Onions on a feather growing house in the winter. Medicinal properties of onions. General rules of planting onions in the greenhouse soil.

Outside the window, everything is white from snow, and you have an oasis of spring on your window — a green onion. This is a supplier of vitamins that we lack so much in winter and early spring. This is a delicious addition to our dishes, which are fed up for the winter. And if you consider that green onions are grown by hand, then it becomes doubly healthier and tastier! In addition, the onion bed on your windowsill, spreading volatile, will save you from colds in the winter. The answer to the question of how to grow green onions at home lies in simple recommendations, observing that even the most inexperienced hostess will be able to grow green seasoning to her table.

Both when sowing and when sowing with seedlings or balloons, to get even rows, we can use a special marker to mark the beds or just stretch the thread and plant or sow along it. When buying seeds, seeds, or raw onions, it is good to know what variety it is, because the bulb onion varieties cannot tend to produce inflorescences. These include Sochachevskaya, Ravskaya, Volskaya and Fiesta. Onion varieties differ in taste, they are sharp and soft.

Onions with sweet and mild flavor are often called sugar onions  - usually it is white skin and white, juicy and tender flesh. There are also variations of colored, red or red-purple scales with white, creamy or white-red flesh. On the market gardening there are winter varieties of onions. If you want to grow winter onions, sown seeds in August, wet soil. To facilitate winter, it can be covered with agave. If winter is spring, spring will quickly start growing, and we can gather it with green onions up to a month earlier than spring onions and onions.

The most convenient place for growing green onions is, of course, the window sill of the kitchen window. Even better, it will be a south or east window. If the window sill is narrow, you can move the kitchen table to the window, on the third part of which you will find containers with onions, and use the rest for food.

How to grow green onions in winter?

In winter, daylight hours are short, so it will be good if you use light for growing green onions. To do this, you can use energy-saving lamps. It is necessary to turn them on in such a way that the general lighting, including natural, should be at least 12 hours.

However, since winters are very cold every few years, sometimes winter growing can be unreliable. We can also grow onions with spring onions. Weeds are a great threat to the onion from sowing, so if we decide to grow it, we should take care of regular weed control, especially in the first period of its growth. There are far fewer problems - weeds when growing onions with a source of onions, but it is also useful to shred beds with mace or claws sometimes.

Soil fallout is useful for growing bulbs, especially when grown on compressed soils, because the overlying soil prevents air and water from entering the root zone of the plant from precipitation. Washing the intercostal space, preferably with a cultivator, also destroys the weeds. This treatment is especially important in early spring, when the onion winter grows. Because of the shallow root system, the onion is sensitive to water deficiency in the soil during each growth period. He likes moist soil, so you need to take care of her regular watering, paying attention not to soaking the plants, because it contributes to the development of diseases and pests.

To grow green onions on the windowsill, you can use regular soil, sand, peat, or even sawdust. For irrigation it is necessary to use separated water at room temperature. The air temperature should be about 20 degrees. For the cultivation of green onions will require wooden or plastic containers with a height of 10 cm.

Memo how to grow green onions

Here is step-by-step instruction, on which you can grow onions on your own windowsill:

Planting, lighting and care

Soil moisture can be monitored using a moisture meter. Onions belong to vegetables with average nutrient requirements. However, due to the poorly developed root system and its poorly introduced system, the nutrient content in the soil is poorly used, so it is necessary to enrich the soil with nutrients to a greater extent than the actual nutritional requirements of onions.

Best for onions 6, 5-7. Measure them well with an acid meter and acidify or acidify as needed. Soils with a pH below pH 6,0 should be acidified by liming. However, this should not be limited at the same time as manure fertilizer, as this leads to rapid mineralization of manure and loss of nitrogen from the soil.

To sprouts of green onions appeared earlier, you can put a container with bulbs higher, where the air will be warmer. When the first shoots appear, the container must be returned to the window sill. If you plant the bulbs close to each other and cut the green feather in turn, you can get a real bed of green onions. After you have cut off the green feather of a bow, the bulbs themselves should be thrown away, and new ones should be planted in their place. Thus, periodically changing the bulbs, you can always have green vitamins on your table.

