What vegetable plants are annuals. Vegetable. Classification of vegetable crops

Part vegetable crops  includes a very large number of plants that differ sharply in morphological and economic characteristics, biological properties. For the convenience of studying, vegetable crops are grouped into different groups based on features that are common and characteristic of each of these groups.

Vegetable cultures can be divided into groups depending on botanical signs, longevity, edible parts and culture methods.

2.1.1. Botanical classification   provides for the grouping of vegetable plants on botanical grounds, distributes all plant organisms into different groups (families), combining plants similar in structure of their main organs (table 22).

Plants of the same family often require the same growing conditions, have similar breeding methods, the same pests, diseases, etc.

So, vegetable plants  from the family cabbage(cabbage, turnip, radish, radish, rutabaga) have the same, characteristic flower of four petals arranged crosswise. Most cabbages require a humid temperate climate.

To family celeryinclude cultures with their characteristic inflorescence - a complex umbrella - carrots, parsley, celery, dill, anise,

parsnip and others. Celery plants are characterized by long seed germination and the slow development of seedlings in the first period of growth.

Plants of the family pumpkin  have creeping stems and dioecious flowers. These include cucumber, melon, pumpkin, zucchini, watermelon, etc. The homeland of these crops are hot countries, so they are very demanding for heat.

Representatives of the family legumesare peas, beans, beans. Plants of this family are called nitrogen-collecting plants. On the roots they live bacteria that assimilate nitrogen from the air. The soil after the legume culture is enriched with nitrogen, one of the main nutrients needed by the plant.

Onions and garlic belong to the family onions.  They are distinguished by a peculiar arrangement of leaves, mostly tape or fist, with parallel venation, they have bulbs (underground stem) with which they can be propagated (in addition to the seed method).

To family nightshade  belong tomato, pepper, eggplant. Solanaceae come from tropical countries, so they do not tolerate low temperatures.

2.1.2. Classification of vegetables consumed in food parts

In vegetable plants, their various organs (parts) are used as food. It can be ripe fruits, young ovaries, inflorescences, young shoots, leaves, leaf stalks, cabbages, bulbs, thickened roots, rhizomes, tubers, thickened stems. In this regard, according to the part of the plant that is used in food, vegetables are called fruit, leaf, bulbous, root crops, tubers, etc. Such a grouping of vegetables offered V.I. Edelstein (1953), taking into account not only the properties of their food organs, but also the totality of biological features and the similarity of technological methods of cultivation.

Fruit vegetables  - the fetal organ is the fetus. In some plants it is eaten in a state of complete (biological) ripeness (watermelons, melons, pumpkins, tomatoes, eggplants, peppers, physalis), in others in the phase of incomplete (technical) ripeness, young ovaries (cucumbers, zucchini, squash, peas , beans, beans, corn, crout, lagenaria, loofah). Vegetables of this group are rich in carbohydrates, thermophilic.

Cabbage Vegetables  - form various food organs: head (white and red, Savoy), axillary buds, roaches (Brussels sprout), head (colored and broccoli), thickened stem (kohlrabi). All plants of this group are cold-resistant and need good soil moisture.

Bulbous vegetables  - form a real (onion, shallot, garlic) or false onion (leek).

Root vegetables  - well-developed root crops (carrots, parsnips, parsley, celery, table beets, radishes, radishes, turnips, rutabaga, chicory root, scoroner, oat root) or roots (horseradish) are used in food.

Green vegetables  (single and biennial) - leaves are used as food (lettuce, spinach, parsley and celery leaves, young beet leaves, chard, onion-feather, young leek leaves, chives, onion, Chinese cabbage leaves, decorative , Beijing, anise, chervil, coriander, cumin, dill, basil, snakehead, garden marjoram, annual savory, Sarep mustard, garden quinoa, spinach, chicory, cucumber, purslane).

Perennial green vegetables  - rhubarb, sorrel, asparagus, lovage, fennel, oregano, hyssop, lemon balm, peppermint, thyme (thyme), onion batun, stacked, chives, artichoke, tarragon, watercress, root.

Tuberous vegetables  - Jerusalem artichoke, chuf, sweet potato, potatoes form modified underground stem thickened roots (tubers).

According to V.I. Edelstein (1953) is bred 59 vegetable crops, of which 15 are fruit, 24 leafy (green), 9 root, 6 bulbous, 2 tubers, 1 stem, 1 for the sake of sprouts and 1 for the rhizome. Given the cultivated spicy vegetables, the number of cultivated vegetable plants will exceed 70.

2.1.3. Lifetime classification

Different vegetable plants differ in the unequal length of the growing season, i.e. period of time that passes from sowing seeds to gathering ready-to-eat vegetables.

In some vegetables, the food portion is ready in 20-30 days after sowing or planting (green onions, radishes), while others require 180-200 days for the formation of the food portion (late cabbage, celery). Even within the same culture, there are large fluctuations in the maturation period: early cabbage ripens in 100-120 days from sowing, the average - in 120-150 days, and late - in 180 days or more.

In almost all vegetable plants, technical ripeness occurs much earlier than botanical ripeness, i.e. seed ripening time. So, the radish root crop ripens in 25-30 days, and the seeds ripen only after 5 months. Many vegetables form the food part in the first year and only in the second year they produce seeds.

Depending on the time required from sowing to seed collection, all vegetable plants are divided into annuals, biennials and perennials.

Annuals- the life cycle from sowing to ripening of the seeds ends during one growing season (plants of the fruit vegetable group, cauliflower, broccoli, Beijing and Chinese, lettuce, spinach, dill, basil, savory, etc.).

Biennial plants  - in the first year, a rosette of leaves and a grocery organ are formed (a root crop, a tuber, a head of cabbage, an onion, a stem). Fruits and seeds are formed in the second year, using the nutrient reserves accumulated during the first year of life. Biennial plants from germination to seed ripeness require at least two summer and one winter seasons. These include cabbage (white, red, Brussels sprouts, Savoy, kohlrabi), rutabaga, radish, turnips, carrots, beets, celery, parsley, chicory, onions (sometimes a three-year-old crop) and leeks, parsnips.

Perennial  vegetable plants live a few years. In the first year of life form a powerful root system and sheet rosette. In autumn, only the above-ground part of these plants dies. Rhizomes tolerate their winter well, in the spring they throw out new shoots. Slowly developing they begin to bear fruit only in the second, third and fourth year and continue for several years. Perennial onions are cultivated in one place for 3-5 years, rhubarb for up to 10 years, and asparagus for up to 15-20 years and more. These include rhubarb, horseradish, sorrel, asparagus, onion-batun, chives, etc.

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  © Russian Agricultural Academy, 2008
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Vegetable plants very much. Some of them are grown for the sake of fruits, such as cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini, pumpkins, squash, eggplant. Others give a person edible seeds, such as peas, beans, beans. Still others bred for the purpose of eating edible roots, called root crops. These include carrots, beets, parsley, celery, etc. A large part of the vegetable plants gives edible leaves, such as cabbage different varieties, lettuce, spinach, chard, beetroot, parsley and dill. Cauliflowers eat flowers, and kohlrabi, a thickened stem.

Vegetable crops are annual, biennial and perennial plants.

Annual vegetable plants develop during one season. Sown in spring, they bloom in summer, and by the end of the season they complete their development cycle, produce seeds and dry out. Annuals include: tomatoes, cucumbers, radishes, lettuce, spinach, peas, beans, beans and pumpkin.

