maintenance?

For greenhouse cucumbers, the main drive is cut as soon as it reaches the height of the tie cord. With the exception of the two side shoots on top of the plant, all side shoots are removed from the leaf frame. From the sixth sheet one sheet remains on the sheet. Below the sixth leaf, all fruits are removed. With this design it is easier to harvest.

Characteristic variety:

  • The shape of the fruit of this plant is cylindrical.
  • They have small bumps on the surface, and the surface itself is as smooth as possible.
  • The peel of the fruit of this plant is very delicate and has a dark green color.
  • Cucumbers Variety Delicatessen have dense pulp, which is characterized by the presence of large amounts of sugar.
  • Of particular value to these cucumbers attached seed chamber of small dimensions.

All these qualities suggest that these cucumbers, which are used for planting in open ground, are ideal for salting.

On my cucumber leaves there is a white, powdery coating, what is it?

In addition, the stock can dry out faster - it contributes to the health of plants. This cover at the top of the page indicates powdery mildew. This often occurs after dry, warm weather with cool nights. The infected leaves then dry out. Treatment with plant protection products is only useful for plants that have good yields. Long landing distances during landing reduce the risk of infection. It is also possible to choose varieties that are resistant to the front. The harvest period lasts from July to October.

This variety is characterized by a high level of resistance to short-term cooling. Due to the extended period of fruiting, the gardener can harvest for a long period. This plant should be planted no more densely than 3-4 pieces per square meter.

Planting the seeds of this plant in the ground to be no more than 1.5-2 centimeters. Also Delicious variety cucumbers can be used for planting in greenhouses that are not heated. This action takes place at the end of May.

Can I store cucumbers?

Harvest time depends on the intended use of the respective cucumbers. Nevertheless, the rule of empirical action applies: the earlier the fruits are made, the more the fruit ripens. Cucumber salad stays in the vegetable compartment for about a week. However, they cannot be stored together with fruits or vegetables, such as bananas, apples or tomatoes, as these fruits produce ethylene gas, which is rich in vegetation, which makes cucumbers more spoiled. Do not wash after harvest. After that, cucumbers can be stored for a long time.

  Features of the grade Son Regiment

Cucumbers Variety Son Regiment are classified as mini gherkins. This plant is a mid-season variety. From its disembarkation to the appearance of the fruits, it takes from 40 to 45 days. This plant is characterized by female type of flowering, and also has an average branching.

It is bitter. Some seed-resistant open-air cucumbers tend to become more bitter during periods of severe weather and during cooler periods during harvest. Incorrect water or cold water are also the cause. The bitterness of the fruit is genetic, but can also be approved by improper cultural measures.

The maize family contains more than a hundred genera and about 825 species worldwide, Mexico is one of the possible centers of origin for several species cultivated with commercial significance. Currently, several species are grown in this country, native or not, among which, for example, zucchini, chayote and various types of melon, cucumber and watermelon. Integrated pest management is a key part of what would be good agricultural practice. Under this scheme, planning from sowing to harvesting involves the proper management of pests and pathogens associated with the area in which it is grown.

The fruits of this variety of cucumbers are characterized by:

  • An oval shape, the surface of which can be large-knobby. In this case, the tubercles are located quite rarely on the fetus.
  • The spikes of the fruits of this type of cucumber are white.
  • The average length of the fruit is from 6 to 8 centimeters.

The fruits of this plant are not able to outgrow or turn yellow, which makes them a particularly valuable garden crop. This plant is characterized by a high level of resistance to diseases such as the virus of cucumber mosaic, powdery mildew, scab of pumpkin crops.

In our dynamic environment of increasingly demanding and distant markets, finely tuned management is emphasized to produce the best products. To achieve these goals, a comprehensive pest management program must ensure a balance between preventing the spread of pests and the absence of chemical treatment residues on the fruit. Accordingly, disrupting the life cycle of pathogens with timely use of products that are more environmentally friendly with microbial life, manufacturers enjoy a double advantage: better profits and healthier products.

Cucumber of this variety is characterized by excellent taste, as well as the duration of fruiting.

These cucumbers are quite suitable for picking in the form of pickles. The fruits of this variety have a universal purpose.