Manure, composted - onions, which we plant in the first or second year after manure dried or granulated compost. Applying them, it is good to know the content of nutrients in the soil. For this - chemical analysis of the soil. Onions are plant sensitive to chlorine, therefore fertilizers that do not contain chlorides are fertilized. It does not contain sulfur, therefore it is preferable to use sulfur-containing fertilizers.

Onions are harvested when more than half of the onions on the plants on the bed are folded. You can pull it by hand or lightly with a fork with forks. Harvest is better not to linger, because it can significantly reduce storage time. It is best to collect onions on sunny, sunny days so that it can be soaked with fresh air. If there is good weather, we can break the onions for several days in the garden, we can also dry it in openwork boxes or lose it in a spacious place. We only cut the chisel when the onions are dry.


How to grow houses green onions in winter

In winter, our body especially needs vitamins found in fresh vegetables, fruits and greens. It goes without saying that vegetables and fruits do not grow in winter, but green onions can be grown at home. Despite the fact that many housewives are wondering how to grow green onions at home, it is quite simple to do this.

A well-dried onion must be firm, and thin paper skin must be firm and firm over the entire surface of the head. Choosing bulbs for storage, we discard those who have visible damage. We store it in a cool and dry room, located in boxes, hung in a net or braided into braids.

Onions can be attacked by various diseases and pests. To limit their appearance, use a vegetable garden shift or harvest coordination. If it still appears in our factories, we can use various natural and chemical preparations, always having in mind strict adherence to labels. Diseases and pests most common onions.

By the middle of winter, stored at home onion  starts to sprout by itself. If you do not notice this process in time, the bulb will start to rot, and then it will spoil other good bulbs. From such sprouted bulbs you can get a good harvest of fresh green onions.

There are several simple ways to grow green onions at home on a windowsill in winter. Two of them are presented below.

Rotten seedlings white rot rot rot rot white rot rot powdery mildew rot rot onion onion alternative to onion rotary yellow onion dwarf yellow dwarf. Cucumber cucumber cucumber cucumber cucumber cucumber cucumber cucumber cucumber cucumber cucumber cucumber. In addition to the most famous traditional onion varieties, there are many interesting types of bulbs that we can also grow in our gardens. They can become attractive in our kitchen, especially since they are easy to cultivate.

How to grow onions on greens in the greenhouse

When planting for the first time, we prepare seedlings. When in the following years we want to rejuvenate seven years, we will split bunches of bulbs, and in early spring we plant a new place, again for several years. A seven-year-old man has onion-like soil and food requirements, but is more resistant to low temperatures, so he can winter in the ground without covering.

The first method of growing green onions

Wrap a plastic bottle with a thin layer of cotton. String the bulbs of a small size, like beads, onto a strong thread, and then wrap the bottle around them, leaving no gaps. Attach one end of the thread to the bottom of the bottle, and the other to the neck. The roots of the bulbs should touch the cotton pad. A bottle of onions should be soaked for a couple of hours in warm water, and then put it in a small bowl of water. Add water daily.

We grow onions for seven years onions, which we can collect throughout the growing season. As a seven year old, it is a permanent plant. Creates nests of shallow onions, usually brown. Resists frost and can winter in the ground, spring quickly gives a green, tasty onion. Usually, however, shallots are pulled during the season and the bulbs are eaten. It has a much milder taste than onions, although there are sharp varieties. Shallots have onion-like soil and food requirements.

How to grow onions at home

In July, the leaves of shallots are dry, then we dug shallots, we can soak and store them as onions. Smaller bulbs can be set aside for planting next year. We can leave the soil for spring bows. This plant does not create a single onion, only a cluster of several or more than a dozen bulbs of different sizes. It has less soil requirements than a bow, extends to every soil. It is planted in the fall or spring. Reproduced only vegetatively, with small bulbs. Autumn potatoes planted at the end of July were planted in spring - in August.

The second method of growing green onions

Place an empty plastic bottle horizontally, cut openings to fit the size of the bulbs. Pour water into a bottle and put onions in the holes. It is recommended to grow green onions in southeast, southwest or south windows. Instead of a plastic bottle, you can use plastic egg containers with ready-made cells for onions.

The selected onion is usually eaten on the fly, but you can also save it and part of it for the next landing. It is added as a seasoning and is well suited to preserve the whole. It is a resistant plant, it multiplies from small bulbs growing on the mother onion. Requirements are like a bow. We collect it in August next year. Lamps are poorly preserved and should be used immediately after harvest.