Biennial crops, such as cabbage, carrots, onions, turnips, radishes, rutabagas and other root vegetables, in the first year of life, form only vegetative organs, that is, leaves, stems, and roots, in which nutrient reserves are deposited. In the second year, these cultures grow stalks, form flowers and fruits by seeds, after which the plants die.

Perennial vegetables, such as rhubarb, horseradish, sorrel, chives, onions, asparagus, in the first year of life do not bloom and do not bear fruit. They multiply by layering, rhizomes, roots and less often by seeds. At one place, perennial vegetables have been growing for several years in a row, yielding crops annually.

Vegetable plants belong to different botanical families. Cabbage, radish, radish, rutabaga, turnip belong to the cruciferous family. To the family of nightshade - potatoes, tomatoes, eggplants and peppers. The family of mariyevy, or swan, vegetable plants includes beets and spinach. The pumpkin family includes cucumbers, pumpkins, squash, zucchini, melons, watermelons. Salad - to the Compositae family. Asparagus, various onions and garlic are plants of the lily family.

The legume family, or moth, among vegetable plants is represented by beans, peas and beans.

Plants of the same family have flowers that are similar in structure, they have common diseases, some insect pests.

All cruciferous plants are affected by the keel disease, they have common pests: earthen flea and caterpillars of the cabbage whitefish and repnies.

Plants from the umbrella family: carrots, parsley, parsnip, dill, celery - are characterized by slow germination of seeds and seedling development, which is why they all suffer from weeds.

Pumpkin plants belonging to the same family take the same nutrients from the soil and therefore should not be grown in areas freed from the crops of the same family.

Vegetables now bred were formerly wild plants, many of which grew in the south. Completely different conditions of growth and selection made by man drastically changed the appearance and characteristics of the life of vegetable crops. For example, white cabbage instead of ordinary leaves began to form a head; small fruits of tomatoes increased in size, the roots of carrots and beets turned into juicy, large roots. Even the lifespan of some plants has changed; thus, the beet of cultivated varieties has become a biennial plant, while its kin is wild beet is an annual plant.

Unusual living conditions: the duration of daylight, a short frost-free period, insufficient heat - led to the need to grow seedlings of many vegetable plants and at the same time changed the quality of vegetables. Thus, in the root crops of beets and carrots of table varieties, the amount of sugar increased, and in the tubers of potatoes - the amount of starch, in the leaves of cabbage - the amount of proteins. All cultivated vegetable plants have become richer in vitamins, mineral salts and various nutrients, for the sake of which they are cultivated by man, and play a large role in its nutrition.

The main generally accepted classification of vegetable

Vegetables - an extremely capacious concept with very blurry fuzzy boundaries. Most accurately, the definition of vegetables given by Professor V.I. Edelstein, who called vegetables " herbaceous plants cultivated for their succulent portions eaten by humans". These plants, which the population of our planet uses as vegetables, include more than 1,200 species worldwide, of which 690 species belonging to 9 botanical families are most common.

The distribution of these types of vegetables in culture in different parts and countries of the globe is uneven. For example, the largest number of vegetable crops is used by humans in Asia, which is favored by the richness of its flora and favorable climate: about 100 types of vegetables are widely grown in Japan, about 80 in China, over 60 in India, about 50 in Korea .

According to various data, in the CIS, up to 40 types of vegetable crops are grown, of which 23 have a wide distribution, these are: cabbage, Beijing, cauliflower, beet, turnip, rutabaga, carrots, radishes, radish, cucumber, pumpkin, zucchini, watermelon , melon, tomato, pepper, eggplant, onion, garlic, celery, parsley, dill, lettuce. Other types of vegetables are also represented, but are not widely cultivated.

Classification of vegetable crops on the basis of the use of a certain part of the plant in food

Each vegetable has its own individual biological features , characterized by special requirements to environmental conditions and methods of cultivation, differs by the method of consumption. At the same time, vegetable plants have a number of common features that allow combining them into separate groups.

According to the combination of biological and economic characteristics, it is possible to classify vegetable crops. In food use a variety of plant parts; on the basis of the use of one or another part of vegetable plants are divided into the following groups.

Fruit  (tomato, cucumber, eggplant, pepper, zucchini, squash, zucchini, crout, pumpkin, watermelon, cantaloupe, artichoke, physalis, peas, beans, beans, soybean, sugar corn, etc.).

Root and tuber  (carrot, rutabaga, red beet, radish, radish, turnip, tuberous celery, parsley root, sweet potato, Jerusalem artichoke, oat root, parsnip, scorzonera, etc.).

Onion  (onions, shallots, leeks, onions-slyzun, sweet onions, multi-tiered onions, onions-batun, chives, wild-growing onions, garlic).

Leafy, including cabbage (white cabbage, red cabbage, Chinese, leafy, Savoy, Brussels, Beijing, kohlrabi, cauliflower, broccoli).

Green  (types of lettuce, chicory salad (vitluf, endive), escariol, spinach, sorrel, rhubarb, purslane, asparagus, amaranth, watercress, cress, garden quinoa, leaf mustard, beet leaf (chard), borage, dandelion, asparagus, dill).

Spicy-flavoring  (anise, kupyr, basil, lovage, hyssop, serpentine, cress, marjoram, tarragon, horseradish, katran, coriander, lemon balm, mint, sage, savory, cumin, thyme, rosemary, root, nigella, fennel, etc.) .


Such a division according to the parts of crops used for food is rather arbitrary and not entirely correct from a biological point of view; moreover, a huge variety of vegetable plants cannot be put into such a simple scheme. Some fruit crops produce ripe fruit (tomato, eggplant, pepper, pumpkin), while others have unripe fruits (zucchini, squash, cucumber, peas, and spicy beans).

In leafy vegetable crops, different parts and organs of the plant are used, not just the leaves, as the name suggests. So, at the head of cabbage and Brussels sprouts, head of the cabbage and tsikornogo lettuce (witluff) they eat overgrown buds, while broccoli and cauliflower have unopened inflorescences. The leaves themselves are used in Peking and Savoy cabbage, lettuce, beet (chard), sorrel, spinach and green onions, as well as in a number of aromatic cultures such as parsley, celery, dill, basil, tarragon, marjoram, lovage, cress, leaf mustard, many of which according to this classification belong to another group of vegetable crops. In such plants as fennel, young beets, celery, rhubarb, leaf stalks are used as food. In a large group of plants, called root vegetables, overgrown roots are used, and in kohlrabi cabbage, an overgrown stalk, resembling a root crop, is used. Young shoots and sprouts can also be used as vegetables, for example, in asparagus and portulaca, as well as various tuber-like formations on the roots and rhizomes of plants, such as Jerusalem artichoke, sweet potato, stachis. All this shows a certain imperfection of this division of vegetable crops into groups.

Classification of vegetables according to botanical families

The basis of another classification system for vegetable plants they belong to different botanical families. This classification systematizes a huge variety of vegetables and helps to navigate in related crops, for example, when planning crop rotation, when cultures of one botanical family should not be grown consistently on one plot of land. Thus, the group of root crops includes vegetable plants of three botanical families: umbellate, or celery (carrots, parsnips, parsley, celery), cruciferous, or cabbage (rutabaga, turnips, radishes, radishes), and hawks (beetroot).

By life cycle duration  All vegetable plants are divided into annual, biennial and perennial.