  Characteristics of Madame gherkin

With these objectives in mind, the vegetable production team proudly presents the sixth edition of the Identification and Management Guide, this time dedicated to high-yield crops. We hope that readers will find an acceptable and understandable solution to their problems associated with pest and disease control. Among these methods are preventive actions, tips on correctly identifying the pests in question, and how to respond to their outbreak.

A causative fungus is an obligatory parasite, and mycelium develops on the surface of plant tissues. Attacks directly through the epidermis. Symptoms and damage to yield: due to the development of resistant varieties in cucumbers and melons, symptoms are often less common. However, the yield decline, incomplete or early ripening, bitter taste in melon and shelf life in the context of squash-negative consequences of the disease. The initial symptoms are marked by weak chlorotic stains, and then dusty-looking colonies on the underside of the leaves.

Madame gherkin varieties are ideal for planting in the ground. This is a mid-season variety that produces the first fruits within 43-48 days after planting. This hybrid. This plant is characterized by the presence of the female type of flowering.

Ovaries of cucumbers of this variety have a beam arrangement. One bunch can include from 3 to 6 fruits.

Structures may cover the bundle and the underside, extending to the petioles and stems. Plants with damaged stems become chlorotic and squat. Fruits are damaged by sunburn due to lack of foliage. The pathogen can completely cover the foliage after a week, which affects the photosynthesis process.

Management: apply fungicides every 7-10 days, starting immediately after detection. It is important to monitor weekly inspections after flowering, because at this stage the plants are more vulnerable. To obtain proper control, the use of fungicides must reach the lower part of the leaves and the lower leaves of the plant, because a fungus develops there. Alternating applications with different modes of action is recommended to reduce the risk of potential pathogen resistance, except that spraying has as much coverage as possible.

Cucumbers of this variety have:

  • Short cucumbers, which are characterized by a cylindrical shape.
  • On the surface of the fruit there are quite often bumps, which are characterized by small dimensions.
  • Fruits of this variety have a dark color, along which white stripes go.
  • The thorns, which are located on the fruits of cucumber, have a white color.
  • The thin and delicate skin of the fruit gives it special value.
  • The length of cucumbers ranges from 10 to 12 centimeters.
  • The weight of one fruit can be from 65 to 85 grams.

The fruits of this plant are not able to outgrow and turn yellow, and are also characterized by an increased level of density. This hybrid is quite valuable, as it is characterized by high levels, like root rot and downy mildew.

This mushroom attacks the cucumber, melon, and also a tomato. Symptoms and damage to the crop: the first symptoms are yellow spots or areas embedded in water in the leaves or fruits, so that rainy times accompanied by high humidity are the most favorable periods  for distribution. Attacking areas rapidly expand, become brown, and within the stain imperfect forms are formed. Offensive fruits have circular lesions filled with brown water, which turn black as the disease progresses.

This plant has intensive fruit formation, which allows to get a fairly high yield. Eat the fruits of this variety can be fresh or for canning. In order to form this plant, it is produced by pinching over the third sheet.

  Features Alligator and Chinese disease resistant varieties

Early open ground cucumbers

The disease can attack the fruits of plants, as well as when they are stored. The fungus spends the winter on the waste and seeds of the attacked plants. It can last 2 years without a suitable host. This fungus usually spreads in the seeds, and the spores are dependent on water to spread the infection.

What kind of cucumber is better to plant in open ground for pickling

Management: The best prevention is to use resistant varieties, when it's possible. Seeds certified by plants do not contain pathogens. Avoid working between plants when foliage is still wet. Accordingly, it is necessary to avoid moving a machine or worker from one field to another when the leaves are wet. Control corn that sprout out of season. Regularly spray recommended fungicides in your state. Pour out the remnants after harvest.

Cucumber varieties Alligator and Chinese disease-resistant are ideal for planting in the ground. Cucumbers Alligator are a bee-pollinating hybrid, which is characterized by the duration of fruiting. This type of cucumber can easily be used not only for open ground, .

This plant is characterized by a high level of power and strength. This type of cucumber has the fruits of elongated-cylindrical shape. They have a dark green color as well as large bumps on the surface.

