How convenient to plant carrots. How to store carrots. Tape seeding method - making your own tape.

Green and lush tops of carrots, which is located on the beds, the best worthy decoration of an attractive vegetable garden. But what is hidden in the earth itself? Sometimes the gardener is very upset and disappointed - the tops are large, but the carrot itself is small. Where does the tasty and good harvest begin? There are several options: planting carrots in the winter and planting carrots in the spring. Of course, you choose the method exclusively, but you need to know the nuances of each method. How is it made? proper fit  carrots?

The germination solution is to preserve parsley seeds in water for several hours before sowing. Seeds are planted to a depth of 1, 5-2 inches, no more, and the seeds should be evenly distributed on the seed surface. The seeds are covered with a thin layer of shallow soil, possibly sifted or mixed with clean sand.

Parsley germinates at a temperature of 5 to 20 degrees Celsius. This plant is very resistant to cold temperatures, but it is hardly cold. The pot can sit on the kitchen window sill, but in a place where the rays of the sun do not become straight, parsley prefers a relatively shaded position.

Preparatory work

How to plant carrots? Directly in direct dependence on the acquired variety will vary considerably, and the very time of direct sowing. For example, in the twentieth of warm April, it is already possible to begin sowing early-maturing varieties; from April 25 and already until May 25, gardeners begin to sow mid-season species actively. In the planting of carrots, which is designed for proper winter storage, is carried out already 10-15 June. So, when planting seeds is known, then you need to prepare the site.

Preparing carrots for planting

Parsley must be constantly moistened, and the soil in the pot cannot be completely dried, because the beans will quickly turn yellow and will not return, and the crop will be compromised. Depending on the quality of the soil - although parsley is not at all pretentious by the type of soil, depending on the quality of light and the quality of the seeds, you can get a new crop of parsley for 4-7 months.

Parsley leaves can be harvested and used about a month after sowing. If you only collect leaves in the first period, the parsley bush will thicken, and it will be not only useful, but also decorative. Parsley is a member of the carrot family and originates in southern Europe, used by Romanians and Greeks as medicinal plant. Organically grown parsley, which is very easy at home, in the garden or in a pot, is very rich in vitamins A, C and B, contains calcium, iron, phosphorus, sodium, potassium and iodine, and a number of unique antioxidants have antitumor properties.

Under the garden it is worth picking up a plot where weeds do not germinate very much, since the harmful plants will grow much earlier than carrots and prevent them from growing. The soil should be loosened, add a little sand.

Also consider what kind of noble crops will be planted. It is recommended to pick up the places where cucumbers, garlic, red tomatoes, cabbage, onions, various greens or potatoes grew in the past year. Please note that after green parsley, it is better not to plant the selected carrot, as various pests that can be dangerous for root crops can remain in this used soil.

If you are interested in parsley and want to grow it in pots, consider the fact that food is used for communication, so the need is rather high compared to the growth rate of parsley. In the garden, however, there is enough space per square meter, and if sowing often enough can provide you with the necessary for consumption, but also several roots.

The New Year is the Day of Dawn, the New Year and the Second New Year. In the meantime, all biological activity is focused on plant growth. During this period it is better not to touch the plants; Do not overdo it, do not inoculate, do not get words about plants so that you do not disturb you. The best job is to work not too young, but the day of the roar or new moon begins. During this period, the biological activity of the plant increases from coarse to pale to stem and foliage, which increases the pressure on parts of the anti-terminal plant.

The soil on the garden bed must be dug up in the late autumn, and in the spring use a special device - a flat cutter, which you need to walk on the ground. The main rule - do not make fresh manure on the site, as the carrot absolutely does not tolerate its acidity. Garden beds can be fertilized with minerals for several weeks before planting.

During this period, root growth will not react so painfully to the most severe irritations. If you transplant or prune the plants for a period, they will speed up the production of new livestock. Between the centuries of the moon and the fullness of the plants, more water and more nutrients are required. According to the astrologer, the plants have the greatest battles every 3 full days. During the entire period, all biological activity is concentrated in rachela, leaves, leaves. During the year, pressure on root growth intensified, which at that time was the most pitiful.