Annual vegetable plants  go through their life cycle from sowing seeds to forming new seeds in one year. The vital processes of annual plants are determined by three main periods: seed germination and the appearance of cotyledonary leaves, increased growth of vegetative organs and green mass of plants, the formation of reproductive organs until the plant is fully mature. After full implementation of the life cycle, the plant dies out. Annual vegetable crops include plants of the fruit group: tomato, cucumber, eggplant, pepper, zucchini, squash, zucchini, pumpkin, watermelon, melon, artichoke, as well as lettuce, spinach, leaf mustard, watercress, dill, radish, color and Chinese cabbage, broccoli, some spicy flavoring cultures.

Biennial vegetable plants  in the first year of life, a rosette of leaves and vegetative productive organs, such as roots, tubers, cabbages, and bulbs, are formed. The formation of fruits and seeds occurs only in the second year of plant life, when they form flowering shoots, on which fruits with seeds develop to full maturity. The life cycle of biennial plants is interrupted by a period of physiological dormancy upon the occurrence of adverse conditions for growth and development during maturation. During the period of such forced rest, the rearrangement of nutrients occurs, and with the onset of the new vegetation period, the plant spends its vital resources on the formation of fruits and seeds.

Distribution of vegetable crops by botanical families:

Family / Culture:

Cruciferous, or cabbage  - All kinds of cabbage (white, red, Savoy, Beijing, Brussels, kohlrabi, cauliflower, broccoli, fodder), rutabaga, turnip, radish, radish, turnip, horseradish, katran, cress, mustard.

Umbrella, or celery - Carrots, parsley, parsnip, celery, dill, cumin, coriander, anise, fennel

Solanaceae  - Potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, eggplant

Lily or onion  - All types of onions, garlic

Legumes  - Peas, beans, beans, soy

Pumpkin  - Cucumber, zucchini, squash, zucchini, pumpkin, melon, watermelon

Aster or Compositae  - All kinds of salad, chicory, artichoke, scorzonera, Jerusalem artichoke

Buckwheat  - Rhubarb, sorrel

Marovye or swan  - Table beet, leaf beet (chard), spinach

Bluegrass  - Corn

Portulakovye  - Portulak

Biennial vegetable crops are grown  to obtain their developed vegetative organs, which they form in the first year of life (root crops, heads, bulbs), but if it is necessary to obtain seeds, productive organs (mother plants) along with the roots are removed in the fall and stored during the winter in the storehouses, after which next year  spring planted in the soil. After the formation and full ripening of fruits and seeds in the second year, the plants die off. Two-year-old vegetable crops include some plants of the root group, such as carrots, beets, celery, parsley, as well as cabbage, cabbage, and Brussels sprouts.

Perennial vegetable plants  have a life cycle stretched over many years with annual renewed vegetative development. In the first year of life, plants only begin their development; they form a developed root system and a leaf rosette. The formation of productive organs and seeds begins in the second and third year of the life of the plant and continues, renewing, for several years. Just as in biennial plants, in perennial crops, with the onset of winter, a period of forced physiological dormancy begins with the rearrangement of nutrients inside the plant, which is replaced by a growing season in spring. Perennial vegetable crops include horseradish, sorrel, rhubarb, asparagus, lovage, batun onions, chives, and some others.

Rare vegetable plants

In addition to the usual widespread vegetables in the world, many lesser-known and even unknown plants are eaten in the world. In the countries of Asia, Africa, South and Central America are widely used pumpkin family vegetables, many of which are widely known in our country. But among them is a strange vegetable called the Vietnamese zucchini, or Indian cucumber - lagenaria, Lage Nariya is also called the pumpkin and gourd and it is made from it dishes, musical instruments, toys. The immature fruits of the long-fruited varieties of lagenaria, which resemble zucchini in taste and are prepared according to similar recipes, go to food. In Southeast Asia, the fruits of lagenaria are used in dried form, for example, in Japan and China, tender tasty noodles are prepared from it, which is stored in dried form. In Vietnam, Laos, China, Japan, and Indonesia, the plant of the pumpkin family, beninkaza, also called winter and wax gourd, is very popular. This vegetable has received such a name for its amazing ability to be kept until spring without loss of quality, thanks to a thick wax coating on the skin. From beninkaz prepare seasonings, soups, candied fruits, and the young ovary marinate.

In Central and South America, chayote, or Mexican cucumber, is widespread. This is an amazing perennial climbing plant gives not only an abundant harvest of fruits, resembling zucchini, on its above-ground part, but also a lot of underground tubers that the plant forms in the 2-3rd year of vegetation. The above-ground fruits - ’zucchini’ - are not very large (no more than 20 cm in length), have a pleasant taste of tender pulp and are used raw to make salads and side dishes, and underground tubers are cooked like potatoes. In the countries of Southeast Asia, Africa and South America, a completely unknown plant is widely cultivated in our country - the trichozant of the pumpkin family, for its bizarrely bent fruits called snake cucumber, the young fruits of which are used for fresh food. In India, trichozant is considered the main vegetable crop of the rainy season. In India, another unknown plant of the pumpkin family grows - mo-mordika, or yellow cucumber. This plant received its second name for the bright yellow color of a ripe, lumpy fruit that looks like a cucumber. The unripe fruits of momordica are used for canning, they are salted and pickled, soaked in salt water beforehand in order to remove their inherent bitterness. In China and Japan, a strange form of eastern cucumber melon grows, the fruits of which contain very little sugar and are therefore used as pickles for pickling.

In Central America, a completely unfamiliar pumpkin plant grows - a sycanna, or a fragrant cucumber. The plant is unusual in that it is a cross between a zucchini and a melon. Only young immature fruits of the seacan are used as food, since the mature fruit acquires a strong perfumery odor, for which the seacan has received its second name, and is used to flavor the home. Cyclanter, or Peruvian cucumber, is also a popular vegetable plant in Central America. Numerous tender young shoots cyclanters are used in food as asparagus, slightly boiling, and fruits, resembling a small cucumber, are used to prepare sharp national seasonings.

Antilles cucumber is widely spread on the islands of Central America. This plant has very unusual small fruits, completely covered with soft long processes, like thin paws. The fruits of the cucumber salt and pickle, as usual cucumbers. In India, it is widely used as a luffa vegetable, more commonly known as a bath sponge plant. They use young loofah ovaries for food, from which they prepare nutritious soups and various seasonings, which are considered to be a delicacy. From antiquity in Japan and China, various types of chrysanthemums of the Astrov family, or asteraceae, have been used as a vegetable.

In the food are mainly leaves, which quickly grow back on the plant after cutting. They are blanched for a very short time and then added to salads or served as a separate side dish. Less commonly, shoots, soft stems and even flowers are used in the same way. AT

Southeast Asia is very valued by a plant such as stachis, or chistere, called the Chinese artichoke. For food they use its delicate nodules, which, like beads, grow on the roots of a plant. Common in the countries of Oceania, Japan and China herb plant  taro also forms tubers on the roots, used boiled for many dishes. Chufa is also a tuberiferous plant from the sedge family and forms a huge number of small delicate nodules on its thin, fibrous roots. The number of nodules on the roots of an average, well-developed plant can reach up to 1000 pieces. The nodules are very nutritious, oily (oil content up to 40%), rich in starch, protein, sugar and almond nuts to taste. They are eaten fresh and roasted and are used like nuts in the confectionery industry. Chufa is well known in Spain and Italy, where it is very popular.