Dutch cucumber varieties

Although the virus was named after the first crop in which it was found, it can infect a wide variety of crops, including many cucurbites. Symptoms and damage to the crop: Early infection of zucchini and melons is especially common. Aphids are the main and most important mode of transmission of the virus. Squash shows severe sunken marks along the central vein and defoliation, from which the plant is no longer recovering. Regardless of the crop, the main symptom is a significant delay in the vegetative development of the plant.

Alligator fruits are characterized by:

  • Glitter surface, as well as the presence of thin and delicate skin.
  • The length of the fruit ranges from 35 to 40 centimeters.
  • The pulp of cucumber has a pleasant aroma and sweet taste.
  • This hybrid is characterized by a high degree of resistance to diseases such as false and powdery mildew.
  • It can be used both fresh and canned.

Cucumber varieties Chinese disease-resistant characterized by a high level. This powerful plant has short internodes and is formed into one stem. The foliage of this plant is small. The fruits of this plant are characterized by a cylindrical shape and a smooth surface. The originality of the fruit gives a kind of handle. Fruits of cucumber of this variety can have a length of from 30 to 35 centimeters.

The fruit suffers from discoloration, although this symptom is not unique to this virus. Control: The cucumber mosaic virus can occur in seeds restricted to certain crops and weeds. Some resistant cucumber varieties are commercially available and produce a high percentage of fruits with no spotty traits. The remaining commercially available varieties are vulnerable to this virus, although the yellow zucchini also carries the “premature yellow gene”, which serves to mask the common characteristic color in the cucurtit virus.

Fruits of cucumber varieties of Chinese resistant and have excellent taste.

The name of this hybrid speaks for itself. It is really very resistant to a variety of diseases. It is possible to grow cucumbers of this variety in low light conditions, as well as at low temperatures. The fruits of these cucumbers are used for fresh consumption, canning and preparation of salads.

In general, a thorough aphid control program is the key to prevention, especially when it is believed that chemical control does not serve to prevent or treat an already infected plant. The main strategy against this virus is to start with resistant varieties.

Vyaznikovsky variety of cucumbers

Symptoms and damage to the crop: the plant can be affected at any stage of production. In some cases, a sudden collapse can occur without signs of yellowing of the foliage. Linear necrotic lesions can be observed only on one side of the stems close to the crown.

  Features varieties Erofei and April

Many gardeners recommend for planting in open ground varieties Erofei and April. April cucumbers are classified as early ripe hybrids. Fruiting of this hybrid occurs within 45-55 days after landing in the ground. This plant can be grown not only in the open field,. The fruits of this plant have a cylindrical shape, as well as large sizes. Their length can be from 22 to 25 centimeters, and weight - from 200 to 250 grams.

Management: the pathogen is transmitted by soil and infected residues. Infection of the host starts from the root. Yield rotation is ineffective at all, because spores survive infinitely in the soil, and the pathogen can survive on the roots of host plants without symptoms. Soil fumigation with broad-spectrum biocides provides good control at the beginning, but reclaimization of the soil occurs quickly.

The plant is formed by 95% water and has a good mineral composition. Summer is the time to consume fresh and refreshing food. Salads, pies and sandwiches with vegetables, grains and foliage make it successful on hot days. During high temperatures, cucumber is one of the vegetables that pass right on the tables of Brazilians. Consisting of 95% water, it is distinguished by various culinary recipes.

The fruits of the April variety do not have bitterness, and they are also undemanding in their care, which allows them to be grown on different soils. This type of cucumber is sufficiently resistant to cold weather, which allows them to be planted in early April. Also, this quality allows you to get rich yields.

Cucumbers varieties Yerofey are bee-pollinating, which not only allows, but also requires their landing in the ground. This versatile mid-season variety allows it to be used both fresh and for canning.

Growing a cucumber, from which cucumber is a fruit, is simple and does not require much care. Cultural relationships include irrigation, weeding and cuttings, with the appearance of buds. It is not recommended to spray the plant with insecticides, because, since it has female or male flowers, the cucumber depends on the cross-pollination carried out by insects, such as bees, which carry pollen.

A small space for planting - including pots about 50 centimeters in size and 30 centimeters in diameter - is enough for the development of vegetables. Cucumber production occurs throughout the year in a subtropical climate and reaches good retail prices.