How to plant carrots? Seeds must be specially prepared in advance before the process of planting:

Soak for a few hours in the most pure water only at room temperature. Sprinkle these seeds on a fairly damp cloth and cover with another damp cloth on top. Fabric must be soaked when drying. When the seeds swell and start to peek a bit, move them to your refrigerator for 10 days for hardening.

Watering, weeding and loosening

During this period, the antitumor parts of the plant are less sensitive to irritation. Plants are best planted across the moon when the plants receive the most lively energy. What conditions are necessary for growing carrots? Edible carrots are perennial plants. It grows well when the day is at least 12 hours. They do not require heat, they are classified as cold-resistant vegetables. The shoots are prolonged, the roots are broken, the carrots are poorly stored. During germination, moisture is needed for carrots.

Had carrot seeds in winter

Sowing carrots for the winter requires a special approach. The climate of Russia is quite unpredictable - the sharp and unexpected frost, terrible for the garden, has reached the thaw. Therefore, it is quite difficult to determine the time of sowing. It is necessary to podgadat so that the most delicious carved carrot did not have time to finally germinate before the onset of a formidable steady cold, otherwise absolutely all the crop will simply die.

With intensive rooting in the soil requires constant moisture, because when it does not exist, there are many small, deformed roots, and in the presence of excess carrots they are cut. Due to the high level of groundwater carrots grow poorly, their roots become stained.

Sowing with a sieve, plastic bottle or other available materials

In hardy soils, carrots do not light up for a long time, many deformed, uninteresting root crops grow. The soil begins to work in the fall, removing the crop of the crop. The soil is grown at a depth of 30 cm, it should be flat, sobs are small. For early harvesting, carrots are sown in strips of 1–1, 2 m wide, and then on flat or stalked soils. The soil gives more than 20% of the soil. Higher yields, up to 23 percent Higher production on the market. Although carrots sprout faster on level soil than on furrows, but due to the improvement of thermal and aerated soil conditions, they become better in the latter.

This is dangerous and planting carrots in the fall: thaws are still likely, and after them frosts immediately come, which have a detrimental effect on the germinated seeds. It is recommended to sow carrots on frozen soil in the very middle of cold November, but at the same time significantly increase the seeding rate by literally twenty percent compared to spring sowing common for all.

At the beginning of the growth of carrots, it is important that there is enough phosphorus in the soil. During the intensive growth of leaves and the formation of root crops, they need most fertilizers, especially nitrogenous ones. On the second side of the vegetation, in the period of rooting, accumulation of carotene, sugar and other substances in the roots, it is very important that sunny weather and potash and trace elements - boron, iron, sulfur, manganese and molybdenum - are sufficient in the soil.

Fertilizers and dressing

Fertilizers are compensated with nutrients from the soil with the harvest. Plants get nitrogen from the soil, but if it is not there, it can be fertilized with nitrogen fertilizers. Phosphate fertilizers affect not only the yield, but also the quality of products, the plants mature, become more resistant to disease, carrot roots better in winter. Potassium is involved in photosynthesis, helps to accumulate vitamins, activates the activity of various enzymes, helps to get water into plant cells, reduces the evaporation of water, because its roots are better in winter.

Podzimny sowing carrots implies that the seeds do not need to be soaked and germinated before the sowing process - dry ones will not be able to germinate ahead of time.

Carefully sow all the small seeds will help thought-out manual seed drill for carrots, where you can set the necessary sowing step. You can immediately sow the garden beds and radishes, and lettuce, so that in early spring they will immediately identify the rows with carrots for comfortable weeding and loosening the rows.

Boron-molybdenum fertilizers improve the compliance of carrots. Carrot breeds suitable for breeding in Lithuania. Varieties of carrots are classified by type depending on the form of root crops. In line with this, how long carrots grow and form the root of a typical form, they are classified as early, middle, middle, late and late. The most reliable carrot cultivators of these breeds and hybrids, which are studied in the conditions of the Lithuanian climate and soil and are popular among Lithuanian producers.