Another tuberiferous plant widely cultivated in the countries of Southeast Asia, Africa and Australia is yam. Unlike chufy, its tubers reach truly enormous sizes: up to 1 m in diameter and up to 50 kg in weight. Tubers are characterized by a high content of starch and protein, are very nutritious and find the most diverse uses. In many countries of Southeast Asia, quite unusual for our understanding plants are used as vegetables.

Thus, some types of bamboo are highly valued as vegetable plants, with the young sprouts and bamboo buds used in salads in fresh and canned form. In an aquatic plant, the lotus uses rhizomes and fruits in the form of small nuts for food. In China and Japan, a lot of various dishes are prepared from the lotus, including sweet dishes - dessert foods, compotes and jelly.

More than 70 types of vegetable crops are grown in the CIS. There are several classifications of vegetable plants.

Botanical classification.  The classification of vegetable plants on the basis of botanical features and place in the plant system is more accurate. The advantage of it is that it points to the kinship of individual plant species. Vegetable plants belong to the following families:

1. Aster (compositae): artichoke, oat root (salsify, white root), lettuce, chicory salad (witluff), endive salads and escariol, skortorera (black root, goat, sweet root), Jerusalem artichoke (earth pear), tarragon (tarragon wormwood, tarragon).

2. Legumes (moth): horse beans (fodder, Russian), planting peas, trigonellas (fenugreek blue, hops-suneli), common beans, lima beans.

3. Burachnikovye: borage grass (borage, borage).

4. Valerian: field salad (valerianica, rapunzel).

5. Convolvulaceae: sweet potato cultivated (sweet potato). 6. Grekishnye: rhubarb, sorrel sour.

7. Capers: capers.

8. Cauliflowers (cruciferous): broccoli, rutabaga, leaf mustard (sarepetskaya), cabbage, Brussels sprouts, Chinese, leafy, Peking, Savoy, color, katran (Crimean horseradish), kohlrabi, watercress (brunchress, zherukha), watercress salad (garden cress), radish, radish, turnip, horseradish rustic.

9. Onions: Altai onions, onions-batun, allspice onions, multi-tiered onions (horned, viviparous), onion oshanina, hair bow, onion garlic (victorious), leek, onion, slick onion, onion (chisel) shallots, garlic.

10. Buttercups: Nigella (Chernushka sown, maiden in green).

11. Malvovye: okra (okra).

12. Quinoa (mirage): garden quinoa, chard, table beet, spinach.

13. Bluegrass (cereals): sweet corn (vegetable).

14. Solanaceae: eggplant, chilli peppers, tomato, physalis.

15. Portulacium: portulac.

16. Root: rue (garden rue, fragrant).

17. Celery (umbrella): anise, chervil, coriander (chicken, cilantro), lovage (zorya medicinal, piper, lovage pharmacy), lemon balm (lemon mint, lemon balm), carrots, parsnip, parsley, celery, cumin, dill, fennel vegetable (Italian, sweet),

18. Asparagus: asparagus.

19. Pumpkin: watermelon, cantaloupe, zucchini, crucneca, lagenaria (Indian cucumber, gourd, bottle gourd, pumpkin), cucumber, squash, pumpkin, chayote (Mexican cucumber).

20. Aizoonic: New Zealand spinach.

21. Clear-cut (labourant): basil, snakehead, hyssop, perennial marjoram (oregano), one-year-old marjoram (garden, ordinary), peppermint, rosemary, thyme (thyme, bogorodskaya grass), annual savory (fragrant, garden).

Onion, asparagus and cereal plants are monocots, all others are dicots. In addition to flowering plants in the culture known mushrooms: mushrooms, oyster mushrooms, casseroles, etc. from the family lamellar.

Industrial (economic) classification

In the practice of vegetable growing, this classification is used according to the complex_causes (botanical, food organs, and methods of cultivation). By these signs, V.I. Edelstein distinguishes the following groups.

1. Caustic plants - white, red, Savoy, Brussels, color, kohlrabi.

2. Fruits - tomato, pepper, eggplant, physalis, melon, watermelon, cucumber, peas, beans, beans, sweet corn, zucchini, squash.

3. Root - beets, carrots, parsley, parsnips, celery, rutabaga, turnips, radishes, radishes.

4. Onions - bulb onion, shallot, leek, garlic.

5. Leaf - lettuce (lettuce, romain), individuals, chicory, cress, spinach, dill, Chinese cabbage, leaf mustard, savory.

6. Perennial - horseradish, sorrel, rhubarb, asparagus, artichoke, onions (batun, chives, multi-tiered), tarragon, mint, cumin, fennel, katran.

7. Mushrooms - champignon, oyster mushroom, honey agaric, circlet, truffle, etc.

Cabbage  plants form various food organs: head - at the white, red and Savoy; axillary buds (Kochanchik) - in Brussels; head - cauliflower; Kohlrabi is a thickened stem. When cultivating cabbage plants, agrotechnical measures should be aimed at ensuring conditions that prevent the emergence of the flowering stem, since in such cases the leaves quickly grow coarse and the food quality deteriorates.

Group fruit vegetable plants characterized by the fact that in these plants the fruit is a vegetable. In some plants, the fruit is eaten in a state of complete (botanical) ripeness - watermelon, melon, tomato, eggplant, in others - in the phase of incomplete (technical) ripeness - cucumber, zucchini, squash, sweet corn, bean, beans, peas. When cultivating fruit vegetable plants, all agrotechnical measures should promote the rapid development of powerful root and assimilation systems, which, under other conditions being equal, accelerates the transition of plants to flowering and formation of fruits.

Root vegetables  plants usually form well-developed, unbranched, thickened root vegetables. They should not go to the premature formation of flowering shoots, and in the initial growing season, agrotechnical techniques enhance the growth of the root system and the assimilating surface. And here the emergence of flowering stems quickly and greatly impairs the taste and nutritional quality of the food of the plants.

Have onion  plants form real (bulb onion, shallot, garlic) or false onion (leek). When growing onion plants for production, the appearance of flowering arrows is unacceptable in order to prevent the consumption of nutrients for their growth. This does not apply to arrow marks of garlic and multi-tiered onions.

Have leafyvegetable plants are eaten leaves and their parts (petioles). The formation of flowering shoots in this group is an inevitable phenomenon, so they are removed in order to obtain high yields. To prevent the formation of flowering shoots, seed germination is not recommended. Since flowering shoots are formed in large quantities with a lack of moisture in the soil, watering is necessary in dry weather. The removal of flowering shoots is not carried out in spice-flavored vegetable plants (dill, savory, basil, marjoram), since they consume not only leaves, but also young shoots.

Lifetime classification

By life expectancy (the time from the beginning of seed germination to the natural dying of plants) vegetable plants are divided into annuals, biennials and perennials.

Annual crops   - bloom and bear fruit once in a lifetime. These include plants of the family Solanaceae and pumpkin, as well as radishes, dill, lettuce, Peking and cauliflower, mustard, savory.

Biennial culture  bear fruit in the second year of life. These are root vegetables (except radish), cabbage, except for cauliflower and Peking. In the first year of life, they form productive organs: a root vegetable, a head of cabbage, an onion. The organs of deposition of spare substances and their kidneys enter a period of deep rest, which ensures the preservation of life during the winter. In the second year, regrowth is resumed due to the use of spare substances. The plant quickly restores the root system, forms stems, blooms and forms seeds. When grown for vegetables, the growing season of biennial plants lasts one year, in seed production - two.