How to prepare planting material for growing green onions at home

Some of the thinner bulbs can be planted immediately on next year. Not yet widespread, rarely cultivated in Poland, only amateur. Long-term, has requirements similar to the bow, but is resistant to frost and does not cause problems with wintering in the soil. In one place can grow several years. The bulbs are small, dark red and purple, forming clusters of several dozen pieces. On this land, leaves and inflorescences fall out. In the upper part of these shoots, except for flowers, small onion bulbs are formed, and two or three more floors are raised - hence the name of the onion.


Growing onions in water. Bulb preparation

  Hello, dear friends!

Spring has not yet spoiled enough heat for planting greenery in open ground. Far from everyone has greenhouses and hotbeds, and their maintenance is very laborious, so many people chase the spring onions at home in ordinary water in pursuit of the first spring vitamins. For this purpose, there are special boxes in wide sale; they are convenient and easy to use.

To eat as needed chopped green onions, there are also large onions underground and less peak. We dig underground bulbs in the fall, picking up the peak after coughing. The latter also serve for landing. Multiply onion plant in spring or autumn. When onions grow shoots, they need to be tied to the stakes, because they are easily tipped over.

You can have access to them all year round, and we are not going to continue to buy

It is worth remembering in the daily diet. Doesn't it look appetizing? Onions can be planted in a larger pot filled with soil. Because there are more of them - you will always have chisel resources to use. How else can you grow onions in fresh onions.

However, there are many simple, but not obvious secrets. growing onions in water  on the greens, which I share from my own many years of experience of such cultivation. Immediately make a reservation: we are not talking about hydroponics, nutrient solutions and growing onions from seeds, but only about the usual forcing out of the bulbs. In this article, we will consider in detail only the preparation of the bulbs for forcing.

Sowing care

The minimalist option is to pour water into a jar, glass or other glass container and put a bow on it - make sure that the bow is submerged in water only from the bottom, not too deep in the water. This will make it capable of drawing water — it will release the leaves — and at the same time it will not start to rot. artistic and functional option - to prepare a large plastic bottle of mineral water - cut off the upper part so that it can be filled with soil.

  • Cut small holes in the cylinder.
  • Put the earth in the cylinder - knead it.
  • Cut the small holes in the cylinder - put a small bow in them.
The onion is still in the shadow of the popular onion.

Sometimes you can meet the advice to make a few punctures around the growth point on the bulb (this is around its top) in order to let the air through and wake up the growth point. There is a rational grain in it, if your plantings are calculated in several dozens of bulbs, then it is worth making. It is also very desirable to stand onions in a warm and humid place for a couple of days before planting directly in the water.

Balloon aroma is much sweeter and more delicate, and young onions growing out of it can additionally serve as a spice for many dishes. The balloon cylinder is a variant of the Amaryllis family. The botanical name of this plant is garlic onions, but it is usually called spring onions or simply spring onions. The average representative is different in size and taste. During the two-year vegetation during the first 12 months, the plant produces a repository - a thin edible onion, called a head. This part is spherical or rhomboid.

A young, small onion head is just a balloon. It is white or light yellow. At its base is obtained heel - stem. From it grow leaves and roots of a novice. During the first growing season they fall, instead of them new ones grow - with protective scales, followed by inner leaves, which are aimed at stockpiling. These leaflets are presented in the form of well-known edible onions. The balloon is most often used for the so-called. However, the “correct” onion planting is equally desirable in order to eat it in the spring in the form of novelty.

For example, a battery, well sprinkling it with water from time to time. Make sure that the onions do not dry out, do not choke in a closed package and do not get very hot. If everything is done correctly, the roots will appear very quickly in the bulbs, because there is enough moisture, and the access of air is even better than subsequently in water. Handle these roots carefully for all further manipulations with the bow.

It is often advised to peel an onion before germination. Do not do this. Onions prepared in this way usually grow worse, and feathers are often defective (twisted, pale yellow). Husk protects even a growing bulb from drying out, disease, mold, dirt, excessive light getting where it is detrimental to growth.

Just as often advised to soak onions in warm or even hot water (50-60 degrees) for from six hours to days. In my experience, it does not give any noticeable result in the form of accelerated germination of bulbs, but only adds a lot of unnecessary fuss. And it is absolutely impossible to soak the already sprouted onions, since the green feathers that need to be hooked need air and light, not hot water procedures.