Lithuanian marine breeds and hybrids. "Grizzly" - is the mid-early breed Nantes. This is a cylindrical carrot with a letter with a rounded orange core. It grows well on light loamy soils. Suitable for growing summer crops and storage in winter.

Sowing carrots before winter happens like this:

In the already prepared smooth grooves, fill in the required seeds, observing the correct sowing depth only a centimeter for very dense soil and up to a couple of centimeters on the lightest soils. Planting carrots in the fall requires a careful approach - sprinkle the treated furrows with dry, warm earth. Condense the soil a little so that it will not be blown up by the wind later. During the fall of the first snow, rake it on the bed itself. Snow press the harvested spruce branches.

The rich and high-quality crop grows on fertile soils or peatlands. This is a universal carrot, suitable for early greens, stored in the winter and canned. Carrot cylindrical, bumpy, medium length, butterfly. On average, accumulates 22, 5 mg% carotene. Suitable for harvesting in the fall and winter. Carrots medium in early, cylindrical, bumpy, medium length, butterfly. It is recommended to grow light loam in humus, non-fertilizing, optimal soil soils.

Sow carrots and do not thin out - video

Suitable for growing autumn crops stored in winter. The carrot is cylindrical, beech or pointed, long, smooth. Suitable for growing early summer crops stored in winter. Flum and xylem are bright orange, almost red. Vegetable sea breeds and hybrids.

Planting carrots in the spring

How to plant carrots in the spring? Already well-prepared seeds are sown in fairly narrow straight beds, which need to be made at an approximate distance of some 10 cm. It is also advised to pour them with fairly hot water and gently sprinkle with good chalk or ash.

"Tito" is a Dutch mid-size breed Nantes. This is a universal carrot, grows well on light and heavier soils, suitable for mechanized cultivation, harvesting and storage in summer and autumn. Carrots are almost cylindrical, slightly pointed.

Winter is very good. Carrot cylindrical, beech, semolina. Suitable for winter storage. Medium late carrots, fertile, beautiful cylindrical, smooth. Suitable for autumn harvest and storage. This is fine until February. Suitable for growing, harvesting and storage for a long time.

Attention: in too thick sowing there simply is not even the slightest sense, since you still need to leave exceptionally strong and healthy plants, but pull the rest with care.

Planting on the tape will help to make even crops. Paste the seeds on the paper ribbon - starch glue is used for this. It is only necessary to spread the ribbon across the entire furrow and prikopat a little soil. This is the most common even method, although you will spend a lot of time on such sowing. It is much easier to place the seeds you need in a small saltcellar with fairly large free holes and shake off the bed.

Resistant to alternatives, powdery mildew and bacteriosis. Carrots are fertile, beautiful cylindrical, with large foliage. It grows well in fertile soils and light loamy soils. The Jaguar H is a Dutch mid-late hybrid of Nantes. Carrots are fertile, long, beech and tapering. Beautiful root crops grow on fertile soil. In more loamy soil the carrot has a sharp rough surface. Suitable for summer and autumn harvest. Winter is average.

Presowing seed preparation

Suitable for autumn and winter crops. The roots are bright orange, smooth, good taste, well preserved during the winter. Plants resistant to black carrot rot have healthy foliage. Suitable for washing, long-term storage. Prematurely sown or planted vegetables may suffer from frost and bad weather. Seeds that are sown late have poor grass on the root soil, vegetables should not be confused, they are more susceptible to diseases and pests.

Planting with onions is practiced by many gardeners. So you can grow tasty root vegetables and bulbs. Of course, this is convenient - you can see both carrots and young green onions.

Also relevant landing syringe. So you can carefully and beautifully sow carrots, which will rise on the perfect beds.

Planting methods are varied, but they all end in successful plant germination.

Later, in late April and early May, early cabbage was planted, and beet seeds were planted. Soothing vegetables should be sown at once so that their seeds grow as soon as possible, but the seeds do not suffer from frost. Nice, simple cherries and simple cherries are sown: beets, lemon melon, greens, corn, carrots; Planted: Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, cabbage, oregano.