Perennial cultures  - horseradish, sorrel, rhubarb and others are characterized by multiple fruiting. In the autumn, all the aboveground part of them dies. and the roots and rhizomes, which are concentrated food stocks, are saved. Every year in spring these plants resume their growth. By fruiting go no earlier than the second year of life. In the first and subsequent years of life, perennial plants form organs of deposition of spare substances (rhizomes, bulbs), which by the onset of winter come to rest. Elevated organs and part of the roots die by this time.

The productive organ of perennials are vegetative (sorrel, rhubarb, horseradish) and generative (artichoke) organs.

Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation

Department of Science and Technology Policy and Education

FGOU VPO Volgograd State Agricultural Academy

Department: Crop and feed production

Discipline: Fundamentals of production, processing and storage of crop products

subject: Vegetables


art. gr. Bukh-12

Andreichukova T.I.

Checked: Lemyakina PM

Volgograd 2010


1. Vegetable



Vegetables - an extremely capacious concept that has very blurry fuzzy boundaries. The most acceptable definition of vegetables was given by Professor V.I. Edelstein, who called vegetables "herbaceous plants cultivated for the sake of their juicy parts, eaten by man." These plants, which the population of our planet uses as vegetables, include more than 1,200 species worldwide, of which 690 species belonging to 9 botanical families are most common. The distribution of these types of vegetables in culture in different parts and countries of the globe is uneven. For example, the largest number of vegetable crops is used by humans in Asia, which is favored by the richness of its flora and favorable climate: about 100 types of vegetables are widely grown in Japan, about 80 in China, over 60 in India, about 50 in Korea . In the vast territory of our country, according to various sources, up to 40 types of vegetable crops are grown, 23 of them are widespread, such as: white cabbage, Beijing, cauliflower, beet, turnip, rutabaga, carrot, radish, radish, cucumber, pumpkin , watermelon, melon, tomato, pepper, eggplant, onion, garlic, celery, parsley, dill, salad. Other types of vegetables are also represented, but are not widely cultivated. Each vegetable has its own individual biological characteristics, is characterized by special requirements for environmental conditions and methods of cultivation, differs in the way of consumption. At the same time, vegetable plants have a number of common features that allow combining them into separate groups. According to the combination of biological and economic characteristics, it is possible to classify vegetable crops.

1. Vegetable

Vegetable, 1) the branch of agriculture engaged in the cultivation of vegetable plants. Vegetable growing includes melon growing - cultivation of melon crops (watermelon, melon, pumpkin). Distinguish Vegetable open ground and Vegetable storage of protected (closed) soil. Vegetable crops are cultivated in the open ground to produce vegetables and seeds in spring, summer and autumn, vegetables in greenhouses - in the off-season, when it is impossible to obtain a crop in the field due to climatic conditions, and seedlings for open ground. Vegetable open and green vegetable protected soil are closely linked: one complementing the other, they ensure the production of vegetables throughout the year. Features Vegetable-growing: mass application of the seedling method, and for protected ground, in addition, the use of growing and forcing out plants (obtaining vegetable products from the previously deposited nutrients in the plant organism). In vegetable production, it is often used to grow two or several crops on the same area during the season, the so-called. compacted culture. Re-sowing and planting of vegetable crops are also common in vegetable production.

2. Classification and representatives of vegetable crops

According to the similarity of biological and economic features, relation to external conditions and agricultural technology, vegetable crops are combined into 7 groups:

cabbage - all kinds of cabbage;

fruit - solanaceous (tomato, eggplant, pepper);

pumpkin (cucumber, pumpkin, zucchini, squash);

melons (watermelon, melon);

onion - onion and other types, garlic;

root crops - beet, carrot, parsley, celery, parsnip, rutabaga, turnip, radish, radish;

legumes - vegetable peas, vegetable beans, beans; green (grown on greens) - lettuce, spinach, dill, leaf forms of parsley, celery;

perennials - sorrel, rhubarb, horseradish, asparagus.

Cabbage is the main vegetable crop, occupying in our country more than 30% of the total area under vegetables. It has a wide area of ​​distribution, especially in the central and northern zones of vegetable production. The most common form in our country is cabbage, Savoy, Brussels sprout, cauliflower, kohlrabi are less common, and Chinese cabbage is extremely rare. White cabbage is used fresh, pickled and fermented. Savoy cabbage forms a loose head with delicate leaves, eating it fresh and boiled. Red cabbage is the best product for making salads. Small cabbage Brussels sprouts consume boiled and pickled form. Cauliflower is used boiled, roasted, pickled and in canned food. Kohlrabi stebleplod is consumed boiled and stewed, as well as in salads. Cabbage is a biennial plant, with the exception of annual cauliflower and Chinese. The types of cabbage differ in the nature of the development of individual parts of plants and the peculiarities of stem buds - the apical and lateral ones. Vegetable beetroot includes beetroot (family of mariyevy), carrots (umbrella family), rutabaga, turnip, radish, radish (cruciferous family). Table root vegetables are spicy flavoring vegetables - parsley, celery, and parsnips (Umbrella family). All vegetable roots are biennial plants, with the exception of radish and some forms of radish. In the first year they form

  leaf rosette and thickened fleshy root, carries leaves. This stem formation develops entirely above the ground. The head of the root is low
  taste and roughness of fabrics.

The root neck is located between the head and the root itself and is formed by the proliferation of the subforeless knee of a young plant. In terms of food, the neck is a full-fledged part of the root. Actually the root is the lower part of the root, carrying the side roots. Root carrots and parsley are formed almost entirely from the root itself. In vegetable farming, several types of onions are cultivated, used mainly in fresh form. Onions have the greatest distribution, less often they grow onions-garlic, onions-batun, shallots and leeks. Onion - biennial and three-year plant, forming a large onion with tubular leaves. The bulb contains 12-20% of dry substances, including 3-10% of sugars, up to 3% of nitrogenous substances and a lot of vitamins, especially ascorbic acid. In the bulb and leaves there are phytoncides with a strong bactericidal effect. Propagated onions seeds. The bulb and leaves are used fresh and as a seasoning with a sharp taste. Onions-garlic forms a complex onion of the buds and linear flat leaves. The bulb of garlic contains up to 36% of dry substances, it is a lot of vitamins and phytoncides. Bunching onions - a perennial winter-hardy plant, not forming bulbs, with tubular leaves of pungent taste, used for fresh food. Shallots form a nest of medium-sized bulbs with tubular leaves, similar in quality and use with bulb. Propagated by bulbs. The leek in the first year gives ribbon-like leaves, juicy vagina which form a false stem, used in food. Of the fruit vegetables of the Solanaceae family, tomato, pepper and eggplant are the most common. Tomato is a valuable vegetable crop. Its fruits contain about 3-6% sugar, 0.4-0.5% organic acids, 0.75% ash and vitamins. Especially there is a lot of vitamin C in tomatoes. The nutritional value of tomato is due to the high taste qualities of the fruit. Along with fresh consumption, they are widely used in the canning industry. Pepper and eggplant are cultivated mainly in the south. The fruits of pepper contain alkaloid capsaicin, which causes a burning-spicy taste. It is used as a spicy seasoning. In the fruits of sweet pepper little capsaicin, so he goes to canned food and for the preparation of various dishes. Cucumber is a widespread vegetable plant of the pumpkin family. Although the calorie content of cucumbers is small, they are valued for good taste, contributing to an increase in appetite. Cucumber - herbaceous annual plant with creeping clinging shoots, monoecious with dioecious flowers. Cucumbers are used fresh and canned. Due to the great plasticity of plants and the possibility of growing in greenhouse conditions, cucumber culture is widespread. By the melon crops include plants of the pumpkin family: watermelon, melon and pumpkin. In the culture of common pumpkin large-fruited, hard-tailed and nutmeg. The pumpkin is large-grown and the durum is large-fruited. Pumpkin large-fruited - grassy plant with powerful lashes. Fruits are very large, often monochromatic, smooth or slightly ribbed. The bark of fruit is soft, easy to cut with a knife. The flesh is quite dense, the medium is not sugar swell. The fruits of the pumpkin tverdokoroy (dining room) are medium in size, hard-bodied, with a bright pattern, the flesh is dense, sugary.