So if you still soak it, then carefully separate the sprouted bulbs from the still “sleeping” ones, and make the water temperature just a little higher than room temperature. Many fertilizers also indicate that they accelerate the awakening of seeds and bulbs when added to water for soaking. Having tried many similar tools, I did not observe any noticeable effect, so don’t waste your money.

But you need to trim the neck of the bulb. But be careful not to cut the sprouts, feel them before cutting. A dry tail sticking up from the top of the bulb should be carefully folded to the side, in the place of the bend (where the hard one begins) and the possible sprout inside will end.

However, if you accidentally cut a sprout or part of it, do not worry. Feathers will sprout anyway, just this process will take a little longer. In any case, cut the bulb immediately before planting, and not before soaking or any other preparatory procedures.

Conducting growing onions in water, on your spring table there will always be the purest and most fresh vitamin greens.

How to carry out forcing of green onions read HERE

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How to plant a bow at home? So that green feathers grow?


You can just in a glass of water. Yes, and in the bulb no less vitamins


i never planted anywhere ...
  I just forgot about him and he sprouted himself in his bag))))))))))


just take a larger bulb and drop it into a jar with a water bottle, the feathers will be gone in five days and you can cut it all the time


In a small jar with a narrow neck, so that only the roots touched the water. Water change once a day 4. Sprouts quickly.

Wonderful zanuda

They put in water, the current of the midges appear. This is a minus, and it is growing well !!

saniya baskacova

  You don’t know such things. In short, take the onion and the jar in a jar of cold water from the tap, pour in and put the onion in there and in 4-5 days the greenfinch will trample))

*** GRAY ***

i can advise how to plant at home cannabis - smoke and not green feathers, and green men jump :))


pour water into a glass, from where the feathers grow cut and whether it is cut down and inserted in the glass with its roots down, we have the floor of the window sill


In a glass of water, plant an onion (so that only the spine is in the water) - you will have feathers.

Tatyana Muri

put the bulbs in jars of water (so that the roots were in the water) and add water. Bow will give feathers


Pour water into a glass, take a large onion and drop it a third into the water. After 2 days, the roots appear, and after a week you can cut the greens. Just do not forget to add water.

anon anon

Buy in the store onions, pour water into a mayonnaise jar and put the onion on top so that the bottom of the bulb sinks into the water (only the tip of the onion), if the onion is smaller than the jar, then cut out a round cardboard from cardboard. The onion will rather quickly take root, and green feathers will appear on top.


Dial a glass of water and cover with a bulb. And wait. Chives will appear very, very soon. You can stick a bulb in a flower pot in which the flower grows. Next stick.

Inna Iosifovna

Cut holes in the cardboard box under each bulb, pour water into a low bowl (up to the cardboard).
  Each onion cut a little above, put them on the holes to the water. The roots will go below, and the feathers will begin to grow around the perimeter of the cut.


with the children recently planted onions in the garden. Cut the bottom and top of the bulb, sprouted after 3 days in a glass of water .. GOOD LUCK


It depends on how much onion is needed. Can be in any plastic ( better trees. box) put the box of land (sold in the store), stick bulbs larger, about half so they stuck and watered. Every day you will be happy! By the way, spring is a great source of vitamins!

Green onions - common and healthy herbs on the table. It is especially useful for flu and cold. You can grow green onions, even out of season. Special skills are not required, the main thing is to provide the necessary conditions for the bow.

Preparing for landing

Must be properly prepared planting material. For planting, you can use onions grown in the beds or buy in the store. It is recommended to use multi-seed varieties: Strigunovsky, Timiryazevsky, Arzamas, Soyuz, etc. The bulb size should be 2-3 cm.

It should be healthy without signs of rot and damage. When buying it is recommended to choose medium-sized, beginning to germinate. Selected bulbs put in hot water and put on the battery for a day. You can then remove the upper brown layer and the damaged areas.

Immediately before landing, cut off the top. You can choose any kind of planting container: wooden boxes, flower pots, cardboard boxes, glass jars. The depth of the tank should be about 10 cm. Holes must be made in the tank to drain excess water.

Buy should be liquid fertilizers intended for plants in the aquatic environment. For the cultivation of green onions can attach children. This fascinating process will bring a lot of positive emotions to both adults and children.

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