Novice rangers usually go down too deep. It slows seed germination or does not rise at all. In addition, some deep-rooted seeds and germinate, seedlings can not get into the ground, half of the very small seeds can not be enough moisture for the topsoil, as a rule, quickly dried up.

This vegetable likes to sit in the ground for quite a long time - sometimes the entrances appear a month after planting, which is done in early April or May.

During the warm period, various weeds are already rampant in the garden beds; therefore, many gardeners sow spinach or lettuce together with carrot seeds.

In early spring, you can plant any kind of carrot: early, medium and late for all. It all depends on your individual tastes. For example, the first type is designed to maximize vitamin delicious salad  and fragrant juice, and the second and third - only for winter and also autumn consumption.

Seeding methods. Small seeds should be sown in small grooves with a pointed stick. Clamping the bottom of the car helps seeds to germinate faster because water rises from the lower layers of the soil to them. After that, the seeds should be scooped half an inch of soil and a layer of the mixture. Gently squeeze the mixture with a sore hand, and then pour two centimeters of pumice or peat. Layers and peat protect wounds from drying out.

Thus, having grown seeds, you can ensure that they grow early and beautifully, and the shoots will be strong. Carrots and beets. To spend a late harvest in the winter, it is best to sow carrots and edible beets from the second half of May until 10 June. When planting carrots, it is very important to choose a suitable foam for them. Deeply inserted carrot seeds are short-lived or rarely germinate. The seeds brought in by small, especially into lighter soils, also do not grow for a long time or, as soon as they begin, the germ dies.

Various methods of sowing homemade carrots

How to sow carrots with spring onions? The latter can be alternated in rows or give preference to the "beacon" method. This common method can significantly reduce the work on the constant weeding even several times. It is convenient because non-standard joint, but already common planting perfectly protects the fruit from various pests.

How to sow carrots? The most familiar and common method for the gardener is sowing completely dry seeds. Just pour the seeds into the furrows. This planting pattern makes you wait a long time for the desired shoots. Because all the seeds need to swell a little. Yes, there is almost always a little moisture in the soil - most often the carrot rises just after the very first rain, and only then it begins to grow actively.

How to plant carrots? Sowing well-germinated high-quality seeds will immediately require abundant constant watering during the planting itself. It is necessary to constantly keep the ground moist, otherwise all seeds will die. Of course, your carrot will come up faster.

Grandma's method: how to plant carrots? Pour water into a glass, pour the selected carrot seeds into it. Stir this mixture thoroughly, pour some water into your mouth along with the seeds that are mixed in it and spray it.

How to sow carrots as economically as possible? It is necessary to mix a few tablespoons of carrot seeds with a full bucket of sand and gently scatter all this mass in open ground. It is very important that the selected sand be completely dry, since the seeds will mix up rather poorly with each other with the selected sand - the crops will not be particularly uniform.

How to grow carrots? This method is suitable for those who are very fond of experiments. Take pure water and carefully dissolve in it selected fertilizers with useful and effective trace elements. Then cook it on the same water with a special paste made from ordinary flour or starch. Feel free to pour all the seeds into the cooled kissel, and then pour into the prepared furrows.

How to plant carrots, you need to decide in an individual order. It all depends on what kind of soil you have on your summer cottage, what kind of crop you want to see as a result. The correct approach to planting and care is, of course, best carrot as a result. If you harvest the crop in the fall, you need to dig it with a shovel. It is worth knowing that damaged root crops are very poorly stored, so it is worth grabbing more land with a shovel, so that the roots break off with the ground. But never forget that the careful planting of a carrot is another guarantee of getting a tasty harvest.

Carrots are a versatile vegetable: they are used to make salads, first courses, main courses and desserts; from seeds prepare useful oil. This vegetable is often used in baby food, its use has practically no contraindications. Carrots retain their nutritional properties throughout the winter. Therefore, it is difficult to find a plot where this root crop is not grown. At first glance, carrots are unpretentious, but for good harvest, you must adhere to the rules of planting and care for her.