The plant has a mixed type of flowering, and is also characterized by:

  • Strong branching and vigor.
  • The fruits of this plant are quite short. Their length can be from 6 to 7 centimeters.
  • The shape of the fruit is elongate ovoid. They have a slight bumpiness.
  • This variety is characterized by a high level of resistance to diseases such as.

  Characteristics of the Corinna variety

Cucumber Corinna is the ideal option t. This variety is ultra-early. This parthenocarpic hybrid is very fruitful. This look can be widely used, both for protected, and for an open ground. Cucumbers of this variety are classified as medium-grown plants.

Characteristic variety:

  • Fruits - gherkins, which have a length of 8 to 10 centimeters.
  • They are characterized by a dark green color and the presence of small tubercles.
  • The thorns of this plant are white.
  • The flesh of the fruit has absolutely no bitterness and is characterized by excellent consistency. They are widely used for pickling and canning.
  • This plant is quite resistant to a variety of diseases.

Landing in the soil of this plant is made at the end of May. One square meter should plant no more than three plants. Depth of planting seeds in the ground is not more than 1.5 cm. This variety is characterized by ease of care, which consists in regular watering and feeding (done once every ten days).

  Features varieties Connie and Nezhinsky

If necessary, planting in the open ground cucumbers, which are small in size, the ideal option would be varieties such as Conny and Nezhinsky. Nezhinsky cucumbers are the ideal option for salting.

They can be grown not only in the open field, but also in film shelters.

This variety belongs to the category of mid-season plants, which are characterized by unpretentiousness and a high level of resistance to various diseases. This variety is pollinated by bees, which allows it to be planted in open ground.

The cucumber bush of this variety is characterized by:

  • Linguality.
  • This plant has short fruits, which are characterized by elongated-ovate form.
  • On the fruits there are large tubercles, which are extremely rare.
  • The length of the fruit is from 10 to 12 centimeters, and their height is from 80 to 110 grams.

The planting of this plant in open ground at the end of May. This action must be performed with a density of 3 plants per square meter. Seeds are planted in the ground no deeper than 1.5-2 centimeters.

Connie's cucumbers are parthenocarpic early grade. They are characterized by:

  • High yields, as well as medium climbing.
  • The first fruits of this plant appear 45 days after germination. On this plant the ovaries are formed in bunches.
  • Fruits are characterized by a cylindrical shape and small size.
  • The length of cucumbers is from 7 to 9 centimeters, and the weight is from 60 to 80 grams.
  • Fruits are characterized by resistance to overgrowing, as well as the presence of white thorns.
  • The fruits of cucumbers of this variety have a crunchy core, which is characterized by juiciness and lack of bitterness.

All of the above varieties are perfect. To date, there is still a lot of varieties of cucumbers, but these are the most popular gardeners. The choice of variety depends on what kind of crop gardener wants to have in the future.

More information can be found in the video.

Cucumber - the most cultivated vegetable in our gardens. From juicy and crunchy cucumbers, there is a huge variety of salads and snacks, and gherkins are ideal for marinades and pickles. With the best varieties of cucumbers with photos and descriptions you will meet in this article.

Homeland cucumber are the rainforests of India. In our climate, this is a one-year grassy liana. To receive good harvests  It is necessary to create an atmosphere like at home - moderately high temperatures and high humidity.

Lighting, like any liana, you must scattered. For watering is better warmed up water during the day. Every ten days we feed it with organic or full mineral fertilizer.

To delay the harvest is not worth it. Regular collection of the grown ovary stimulates its re-education, i.e. the more often cucumbers are harvested, the more they are tied.

Proper plant formation and good ventilation will reduce the risk of spreading fungal and viral diseases.

Currently, so many varieties have been created that it is very difficult to count and understand them. Let's try to study

For a start, all varieties can be divided into those intended for indoor (greenhouse) and open ground (soil).

Ground cucumbers are more resistant to weather conditions, but require pollination by insects. Greenhouse plants are more often self-pollinated.
  In addition, all varieties are divided by purpose of the fruit - suitable only for salads and suitable for canning.

Another division into varieties and hybrids. Varieties are created in the traditional way - over-pollinating and sometimes grafting. The fruits grown on such plants are suitable for collecting seeds of the resulting variety. Hybrids, to distinguish them from varieties, are designated F1, are obtained by more complex pollination, but the fruits grown from these seeds do not contain seeds from which the same plants will grow.