Zucchini and squash are in many respects similar to the pumpkin table, differing only in the bush form of plants that do not form lashes. Squashes have cylindrical fruits, often with light bark. Squashes differ from zucchini in the plate form of a small fruit. These vegetables are used unripe. Watermelon and melon stand out sharply among vegetable plants with the content of sugars, reaching in some varieties in favorable conditions of hot and long summer up to 10-16% wet weight. All gourds are very thermophilic and demanding lighting. Watermelon and melon are drought tolerant and heat resistant. For a pumpkin plant with a large leaf surface, despite the powerful root system, a sufficiently high soil moisture is required. Vegetable legumes include vegetable peas, vegetable beans and beans. High nutritional value , especially in the content of proteins, vegetable leguminous plants represent a special troupe among vegetable crops. In vegetable peas, unripe grains (green peas) or unripe beans are used in food in the form of a so-called spatula (sugar peas) in fresh, boiled or canned form. In the beans and beans, unripe beans are eaten (green and green beans). Biologically, vegetable legumes are similar to field legumes, the only difference is in harvesting and using fruits in an unripe condition. Other vegetable crops. Sweet Corn Sweet corn is used in food in the form of unripe cobs or unripe grains and in canned form. Grain in milky ripeness contains up to 6-8% of sugar, it is distinguished by its quick cooking and good taste. When dried, the mature grain quickly loses water and shrivels, acquiring a vitreous texture. Leaf crops on greens. Leaf crops include plants that use young green leaves for food before the formation of stems and inflorescences. These include plants lettuce, spinach, dill, as well as leafy forms of two root plants - parsley and celery. The last two plants and dill - spicy cultures. Salad is a small herb. The leaves are whole, rarely slightly dissected, of various shapes. The leaf leaf is vesicular, with adustate-wrinkled or almost smooth, yellow-green color. The plant forms a straight stalk with paniculate inflorescence of baskets. Distinguish lettuce leaf with leaves collected in the outlet; head, forming head of different density; Romain lettuce with a high, very loose head. Salad leaves are used raw. Spinach is a small herb with leaves gathered in a loose rosette. The leaves (before the formation of the inflorescence) are fleshy and tender, smooth or curly, used in boiled or raw. Dill is an annual plant with erect, loosely branched stem. The leaves are finely dissected. Young stems, leaves and seeds contain essential oils with a specific aroma and serve as an indispensable seasoning for various dishes, as well as when salting vegetables and mushrooms. Perennial vegetable plants. This group of vegetable crops include asparagus, rhubarb, sorrel and horseradish. Asparagus has a rhizome, in the upper part of which there are many growth buds. Thick, fleshy stems are formed from these buds, which are used as food before reaching the soil surface. After reaching the surface, the stem grows coarse, strongly branched and gives needle-shaped branches instead of leaves (cladode). Collection of shoots start from the third year after the laying of the plantation and produce only in the spring. Rhubarb is a plant with fleshy roots and an extensive rosette of very large stalked leaves. Long juicy leaf petioles contain a lot of malic and oxalic acids and are used in food (compotes, jams, jelly, candied fruits). Rhubarb is propagated by seed, planting seedlings on permanent place. The petioles are cut from the second year during May, June. Sorrel - perennial  with a loose rosette of whole petioled leaves, which are rich in oxalic acid before the formation of a flowering stem. Sorrel is sown early in spring or summer. The plantation is used for three years. Horseradish forms branching thick, fleshy roots with a very spicy taste due to their mustard oil content. The leaves are long, elliptical. Horseradish blooms, but the seed does not form and multiplies only segments of the roots.

Distribution of vegetable crops by botanical families

Family Culture
Cruciferous, or cabbage All kinds of cabbage (white, red, Savoy, Beijing, Brussels sprout, kohlrabi, cauliflower, broccoli, fodder), rutabaga, turnip, radish, radish, turnip, horseradish, katran, cress, leaf mustard
Umbrella, or celery Carrots, parsley, parsnip, celery, dill, cumin, coriander, anise, fennel
Solanaceae Potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, eggplant
Lily or onion All types of onions, garlic
Legumes Peas, beans, beans, soy
Pumpkin Cucumber, zucchini, squash, zucchini, pumpkin, melon, watermelon
Aster or Compositae All kinds of salad, chicory, artichoke, scorzonera, Jerusalem artichoke
Buckwheat Rhubarb, sorrel
Marovye or swan Table beet, leaf beet (chard), spinach
Bluegrass Corn
Portulakovye Purslane

According to the duration of the life cycle, all vegetable plants are divided into annuals, biennials and perennials.

* Annual vegetable plants go through their life cycle from sowing seeds to forming new seeds in one year. The vital processes of annual plants are determined by three main periods: seed germination and the appearance of cotyledonary leaves, increased growth of vegetative organs and green mass of plants, the formation of reproductive organs until the plant is fully mature. After full implementation of the life cycle, the plant dies out. Annual vegetable crops include plants of the fruit group: tomato, cucumber, eggplant, pepper, zucchini, squash, zucchini, pumpkin, watermelon, melon, artichoke, as well as lettuce, spinach, leaf mustard, watercress, dill, radish, color and Chinese cabbage, broccoli, some spicy flavoring cultures.

* Biennial vegetable plants in the first year of life form a rosette of leaves and vegetative productive organs such as roots, tubers, cabbages, and bulbs. The formation of fruits and seeds occurs only in the second year of plant life, when they form flowering shoots, on which fruits with seeds develop to full maturity. The life cycle of biennial plants is interrupted by a period of physiological dormancy upon the occurrence of adverse conditions for growth and development during maturation. During the period of such forced rest, the rearrangement of nutrients occurs, and with the onset of the new vegetation period, the plant spends its vital resources on the formation of fruits and seeds. Usually, biennial vegetable crops are grown to produce their developed vegetative organs, which they form in the first year of life (root crops, heads, bulbs), but if you need to get seeds, productive organs (mother plants) along with the roots are removed in the fall and stored in winter after which the next year in spring is planted in the soil. After the formation and full ripening of fruits and seeds in the second year, the plants die off. Biennial vegetable crops include some plants of the root group, such as carrots, beets, celery, parsley, and also cabbage, savoy and Brussels sprouts.

* Perennial vegetable plants have a life cycle stretched over many years with annual renewed vegetative development. In the first year of life, plants only begin their development; they form a developed root system and a leaf rosette. The formation of productive organs and seeds begins in the second and third year of the life of the plant and continues, renewing, for several years. Just as in biennial plants, in perennial crops, with the onset of winter, a period of forced physiological dormancy begins with the rearrangement of nutrients inside the plant, which is replaced by a growing season in spring. Perennial vegetable crops include horseradish, sorrel, rhubarb, asparagus, lovage, batun onions, chives, and some others.