Carrot varieties are divided into: early ripening (60-80 days), mid-ripening (80-120 days) and late ripening (120-150 days). Early ripe varieties  not suitable for long-term storage, but they can be used for freezing, making juices and mashed potatoes. Mid-season and late-maturing varieties, subject to temperature and humidity conditions, are stored until the next season.

Most varieties of carrots are suitable for both the winter and spring sowing. Under the winter, it is recommended to sow the following varieties: Vitamin, Barbara Beauty, Losinoostrovskaya, Moscow Winter, Nantes, Royal Forto, Flaccus. The same varieties can be used for spring sowing. The varieties Baltimore, Tenderness, NIIOKh, Tushon, Forto, and Shantane have high yields. By the way, many are bred on the basis of Nantes and Chantane varieties.

When choosing a variety, it is necessary to consider the resistance of carrots to color blooming, cracking and the percentage of germination of seeds.

The timing of planting carrots

Planting time carrots is determined based on weather conditions in each region. Carrots can be sown in autumn and spring.

Autumn landing (podzimnyaya)

By winter, carrots are sown at the beginning, middle or end of November. Seeds are planted when the first snow falls and the ground is slightly frozen. No need to sow carrots too early, because the seeds can germinate and the seedlings perish. Under the winter, only dry seeds are sown. Planting seeds carried out in a prepared bed. To prevent the extra precipitation and snow from preventing the carrots from underwintering, such a bed is closed with a film and left until it is time to plant the seeds. Seeds of carrots covered with dry warm earth, which must be prepared in advance. Watering the planted seeds is not necessary.

When sub-winter sowing, the first crop of carrots can be obtained as early as June. You can sow on a vacated bed: radish, radish, lettuce, plant cauliflower seedlings.

When to plant carrots in spring

In the spring you can sow carrots at different times:

  1. Mid - end of April is suitable for sowing. early varieties  carrots. They choose a time when the earth has not yet warmed up much, but the snow has already gone. During this period, the earth contains enough moisture. To prevent the emergence of shoots from damaging the spring frosts, arcs are installed over the garden bed, which are covered with non-woven material. Beds for early carrots need to prepare in the fall.
  2. The beginning is the middle of May. The earth is warming and drying by this time, shoots appear quickly.
  3. The end of May - the beginning of June. It is believed that the carrot when late landings  less affected by carrot fly. But there is already little moisture in the soil, so regular watering is required.

To guess which carrot will develop better is impossible, since everything will depend on the weather. In hot and arid spring, carrots turn out to be in a favorable position, planted before winter and in April, and in cold and rainy weather they will grow faster - planted in May. Therefore, we recommend sowing several varieties at intervals of one to two weeks.

Soil preparation

To get a good harvest, flower beds must be prepared in advance. Regardless of when it will be planted in the fall or spring, the garden is prepared in October.

A place

For carrots choose a sunny place. The plot should be smooth, without any slopes, so that the rains and waterings do not wash the small seeds from the soil. It does not tolerate carrots close to groundwater.


You can not plant carrots for 2 years in a row in the same place. Her bad predecessors are parsley, dill, and celery. You can choose the garden, which grew: onions, potatoes, cabbage, cucumbers, beans, peas. A good company of carrots will be: garlic, onions, marigolds, which by their smell will scare away pests. Can be planted between rows or in mixed landings  with carrots, radishes and lettuce - they will rise earlier and mark the place of planting, as well as prevent weeds from growing.

The soil

Carrots are demanding on soil fertility, they are planted on loose, moist and aerated soils. It grows best on neutral and weakly acid soils. Acidic lands should be alkalized by adding ash, dolomite flour to the soil, which restore the acid-base balance of the earth and enrich it with nutrients: calcium, magnesium and others. Sand and peat are added to clayey low-fertile soil in order to increase its breathability. With increased acidity of the soil, peat should be used with caution - it promotes soil oxidation.