When the gardener sows cucumber seeds in the soil, he knows exactly how he will use the collected fruit. This determines the selected varieties. If the pickled cucumbers are cut into a salad, the varieties opt for early maturing, salad assignments.

Open ground cucumber varieties

For early salads grown varieties and hybrids such as "StellaF1", "Graceful", "Altai", "Cascade". For conservation in the open ground planted other varieties.

Early maturity is not necessary for them, in this case, more important is the ripening of the fruit, small size and pulp, which maintains its density during heat treatment.

The hybrids “Evita”, “Matilda”, “Naf-fanto”, “Regia”, “Delicacy”, “Leandro” performed well in this quality.

All these varieties are high-yielding, genetically free of bitterness, and immune to most diseases. Here are more fruitful hybrids that are recommended for open ground:

F1 bouquet

Universal in all senses grade. The state registry recommends its open ground and closed. The hybrid begins to set fruit early, it is used both for salads, and for preservation.

A plant with unlimited growth, but not very tall, slaboplatistoe. Among the flowers are dominated by women.

Flowering and fruiting bouquets. In each node 2-6 flowers bloom. The ovary is short, elongated, covered with small tubercles. Gather the greens when their weight reaches 90-110 g. Tasty. In the open ground with 1m2 collect 5-7 kg. Weakly susceptible to infectious diseases.

Cucumber Variety Bouquet

Buyan F1

Fruits from 44 days after germination, self-pollinating variety. Salad destination, but suitable for the preparation for the future.
  Cucumbers short, the correct form. Very tasty. Harvest can reach up to 15 kg per m2. Complex resistant to diseases.

Variety of cucumbers Buyan

All the envy of F1

Early ripe, gherkin hybrid. High yields in open field and temporary greenhouses. Comprehensively resistant to disease and bad weather. High yields ripen in all conditions and when there is a lack of light.

Fruiting continues until frost. Each node forms more than 3 branches. Fruits - 9-12cm, covered with white thorns, dense, crispy, with excellent pickling qualities. Immune to many diseases and rot.

Variety of cucumbers All to envy

Herman F1

Cylindrical green, dark green, weakly spotted, ribbed. Pulp of average density.

Genetic absence of bitterness. Gather cucumbers for 70-90 g. Yields up to 9 kg with 1m2. Very tasty and fresh and canned. Immune to pumpkin diseases.

Variety of cucumbers Herman

F1 green flow

For 45 days grows to fruiting. Partenokarpichesky hybrid, tying up to 5 Zelentsin in one node. Suitable for protected and open ground. Cylindrical fruits, 11-13 cm long, sweet to the taste and very fragrant, they are indispensable in fresh salads. When preserving preserve a delicious crunch.

Green Cucumber Variety

Masha F1

The skoroplodny, self-pollinated grade. According to Rosreestra recommended for cultivation in greenhouses and in the open air. Suitable for storage.

Ovary cylindrical with large tubercles, medium density, medium length. Bitterness is not genetically. Commodity cucumbers 8.5-9.0 cm. Fresh and processed fruit tastes different. From 1m2 greenhouses collect 10-11 kg of vegetables. Great for growing a house on the windowsill. Disease-resistant.

Mash cucumber variety

Beam Splendor F1

Fully justifies its name. Quickly enters fruiting, self-pollinating, beam hybrid with female flowers. It can be grown in open ground, polycarbonate greenhouses.

Abundantly fruiting in any weather until frost. Good lighting boosts yield. The knots tied up to 7 of the ovaries. Cucumbers 8-11 cm, bright green. Ideal in conservation. Variety gives great harvest  even in the cold summer.

Variety of cucumbers Beam Splendor

The best varieties of cucumbers for growing in the greenhouse

Choosing seeds for sowing in the greenhouse, take into account: regionalization, purpose, ripening. Growing in the greenhouse varieties of vegetables pollinated by bees is problematic, it is necessary to produce artificial pollination.

For cultivation in the greenhouse, use seeds of self-pollinated or parthenocarpic varieties. Here it should be remembered that all these plants are very sensitive to the formation of the stem.