3. The origin of vegetable crops

Centers of origin of vegetable plants. Vegetables are descended from wild species . Biological and economic properties of modern vegetable plants were formed during the evolution of species - the forefathers of crops and breeding, which people have been leading since the cultivation of plants. As a result of the generalization of data from botany, geography, archeology, history, and the study of the enormous varietal diversity of cultivated plants, Academician N. I. Vavilov identified eight independent centers (centers) of origin and introduction to the culture of most cultivated vegetable plants. The Chinese hearth is a mountainous central and western China and adjacent low-lying areas. This is where the eastern radish, Chinese cabbage and Chinese cabbage, large-fruited cucumber, onion-batun, small-fruited forms of eggplant originated. The Indian hearth is a significant part of India, Burma, Bangladesh. Homeland of eggplant, small cucumber, Indian salad. Central Asian Schach (Afghanistan, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan). The center of origin of melon (secondary focus), onions, garlic, spinach, radish, carrots with yellow root, turnips, peas. Predneaziatsky center (Turkey, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Turkmenistan, Transcaucasia). The melon, the pumpkin, the cucumber, the Anatolian cucumber, the carrots with the violet root vegetables, the parsley, the beets (the secondary center), the leek, and the salad originated from it. Mediterranean hearth (Mediterranean coast in Europe and Africa). Homeland of beet, most types of cabbage, carotene carrot, parsley, turnip, rutabaga, onion and leek, garlic (secondary focus), asparagus, celery, parsnip, dill, lettuce, artichoke, rhubarb, sorrel, peas. South Mexican and Central American foci. From here originated pumpkin nutmeg, pepper, cherry-shaped tomato, physalis, corn, beans. Peruvian-Ecuador-Boliei hearth - a genus of large-fruited pumpkin, tomato. With the introduction into culture of the initial properties of plant species began to change under the influence of artificial selection and the soil-climatic situation in which they were placed people. Most of all it affected the size, shape, taste of food organs, as well as yield. However, the conditions of the place of origin of the culture impose a marked imprint on the life expectancy, growth, development of plants, their relationship to the external environment, and many other biological properties. So, tomato, pepper, eggplant, plants from the Pumpkin family and other cultures originating from the tropics, have not yet acquired the ability to resist frost and are very thermophilic. Wild species of watermelon - colozint grows in the deserts of Africa and South Asia. The ability to tolerate drought and the need for high light intensity, which is characteristic of modern varieties of this crop, has been developed here. Cucumber comes from the humid forests of India, and regardless of the fact that this plant has been bred for thousands of years in different soil and climatic conditions, it needs high humidity and less light. Knowledge of the place of origin of each crop and the environmental conditions in which its ancestors grew allows us to explain many of the biological characteristics of vegetable plants and justify their agricultural practices. Life expectancy and vegetative period of vegetable plants. Life expectancy is the time from the beginning of seed germination to the natural dying of plants. By life expectancy, vegetable plants are divided into annuals, biennials, and perennials.

4. The value of vegetables in human nutrition

Vegetables are extremely important in human nutrition. They are a source of carbohydrates, proteins, organic acids, vitamins, mineral salts, enzymes and other very important nutrients, also contain fiber, starch, pectic substances, hemicellulose.

Many vegetables, such as cabbage, tomatoes, peppers and others, contain about 3-5% of sugar, some varieties of onions - up to 15%. Sugar determines the taste of many vegetables. It is important for sauerkraut and tomato processing.

Of particular value for the human body are vitamins, which are almost completely absent in other foods. Let us briefly discuss the characteristics of the most important vitamins contained in vegetables.

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) provides a normal metabolism, oxidative processes in the body. With its deficiency, the nervous system relaxes, the work of the blood vessels worsens, rapid fatigability, drowsiness or, conversely, insomnia appears, and efficiency decreases. Vitamin C contributes to the removal from the body of harmful (toxic) substances, recovery from many diseases. With a lack of vitamin C delayed healing of wounds, bone damage. The daily requirement for vitamin C for an adult is 70-120 mg.

It is established that vitamin C in many vegetables coexists well with vitamin P (vitamin permeability), which increases the strength of the smallest blood vessels. When combined, the effectiveness of both vitamins in the body increases. Most of all vitamin P is found in carrots. The daily human need for vitamin P is 50 mg.

Carotene (provitamin A). With a lack of vitamin A in food, growth is impaired, the body's resistance to many infectious diseases decreases, in particular, influenza, and the protective properties of the skin are weakened. Carotene has a beneficial effect on the work of the lacrimal, sebaceous and sweat glands, increases the body's resistance to diseases of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and intestines. In adults with carotene deficiency, night blindness is observed, at which in the twilight a person does not distinguish objects.

The daily need for vitamin A is 1.5 g. This vitamin is formed from provitamin A. 1 kg of carrots contains from 15.5 to 62.7 mg of carotene. Especially a lot of vitamin A in the leaves of parsley, dill, coriander.

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) is very essential in regulating the vital activity of the organism. With a lack of this vitamin comes mental and physical fatigue, appetite is lost. Prolonged lack of accuracy in the body vitamin B1 leads to low temperature, headache, insomnia, gastrointestinal disorders, pain in the limbs. Daily need for this vitamin - 2-4 mg.

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin). Its value for the body is diverse. It has a great influence on carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism, on visual acuity. Vitamin B2 activates the work of the liver, stomach, regulates blood circulation. The daily intake of vitamin B2 is 2.5-3.5 mg.

Vitamin B6 (folic acid) contributes to the formation of red blood cells (erythrocytes). It is especially necessary for people suffering from anemia. Daily need for this vitamin 2 .4 mg. Its greatest content is in the leaves of parsley, sorrel, spike, spinach, and green peas, carrots, cauliflower, tomatoes.

Vitamin PP (nicotinic acid) has a positive effect on liver disease, heart disease, diabetes, gastric ulcer, pancreas and duodenal ulcers, and healing wounds. The daily need for vitamin PP is 15-20 mg.

Vitamin K. Its role for a person is very important. He is involved in the formation of prothrombin. Reducing it in the body worsens blood clotting. Vitamin K is used as a wound healing and hemostatic agent. The highest content of this vitamin is found in spinach - 0.27–0.55 mg, in various types of cabbage - 0.2–0.4 mg per 100 g. It is also found in other vegetables.

Vitamin E. With a lack of this vitamin is observed Nerve-muscular disorder in newborns. The use of the necessary amount of vitamin E prevents aging, increases efficiency. Its greatest content - in peas - 4.5 mg, cabbage - 1-2.5, green onions - 2.4, carrots - 1.2 mg per 100 g, etc.

Fresh, unprocessed vegetables contain enzymes necessary to improve metabolism, which determine the nature and speed of chemical reactions in the body (for example, horseradish).

The highest peroxidase enzyme content is found in celery, horseradish, and radish.

Some vegetables are rich in phytoncides - volatile substances with a specific odor that can suppress the development of microbes and bacteria harmful to humans. Especially a lot of these substances contain garlic, onions, horseradish, radish, etc. These plants are best consumed fresh.

Many vegetable plants contain aromatic substances that improve the appetite, promote better absorption of animal products. These plants include parsley, celery, parsnip, various types of onions, basil, coriander, mint, cucumber ladder, as well as well-known cucumbers, radish, etc. The full use of vegetables in a wide range greatly improves nutrition, makes it more complete. According to scientific data, a person needs 126 kg of vegetables, 110 kg of potatoes, 31 kg of melons and gourds a year for a normal vital activity and a good working capacity. Since fresh vegetables are grown not all year round, it is necessary to use also canned. In terms of the content of vitamins and other nutrients, canned vegetables are not inferior to vegetables stored during the autumn-winter period.