Preparation of beds

In the fall, they dig up the earth on a spade bayonet, removing the roots of plants, insect larvae. Humus, peat, wood ash, sand are introduced into the soil. The bed should be formed in such a way that it is convenient to care for the carrots: water, weed, thin out, loosen and spud. In the garden, they make small furrows 1.5-3 cm deep and cover with boards or foil so that no excess moisture gets into the grooves.

Landing methods

Carrots have very small seeds, which also have poor germination. The maximum shelf life of seeds - 2 years. Seeds must be checked for germination. To do this, they are soaked for several hours, removing the surfaced seeds and debris. Soaked seeds are dried before planting.

Planting seeds to a depth of 3 cm in the podzimny planting and 1.5-2 cm in the spring planting. In between rows leave 20 cm, and between shoots of about 5 cm

Several ways of planting carrots:

  1. Dry way. This method is the most simple and popular. Many gardeners use salt shaker, special seed drills, mix dry seeds with sand. The disadvantages of this method are a large expenditure of seeds and the need to thin out densely planted shoots.
  2. Liquid method. The seeds are dissolved in the paste, which is poured into a teapot or a vessel with a narrow neck, and watered with a solution of the groove. Seeds are more evenly distributed in the liquid, they are consumed less. Cons - labor for the preparation of paste.
  3. Paper tape. On newsprint or toilet paper with a paste at a distance of 5 cm. Carrot seeds are glued. Such seedlings do not have to be thinned and they are easy to plant: the prepared ribbons with seeds must be put in the grooves and covered with earth. The minus is the laboriousness of the tape preparation process. On sale there are ready tapes.
  4. Coated Seeds can be purchased at garden stores. Dragee contains mineral fertilizer and carrot seed. Pros - ease of planting and further care. Cons - the high price compared to conventional seeds.
  5. Landing in the snow. In winter, barrels are filled with snow and stored in a cold room. Before planting, a thin layer of snow is poured into the groove, carrot seeds are spread from above and covered with earth. Snow at a positive temperature will melt quickly and will not prevent seed germination. The advantages of this method are the uniform distribution of seeds in the furrow, no need for thinning seedlings. Disadvantages - it is not always possible to prepare snow.

Care is the removal of weeds, thinning, watering, loosening and hilling.

Weeding.  Since carrots are characterized by slow germination, during this time many weeds grow. To prevent weeds from damping shoots, use joint plantings with onions, garlic, radishes, lettuce. These vegetable crops  carrots germinate and ripen earlier, as they grow, they are pulled out, freeing the place for growing carrots.

Thinning. Planting carrots at the right distance is not always easy, so you have to thin out it. Leave a spacing of 2 to 5 cm between shoots. Do not try to save excess carrots when thinning - such fruits will grow small and prevent the rest from growing.

Watering. Carrots need to be watered from a watering can 1-2 times a week. From the second half of the summer, watering should be reduced to once every two weeks.

Loosening. After watering, the ground must be pierced to ensure air access to the root crops and to prevent the formation of a crust.

Hilling.  It is necessary to carry out at the exposure of the tops - "shoulders", falling asleep them with earth. When the sun hits the root, the carrot will be bitter. Expose the upper part of the fruit can with improper watering, lack of moisture in the soil.

Fertilizers. On fertile land, carrots do not need additional feedings. All fertilizer is better to make in the fall, regardless of the period of planting. Enough one or two potash-phosphate dressing during the summer. Bring them in liquid form with a break of 2-3 weeks. It is not necessary to make mineral fertilizers a month before harvest.

  • To obtain your own carrot seeds, it should be noted that often self-grown seeds do not retain the characteristics of the mother plant. The planted variety may differ from the one from which the seeds were taken. When flowering, cover inflorescence with gauze to prevent cross-pollination.
  • With a long absence of watering, you should not drastically compensate for the lack of moisture - this can cause carrots to crack. Abundant watering in the second half of the summer may lead to the fact that during storage of carrots may begin to rot.
  • With an excess of nitrogen in the soil, carrots grow crooked, "bearded" and accumulate a lot of nitrates. Therefore, do not make it under manure and bird droppings.


See another interesting way to plant carrots in the video:

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