Orpheus, Cheetah, Amur, Glafira, Blik, Izumrud, Mazai, Romance are recognized as the best varieties for growing in a polycarbonate greenhouse, but there are other time-tested and vegetable growers:

Berendey F1

The plant is indeterminate, most of the flowers in the node are female, slightly branchy. Fruits well in film greenhouses, self-pollinated. Fruits of salad destination ripen in 44 days. Cucumbers are harvested when they reach about 130g of weight. Excellent taste. Greenhouses take up to 14 kg from 1 m².

Variety of cucumbers Berendey

F1 Siberian garland

Blooms quickly, does not require pollination, with an incredible yield. Able to bear fruit before frost. Cucumbers 5-8 cm, without voids and bitterness, unsurpassed taste in conservation. Stalk creepers, like Christmas garland, decorated with lots of crispy, juicy, fragrant, incredibly sweet cucumbers.
  Harvesting "Garlands" once, not planting it again and again is impossible.

Variety of cucumbers Siberian garland

Emerald City

The grade for film greenhouses, self-pollinated. It can be used fresh, suitable for salting, good in marinades. Starting from the 40th day, you can collect short, oval-cylindrical, dense cucumbers, weighing from 100g.

Excellent fruit taste can be collected up to 13 kg / sq.m. On the middle branching stalk, in short interstices 3 or more female flowers bloom. Enough strong immunity to mealy and downy mildew.

Grade Emerald City

Courage F1

Hybrid bred for film shelters. Fruiting begins at 40-43 day. Self-pollinating, and salad, and canning purposes. On a strong-growing, medium-stem stems are bouquets of female flowers. Zelentsy harvested when they reach 100-120 g. Delicious and fresh and canned. Productivity of 16-18 kg.

Variety of cucumbers Courage

Mizinchik F1

Created for spring unheated greenhouses. Hybrid self-pollinated, ideal in salads and in spins. Fruits in 46 days from germination. The flowers are predominantly female, with 1-2 ovaries growing in each node. It has a dense flesh. Good taste. Productivity is 11,3 kg / sq.m. Disease resistant.

F1 chill

Bred for cultivation in film shelters. Partenokarpichesky, for salads, but good for conservation. The fruits are ready to be harvested already on the 43-46th day. On a strong-growing plant with moderate branching, at least 3 flowers, mostly female, bloom in each node.

Fruits are harvested when their weight reaches 90-100 g. Tasty in any form. Productivity reaches 12,0 kg / sq.m. Increased resistance to viral and fungal diseases.

Spino F1

Hybrid created by Syngenta. Superearly. Before the harvest, only 40 days pass by sprouting. With all this, self-pollinated, resistant to the lack of light. Forms a lot of ovaries even at low trellis.

Bouquet blooms, the predominance of female flowers provide a good yield without failures. Calibrated fruits 12-14 cm, excellent taste, not bitter. Used fresh and recycled. Well kept, tolerate long-term transportation. Do not get sick.

IMPORTANT!  To understand what high-yielding varieties  cucumbers to choose must take into account the region where this variety will be grown. All the characteristics of the variety indicated on the package appear only if the given variety or hybrid is zoned for the given locality.
  A selection of the best varieties of cucumbers.

  1. Top Grades  for the suburbs.  April F1, F1 Business, F1 View, Aquarius, F1 Cruise, Spruce, Libella F1, Phoenix 640, Electron
  2. The best varieties for pickling. Nezhinsky; Murom; Era; Nosovsky; Nezhinka; Stage; Zozulya F1; Pickling F1; Semcross; Barrel pickling F1; Pickle F1; Mommy's favorite F1; Liliput F1;
  3. The best varieties of cucumbers for the Urals and Siberia.  "Cupid", "Arina", " Moscow Nights"," Voyage "," Altai "," Far Eastern 27 "," Miranda ".
  4. Sorta chinese cucumber:   “Chinese miracle”, “White delicacy”, “Chinese snakes” “Emerald stream”, “Chinese heat-resistant”, “Alligator”, Chinese disease-resistant, Chinese white, Chinese Farm F1, Chinese long-fruited.

These are just a few cucumber varieties with photos and descriptions of a huge amount of cucumber splendor. It is necessary to write a continuation of this topic, because so many wonderful varieties were ignored.

Sincerely, Sofia Guseva.

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