Spicy vegetables. Spicy vegetables are an essential part of most meals used in everyday meals. Unlike spices (spices), they have a pronounced biological activity, contain vitamins C, B6, carotene, folacin. This complex of vitamins exhibits a biological effect even with a relatively small amount of spicy vegetables in the diet.

Dill. The specific aroma of dill is determined by the presence in it of an essential oil containing such aromatic substances as felandrene, term, limonene, carvone and aniol. The content of essential oil in dill reaches 2.5%. As a seasoning for food, young plants are used (up to 10 cm in height). Older plants with hardened stems are used as an aromatic spice for pickling cucumbers and preparing marinades. 100 g of dill contains 100 mg of ascorbic acid. Chewing after abundant fatty foods of dill seeds improves digestion, relieves the feeling of heaviness in the stomach.

Parsley. The leaves and root of parsley contain essential oil, which gives it a characteristic smell. Parsley can be root and leaf: in the first, roots and leaves are used for food, in the second - only leaves. 100 g of parsley contains 1.7 mg of B-carotene and 150 mg of ascorbic acid. Parsley is characterized by high iron content (1.9 mg).

Bow. There are several types of onions used in the diet. The most famous are onions, leeks and onions. The pungent smell of onion depends on the content of essential onion oil, which contains sulphides. The amount of essential oil in onions is 0,037-0,055%. Onions contain a variety of minerals and vitamins. The greatest value in the vitamin relation is green onions (feather). Ascorbic acid in 100 g of green onions contains 10 mg, in 100 g of leeks - 35 mg, onions  - 10 mg. Green onions are characterized by a high content of B-carotene (2.0 mg per 100 g).

Garlic. Garlic is a spicy vegetable with a strong taste and aroma. It contains essential oil (0.005-0.009 g per 100 g). As a source of ascorbic acid, garlic is not valuable, but it has bactericidal properties due to its volatile production. Garlic matters and how medicinal plant. It is used in the treatment of vascular and many other diseases.

Horseradish. The spicy taste of horseradish depends on the presence of allyl mustard oil in it, the amount of essential oil in horseradish is 0.05 g per 100 g. Horseradish has a high content of ascorbic acid (55 g per 100 g) and is a source of phytoncids.

In many countries and regions, many herbs and roots are used as spice vegetables. The need for spicy vegetables is about 2% of the total consumption of vegetables.

Rhubarb. From the leaves and petioles of rhubarb, cut before the flowering of the plant, you can prepare salads, jelly, stewed fruit, stuffing for pies. It is important that rhubarb preparations do not disturb the digestive processes, do not affect the secretion of the gastrointestinal tract, and increase peristalsis only at the level of the large intestine.

Cucumber herb is an ancient medicinal plant. Its leaves with the smell of fresh cucumber are added to vinaigrettes, okroshka, cold borscht. Cucumber herb has a beneficial effect on metabolism.

Leaves of young lettuce is not for nothing called the breakfast of kings. Indeed, no other plant has such a delicate and refined taste. Its healing properties have been known for a long time. The substance contained in the salad - lactucin soothes the nervous system, improves sleep, reduces the incidence of atherosclerosis. Organic acids prevent salt deposits. Pectins stimulate the intestinal tract. The leaves of lettuce contain almost all known vitamins. The leaves are eaten fresh, alone or with radishes, cucumbers; You can make sandwiches from them.

Spinach contains proteins, sugar, ascorbic acid, vitamins of group B, vitamins P, K, E, D, mineral substances: magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, iron, iodine. All this makes spinach one of the most valuable dietary products. It contains secretin, beneficial effect on the work of the stomach and pancreas. Spinach is particularly useful for anemia.

Sorrel, which is used before flowering, improves digestion, reduces putrefaction in the intestines. ethnoscience  recommends sorrel juice as a choleretic agent. It is also a rich source of vitamin B. The leaves of sorrel can be dried, while they do not lose their nutritional properties.

Useful properties of vegetables.

Beet ordinary Like many other vegetables, beet improves metabolism and digestion. Her juice stimulates the liver, promotes the formation and purification of the blood. This vegetable crop is remarkable in that it contains predominantly many alkaline mineral salts, which helps to maintain the alkaline blood reaction. Beetroot is widely used in vegetable diet therapy. It has beneficial effects on the body in diseases such as gastrointestinal, anemia, hypertension, diabetes, renal stone disease. Carrot Vitamin A, a rich source of which is carrots, improves metabolism in the human body, promotes growth and development of the skin, ensures the normal functioning of the glands (sebaceous, sweat, lacrimal), increases the body's resistance to infections. Vegetable carrot juice helps with hypo-and avitominoza, improves eyesight. Carrot seeds are the raw material for the production of the drug daukarin. This is an extract that dilates the coronary vessels. Just such a wonderful vegetable was a simple carrot. Cabbage White cabbage well retains its nutritional value, taste in winter storage and fermentation. Like other vegetable plants, it is widely used by doctors for the treatment of various diseases. In case of spring avitaminosis, fresh, sauerkraut or juice of this vegetable is recommended (glass on an empty stomach). The high content of vitamin C in this vegetable crop helps to eliminate cholesterol from the body. Minerals, especially potassium salts, with which this vegetable plant is rich, improve heart function, remove excess fluid from the body. Cabbage improves intestinal motor function, preventing the development of atherosclerosis. Commercially produced dry cabbage juice for the treatment of gastric ulcers. The value of this vegetable is so great in our life that it is used not only in the diet, but also in the medical industry. KohlrabiThis wonderful cabbage vegetable is a little common. Although this vegetable is tastier, juicier and healthier than white cabbage. The high content of calcium and phosphorus, as well as other mineral substances, makes it possible to consider this vegetable a valuable dietary product in the diet of children and pregnant women.


More than 70 types of vegetable crops are grown in our country. Vegetable products are of great importance in human nutrition. According to scientifically grounded norms of nutrition, it is recommended to include one fourth of various vegetable products into the daily ration of a person. The average annual rate of consumption of vegetables per person should be 122 kg. From this standard, cabbage products should be 34 kg, including white cabbage - 29 kg, tomatoes - 20, cucumbers - 11, carrots - 19, beetroot - 8, onions - 7.4, green peas - 2.9, green - 4.5, other vegetables - 16.5 kg. Eat leaves, heads of cabbage, inflorescences, fruits, roots, shoots. Vegetable products are mostly carbohydrates, proteins, in a small amount of fat. Vegetables - the main source of vitamins necessary for the normal development of the human body. Vegetables are especially rich in ascorbic acid (vitamin C). The daily need of an adult for ascorbic acid can be satisfied or at the expense of one or several types of vegetables. 25 - 50 g of dill or parsley, 50-100 g of kohlrabi, green onions or spinach, 100-150 g of white cabbage or cauliflower, 150-250 g of radish, lettuce or tomatoes can satisfy the daily human need for ascorbic acid. To meet the daily need for provitamin A (carotene), 20-30 grams of carrots or 30-40 grams of spinach are enough. Some vegetables also contain various vitamins from group B and others. Vegetables contain many alkaline mineral salts that neutralize the excess of acids that form when consumed high protein food. Vegetables contain many mineral salts of potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron and others. Organic acids contained in fresh vegetables, essential oils and enzymes increase the secretion of digestive juices, improve the absorption of proteins and fats.


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